

The ten Dragon captains and the Dragon general as there were known were the only ones left standing in front of the Blue Flame Palace. The fallen Imperial dragon corps didn't even have a body left to bury.

Everything including their armour and whatever treasures they might have carried with them had been turned into ashes. The only evidence of the thirty-two hours of battle was the destruction caused to the vegetation and the molten but solidifying golden pavement.

Now the Dragon Fang was lodged into the molten gold-covered floor and as it solidified, they were stuck into the ground. This painted an epicritic scene. This might be the only monument to commemorate the fallen for a long time to come.

As the remaining soldiers of the Imperial Dragon Corps stood and took in the scene, they couldn't help but shudder at the huge loss and almost eradication they face.

Their hearts were filled with pain for their fallen brothers. They had trained, are, fought and lived together for many thousand years now. They were as old as the Black Dragon Empire itself.

Of course, many have fallen in battle countless times, but never had it gotten to this heart-wrenching and devastating level. The most painful aspect was that they had all their without a corpse to create and palace in the memorial hall.

This dismay and anger turned into anger and fury, they looked at the soldiers atop the BlueFlame castle and their fury burned deep within them and boiled over.

They had to avenge their brothers and wash away this shame with the blood of the enemy. With this resolve, they charged towards the Blue Flame palace. Ten Peak is a level Sword Sovereign realm cultivator and a quasi-Sword Emperor realm cultivator.

Their aura exploded as the. Charged towards the Blue Flame Palace, since they all cultivated the same techniques, their sword intent and sword qi gave off a uniformed crimson red colour.

And everything within a two-hundred metres radius around them was devastated by their boundless sword qi, and sword intent and their movement are further boosted by their boundless yuan qi.

A thousand flying swords each were released from every one of them. Sword Sovereign realm cultivators can control a thousand flying swords or daggers each. Because of their boundless sword qi and spirit energy.

As for the Quasi Sword Emperor realm General he was able to control a hundred thousand flying swords by himself. If he were a full Sword Sovereign he would have been capable of controlling a million flying swords.

So hundred and ten thousand flying swords flew ahead of them towards the Blue Flame Palace and its soldiers. The magnitude of flying swords was enough to block out the midday sun.

From afar and from the humming sounds these flying daggers emitted one would have thought a huge swarm of locusts were descending upon the Blue Flame palace.


On the battleship, it was getting to midday and the speed of the flying ship had reduced to a leisurely cruising level. Almost all the students were on the deck enjoying the scenery and chatting among themselves.

After the party two days ago everyone had slept for almost one and a half days. It was a long time since they had slept. Cultivators can go months without sleeping or eating.

Before the tournament, everyone was busy preparing for months without rest. And during the tournament, they still had no sleep since they were anxious and they had to take part in com.bat

They also had to watch other fights to study their next opponent, thus when everything had cooled. They had let themselves go and slept like logs for almost two days.

The fourth Prince was still sleeping, he had gone through much more than most of the other students on the vessel and needed to rest for his internal injuries to heal properly and also to regain some spiritual energy.

This is the terrible battle that was ongoing and his mother was fighting and defending his maternal lineage, he was asleep on a vessel dreaming about the new status of Xantian King he had achieved for himself.

The elders in charge of the convoy had already received news from the academy about all that was happening. While the student were asleep, they had steered the vessel on another course.

In order to prevent the fourth Prince from doing anything rush should they get to the capital early. They took a detour that would take them twice the time to get to the Imperial city.

This course also takes them straight to the academy. They believe since the academy is supposed to remain neutral, the outcome if this do called rebellion wouldn't affect the fourth Prince.

So there were doing everything to delay their arrival for the battle to end and also to directly give the fourth Prince a safe please to either the storm that was already devastating the capital.


In the Golden Dragon Palace, the emperor had just received a report from the battle field. There was no visible change on his otherwise divine countenece. But those who were close to him and knew him could feel the coldness leaking out of his aura.

He was of course furious inside, his could he not be? His Imperial Dragon Corp that he had groomed with massive amount of resources and trained to perfection for over a ten thousand years had just been eradicated.

He had millions of soldiers at his beck and call , but the imperial Dragon Corps was a contingent he personally groomed. They were his personal weapon which he unleashes when the time and need arise to assert his unchallengeable mandate and authority.

The number of time a they were defeated can be counted on one hand. Their last defeat was nine thousand years ago. Since then, they had been his unstoppable right arm. An army that sends shivers down the enemy's spine and causes them to shake in their boots.

His Imperial Dragon Corps who instill fear into their opponents causing then to loose the will to fight and surrender or flee. The Imperial Dragon Corps who were the masscarers were today masacared.

He signed, and signal the eunich to kneel for an edict. After he wrote for some time he handed the scroll over to the eunich and stood up and left the throne room.

His special advisor quickly followed him to reassure him." His imperial majesty, this humble lowly one believes that all hope is not lost for the dragon corps yet".

The Emperor paused in the passage way and turned to look at his friend and confidant. The head of the Lou family. The largest clan in the current Black Dragon Empire.

Clan Leader Lou, had being his most trusted confident for many thousands of years now. He trust in his judgement as much as he trusted in his own judgement. That is why he always listen to him and both of them are always together.

"What makes you think so dear friend"? The Emperor asked Clan leader Lou.

"Because the dragon Generel who is a quasi- Sword emperor realm and his ten peak mid level Sword Sovereign realm cultivators have not fallen yet. Your majesty" he replied with a slight bow.

" Supposing the other side dies not have any men who are able to match them. Then there might still be hope. But they are not all that I have. No need to worry old friend. Come have to with me" the emperor replied with confidence and majesty oozing from him.

They both left and the minister in the hall could now break into an uproar and register their displeasure. They had been held back at the Golden Palace for almost three days.

They argued with themselves, the Blue Flame loyalist were anxious as the Black Dragon empire loyalist were finding ways to abuse and accuse them. The eunich who just received the edict had run out a while back.

Attached to the edict was the Black Dragon military edict, that can summon a special death squared trained by the emperor after he ascended as a Sword Emperor. This was the cruelly invisible and unstoppable army .


On the battle field the flying swords had stopped about three hundred miles away from the Blue Flame palace as a curtain of flame could be seen forming an impregnatable wall.

This wall had successfully stopped the. Hundred and ten thousand flying words. There were loud destination and loud scraping noises as both side tried to out do the other part.

Both didn't we're angry and out for revenge. Their furious clash had become a stalemate. Who wins this battle.