
The ATs

A seventeen year old boy by the name of Migo and his close friend Sarah discovered a subterranean word underneath the small town of Little Darth.

Demenssion_8888 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Finally “Marcus”,

Why did it have to end this way...

Kate got injured and now I'm making things ten times worse, Itarogon has nothing to do with this. it's all my fault we're going to die here. Because of me, I thought to myself.

" MARCUS DON'T!" both of my brothers yelled at me, before the King grabbed the blade of the Axe. All the damage it sustained was repaired in an instant... With it's left hand it aimed to separate my arm from the Axe, but a blast of wind sent it away from me.

" YOU IDIOT! WE WHERE SO CLOSE TO BEATING HIM! WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING! fighting it alone is impossible. We need to work together", Itarogon said before the At King jumped us again and with another powerful wind thrust he was sent backwards.

' So I guess Migo and Itarogon need to take it down by means of slicing and burning...and I couldn't rush to help Kate because they need me here. I hate this place' I monologued.

The King roared before rushing after us, Itarogon aimed the wind thrust backwards and used it to create some kind of jet propulsion Cannon that enabled him to destroy the King's palm with one slash, but the attack didn't end there because he changed direction in mind air and rushed back to finish off the arm .

Migo took one leap forward before spinning like a top creating a beautiful pattern of purple rings that got ride to chopped off limbs. My brothers were incredible... how did they become this strong in such a short time, all I've been doing is simply complaining and thinking I'm the best for some reason.

I have to find an opening quick! Itarogon sliced though it's other arm, knees shoulder blade, feet neck which all built up to both and Migo going through his chest, as Migo went through he sent his charged up energy back towards it's chest. I raised my axe and sent an arc directly at the At King to distract him...he reached out using his beard and absorbed the energy completely unaware that he had just scaled an atomic blast in his body.

The At King's body exploded in a distractive cloud of purple frames! My body dropped from the relief, we had finally silence the primary threat. Itarogon and Migo we're catching there breath...so I didn't worry much about them, but as for Kate; the At King's palm was too deep to just pull out, plus I feared using the REFORESTYER to heal her might cause an unwanted enemy to return.

" Come on, let me have a look I'm sure she'll be fine", Itarogon said, but he really just got my nerves. The Axe glowed a bright green before I gave in to it's power, the suit of armor that plated me earlier reappeared. Voices whispered into my ear telling me unleash all of my rage on the one person I'm envious of, Itarogon.

I swan the axe upwards and hundreds upon hundreds of giant tree roots burst out of the ground. The Landscape was slowly getting destroyed by the second, my final wish was for all three of us to leave this world alone with Kate. Unfortunately for me the one weapon that could fully counter my own was still with Migo.

As the roots grew almost all of the layer was gone in a flash, " Brothers! Why do resist... don't you see this is our destiny, if we do head back up to the surface...our lives won't change, where going to be poor and helpless for as long as we breath. These people won't believe that we save there lives. We won't be looked at as hero's, WHERE COMPLETE NOBODIES! DON'T YOU GET IT!", " WHO CARES IF WE ARE COMPLETE NOBODIES! We never did any of this to be praised! You of all people should know that. Or have you forgotten that Mom and Dad are missing!

We've risked our lives and gone though hell and your still only thinking about yourself. Marcus you've disappointed me, I don't even know if I can call you my brother any more", Migo said and hearing him saying that was way more painful than any injury.