
The ATs

A seventeen year old boy by the name of Migo and his close friend Sarah discovered a subterranean word underneath the small town of Little Darth.

Demenssion_8888 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Over “ Itarogon”,

Migo's body burst with purple frames and a purple suit of armor plated him body. He rushed after Marcus with eyes as black as midnight. With a powerful slash he sent an arc of distractive energy at him and once it came in contact with the amor it caused an intense electromagnetic repulsion that forced everything backwards.

This was not good.

The second we take out the bid bag another problem arises from the depths. My number one priority has to be getting those two to calm down, but that would obvious need me to figure out what would calm both of them down. Marcus jumped out of the calamity spinning his axe.

I whistled for Blackout and he dropped from the cave top, using the wind trust I propelled myself onto his back we blasted the space between them with our explosive spines. I jumped off the Rabat's back holding the Bone blade in my right and the Wind thrust Blade in my left... Marcus rushed me from the back left with his axe ready to strike, but with the crossing of my two blades I blocked it.

With my foot to his chest I pushed him back, using the wind trust I tried to send him flying with a wind blast by forcing the tip towards him, but he erected a tree that caused him to bounce right back and clash into my blades with triple the impact.

' It started to feel like a really deadly battle, Marcus holding back against me? Your right... he's always had hatred towards me, all because I forced him to compete with me'.

Migo burst out of the roots and sent a distractive arc of energy at me...I used the thrust to barely get out of there. My right shoulder took the hit and from our first two blade clashes, the Bone blade slowly crumbled away.

'Was I doing the right thing? Giving my brothers something to fight for or maybe I just enjoyed stepping on there heads... simply by being the best'.

Marcus landed a punch to my back and a kick to the left side of my face. It hurt, but I pushed him away with a wind blast...Migo used this to his advantage and stabbed me in the back.

'Am I really just doing all of this for status...I'm not inspiring anyone ...my brothers'.

Marcus raised his axe to the sky ready to drop in.... Migo swan the blade at full force! And I let go of my weapons because I didn't deserve to be there guardian. I was just a kid, just like them...I smiled in my last seconds before they both clashed blades right inside me.

Boy did it hurt like hell. I feared that my body would get splattered everywhere, but everything just went black.

Glory be to the father that resides in heaven, I await my judgement as a sinner from earth, do with me what needs to be done and I'll accept my fate. Amen.

My eyes flashed and lungs took in a large amount of air. " Am I alive! Did Marcus and Migo save me...wait where am I", I said as I got up in a bed wearing a blue and white hospital rob/apron. I was unfamiliar with the room that was twice as big as my own and it was made of garnished wood through out it's surfaces.

There was a fresh pair of clothes besides me and a letter that told me to get dressed and head out. I didn't what the note said and the clothes were more my style to be honest, a little touch of that mid 1800s swag.

I headed out of the room and It slowly became clear that I was very far way from home... I entered what seemed to be a lobby where Marcus and Migo we're standing. They noticed me and trembled in fear... I got closer because they had both killed me! I raised my hands and hugged both of them.

My eyes couldn't help, but let my tears out..." Your both some serious sap brains, you know that...I'm sorry for always being such a drag... could you please forgive me! I'll try to be a better brother", I cried, but then Marcus said " What are you talking about, your the best brother we could ask for! If you had to change even one thing about yourself I'd be really really mad at you", " He's right Itarogon your such an awesome big brother, I see you as the pinochle of what I should fight to be. Plus I hope you didn't forget what you told me 'you really aren't making it easy for us'.

And know that we're back together we can be a family again", Migo said and it kinda confused me a little, before I looked forward and saw Mom and Dad waving at me.