
The ATs

A seventeen year old boy by the name of Migo and his close friend Sarah discovered a subterranean word underneath the small town of Little Darth.

Demenssion_8888 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

It's “ Migo”,

The Dino bird shook me off and I found myself crush landing into the living room. Marcus used his pickaxe to injure it's leg and his climbing wire to close it's jaws shut. " Migo! are you okay!", he asked as he struggled to keep the giant bird at bay.

Our house was not the place to be. Marcus tried his level best to hold it down, but the beast overpowered him and set it's self free. At that very moment I froze, my body couldn't move, Marcus was stronger than I was and yet it just put him down so quickly.

It slowly stocked me with cold black and red eyes locked onto my every movement...I slowly got to my knees as it whistled out a beautiful melody. It should so soothing it relaxed my body and calmed my nerves, within a few seconds I had completely forgotten about the situation at hand and my mind was at piece.

All I could think about was Itarogon's mouth watering turkey dish served with some of that unbelievable gravy...it was going to be the best meal I had eaten in a while, but none of it was really because Mom and Dad weren't in the house anymore.


The Dino bird suddenly lost focus on playing it's song and it was all thanks to the large amount of smoke in the room. " If you want to stop a singer from making noise , cut off there oxygen supply. Don't worry about it you guys, this isn't enough to cause anything serious damage", Itarogon said as stood by the entrance of the door war holding lit torch.

The smoke from the torch wasn't what surprised me, it was the fact that Itarogon just stood there observing while we were toe to toe with the jaws of death.

The beast rampaged though the entire room, before ending up in the basement Itarogon, Marcus and I followed it with lots of restraints. We cornered it... with on other way out the bird resulted in one last desperate move. It sucked in the smoke before letting out one powerful scream!

It was so loud that the entire house rocked and all the glass and silicon objects within the area shattered. My skull felt like it was going to explode, we all graveled in pain and agony...my mind had reached it's limit and shut down.

Cold fingers, bloody nose and ears and the world's worst headache...I laid completely powerless in the in my bed, seated besides me on a chair was Marcus with tissues up he's noise and ears. The door was blocked by a closet...it took me a while to realize the noise on the other side.

" Your awake, that's good I thought we actually lost you. Listen Itarogon and I searched the hall house...we couldn't find Mom and Dad. There belongings were all intact so they couldn't have left.

We think that Dino Bird got them or something...", " "Alpha-at!", I said as if I knew that was it's name. " What ever the heck it is, it called for backup and now the entire house if full of Monsters! But heed my words I'll never rest until I get Mom and Dad back!". Marcus said.