

The Imperial Dragon Corps was devasted, but they still have a reserved three thousand-strong army who were unharmed. They have gone too far for any hesitation now. The only way is to change battle formations immediately.

He would have the three thousand men separate and flank the castle from two fronts to create a diversion as the rest would catch their breaths and attack from the front to finish this once and for all.

He looked back at his army and saw them scattered all over the place. The golden colour on the floor outweighed the blue colours y a very wide margin. Out of his ten thousand men army, only a little above six thousand remained.

The annoying part was that the enemy only lost a few hundred men. How can their most respected Imperial Dragon Corps have been beaten like a story dog without an owner?

When have they ever suffered like this? Even when they faced off against the Blue Flame Empire, they suffered some level of defeat and casualties but it wasn't to this proportion.

Back then they had seemed to be evenly matched. But now they who have trained with the best resources the capital has were beaten blue and black. At this point, only a resounding victory would be able to wash away this shame and the face they had lost.

He therefore no longer hesitate and gave the order to flank the Blue Flame palace. His three thousand men acknowledged the order and began manoeuvring to hold position when the sky darkened suddenly.

The spear-like arrows, the Dragon Fangs they had lost control over earlier were turned against them. The more horrifying thing was that the arrows that they shot out were also reversed back at them.

Before the three thousand men could react, streaks of thunderbolts as thick as a man's thigh struck down from the darkened sky and the Dragon Fangs and metal tips of their arrows acted as conductors.

They all fell in rapid succession as the field was turned into one with an electric storm where arrows were being flung down with unimaginable speed. The Dragon Fangs exploded upon impacting the ground.

All those who got pierced exploded into pieces as others also got pinned down by arrows and electrocuted. The whole place became a field of lightning and thunderbolts. It was so spectacular that the dusking skyline became as bright as noon.

If not for the pitiful wails of the dying men, this scene would have been breathtaking. Regardless, many spectators were still transfixed and slack-jawed at how beautiful the scene playing out in front of them was.

The General was finally shocked out of his wit this time around. He stood there with his mouth wide open as he watched as his men got bl apart or electrocuted into fried burnt meat.

For a few moments, he even forgot to breathe. He just stood there stunned and motionless. He was as if he had lost his soul and become a puppet.

The rest of the soldiers from the Imperial Dragon Corps did not fare any better. They were frightened out of their minds. The Imperial Dragon Corps are said to know no fear.

But at this moment, seeing their comrade's pitiful end had rendered them shaking in their boots. Some even began to harbour the thought of running away. But the result of deserting a battle deterred them from doing so.

But frightened to the core of their soul there were right now. Who would have thought that their most earth-shattering defeat would be in their home base?

After their glorious victories over the cause over ten thousand years. Yet today they have met a resounding defeat after defeat in the Golden City of all places. How do they return from this??

After thirty whole minutes, the lightning storm finally stopped. There was nothing left on the battlefield but, corroded armour. All flesh had long been turned into ash.

Both the three thousand and those who have fallen before then had turned to ash and returned to the ground. Everyone who saw the aftermath felt their skin crawling.

What sort of power is this? Indeed a wounded dragon is still a dragon after all. And the spotted Vermillion bird would never lose its spot. Who would have guessed that the defeated Blur Flame Empire of twenty years back would have this much strength still left?

They had indeed hidden themselves well and bidder their time in patience. Everyone who knew of the enmity between this particular stallion of the Imperial Dragon Corps and the Blue Flame Empire all had this thought.

Revenge is indeed a dish best-served cold. Back then, the imperial dragon core had still gone ahead to slaughter the rest of the Blue Glame Monarch army even after they had surrendered under the rule of the Black Dragon Empires' authority.

They were poisoned and later slaughtered in the middle of the night. A hundred thousand men were laid to waste within one night. Only this with the Empress in the Blue Flame palace was saved.

That was the beginning of the feud between the Bleu Flame Empress and his Lord husband whom she surrendered to and was forced to marry to form a political alignment through marriage.

She was then pregnant with her only son, the Fourth Prince Zi Longxie. She had resigned herself to her fate and believed that by being a good wife to the Black Dragon Empire she would have protected her citizens from calamity.

If she had shown her sincerity to the emperor, he would spare her people. But alas she was mistaken. He still had gone ahead to eradicate her army. He did it to serve as a deterrent to anyone who might harbour the idea of rebelling.

He might have succeeded back then, but he has also made an enemy of his second Imperial consort Chu Chuyan, the Ice Maiden. From that then on she changed her name back to The BlueFlame Empress.

She had also vowed never to see the emperor in her lifetime. She had also stealthy trained herself and her men to avenge their fathers and uncles who were slaughtered in injustice.

This hatred had been the fuel to them and they rose within the ranks quickly and became the strong army they are in exile. For fifteen years the Emperor had stayed away thinking he had gotten all the benefits he could.

He had taken her blood essence which enabled him to rise to another rank in cultivation to become the strongest cultivator in the Divine Domain. A peak-level Sword Emperor realm cultivator.

Little did he know that there were secret methods to hide the blood essence of the Blue Flame royal family. Now the truth would be revealed by the outcome of this battle.

That was why they were prepared to fight to the death. This is also why they had spent twenty years digging the tunnel for their people to escape and ensure that the Empire lives on.

Back to the battle, the Blue Flame Empress did not give the opposing army the chance to recover as she sent the Phoenix avatar to sweep across the battlefield to devour the rest of the army.

This was an easy feat as they were already injured after a brief struggle on ten middle peak Sword sovereigns captains remain on the battlefield. The rest of the ten thousand men they brought were all turned to ashes.

The Blue Flame Empress stood atop the castle as lightning could be seen flickering around her. She stood there aloof and unconcerned by the things happening below.

A good look at her and one would find the fourth Prince's aloof and otherworldly personality was inherited from her. She fat back down on her throne, as her soldiers catch their breath and took pills to heal their injuries.

On the battlefield, the bewildered captains and the general stood looking at the castle with anger written on their very being. How could they lose this devastatingly?

This is a shame that only defeating the enemy or death could erase. They all held their sword and challenged the Blue Flame palace through their demeanour and actions.

But who would send Spirit Realm cultivators to fight a dozen of Sword Sovereign Realm cultivators? Even a thousand of them would be eradicated without any suspense. Of course, they might cause some damage should they use unified techniques and battle formations.

But defeat would still be a matter of time. This taunt requires the release of Sword sovereigns to do battle. They are outnumbered two to one in this case. Not to talk of the Quasi Sword Emperor Realm general.

Everyone watching knew the battle about to follow would be an earth-shattering one. Eleven Sword Sovereign Realm cultivators against six. Can the Blue Flame palace still replicate the miracle they had wrought earlier?

Or this would be their end.

Kashsenams thought

Hi guys more votes and spirit stone, please.