

As the dragon Fang was released, in the Imperial palace a eunuch was seen running into the throne room. He quickly knelt before the imperial dais and stretched out his hands presenting a scroll.

The Emperor's attendant quickly moved in to take the scroll and knelt before the Emperor to present it to him. After the scroll was opened, the Emperor had a slight smile on his face.

It was a report on the battle, it was going according to plan, and finally what he always wanted would be his. That woman was too arrogant and would not bow her head without this taking place.

Soon enough he would be the Lord of this whole Divine Domain. Once he gets his hand on that item coupled with her blood essence and his son's blood essence and potential.

Who can stand in his way once he ascends to become the Only Sword Sovereign Emperor? That lofty stage of cultivation superseded the other realms. He would become a God unto all existences in the Divine Domain.

He quickly closed the scroll and handed another one to the eunuch who then handed it to the first messenger who then run out of the palace to convey the message.

All this unfolded before all the officials that are being indirectly detained in the throne room. They could only look on with displeasure on their faces. Those from the original smaller Dragon Empire did not care much about what was happening.

But those who were inducted after the Blue Flame Empire's defeat and were deep down loyal to the Blue Flame palace were beginning to worry. If the Blue Flame Palace is destroyed, then all hopes of their beloved Blue Flame empire rising from the ashes to soar through the Divine Domain once more would be crushed.

How long could they continue to be reduced from first-class officials to vassal officials under the current Emperor? The only position they can hold was deputies, while they contribute more taxes and levies meant to weaken them.

They looked at each other's faces and could only see the despair they felt being reflected in them. They could only hope and pray that things wouldn't go out of hand too much, that it would warrant the destruction of the Royal clan.

The Emperor saw all their reaction and smile ever so lightly that it wasn't even discernable by the next person by his side. After this siege, he would have finally gotten rid of the torn in his flesh.

"What a bunch of idiots, thinking they could raise an Empire I have razed to the ground? Keep dreaming. " The Emperor smirked and thought to himself as he sat behind the runic curtains that separated him from the rest of the court.


On the battlefront, the dragon fangs sped through the air as they rained towards the Blue Flame palace. From the speed and shire size of the arrows, it would be a miracle if anything is left of the palace and its inhabitants.

The Blue Flame empress remained sitting with a cold smirk on her face, she calmly watched as the dragon fang was about three hundred meters out, she raised her right arm towards the sky.

Immediately they moved into formations and sent their sword qi and sword intent to form a shield in the sky. This is not just formation. It is the Blue Flame empires Phoenix landing shield.

This shield is powered by two thousand spirit realm cultivators and five sword sovereigns. It shined a blue colour as it formed a transparent wall, intended to stop the incoming dragon fang arrow.

Just after the shield was formed the dragon fangs arrived and struck it. This clash produced a loud detonation. "Boooooom".

The impact caused the Blue Flame army to take a step back while leaving a deep foot imprint on the floor. The weaker ones even have blood leaking from the side of their mouth.

The impact early had given them some internal injuries. But the wall held and the arrows were stopped. But then the runes inscribed on the arrows began to glow and the momentum to be revived.

This exerted more pressure on the Phoenix landing shield. This in turn caused some of the early sprint realm cultivators to vomit blood and get blown off the wall.

This weakened the shield and the arrowheads penetrated through the Phoenix landing shield and continued approaching the soldier inch by inch while issuing screeching noises. It appeared that it was only a matter of time before they hit their target.

The Imperial Dragon Corps cheered loudly and kept pouring their yunqi, sword qi and sword intent to be able to empower the Dragon fangs. This development gave them hope that victory was at hand.

As this continued, both sides were becoming exhausted. On the Blue Palace's side, it took all two thousand soldiers and the five Comandrs to maintain the Phoenix landing shield wall.

On the Imperial Dragon Corps side, they were equally taxed as they were giving all they had. They indeed have about seven thousand on their side. But the Dragon Fang war machine consumes a lot of energy.

It was powered by Monarch Qi stones but without the support of the immense amount of sword qi and yunqi and sword intent, it would not be utilized to its full force. To make matter worse one must use spiritual energy to control the runes if you don't want them to be blocked.

This also provided a unique opportunity for the Imperial Dragon Corps, the other part was of course fully focused on blocking the Dragon Fang arrows. Only the Imperial Consort was still seated.

If he deployed archers to go forward and shoot their relatively smaller arrows at the now strained Blue Flame army, they would be hit and the battle might just end then.

He was already of patience, as the battle had dragged on too long. They were supposed to come and defeat this five thousand-strong army with their numbers of ten thousand. But it didn't turn out as planned.

Now there should be about two thousand men in reserve, if this fight should prolong any further they might just suffer a loss in the Imperial Golden City, their base.

He, therefore signalled for three thousand men to take positions up front and shoot arrows throw the cracks on the Phoenix shield wall to fall as many as they could. This would also further weaken the shield and give them victory.

Quickly the soldier took position about five hundred meters out and drew their bows to aim and fire. There was a smile on the General's face as he see and taste victory.

But something happened that bewildered him beyond his wildest imagination. As his men let loose their arrows towards the Blue Flame palace and they were about to pass through the cracks and start maiming and killing.

The Blue Flame empress stood up and quickly formed a few seals with her hand and pointed at the barrier and incoming shower of arrows. A Phoenix cry could be heard as the burning flame behind her moved.

The already failing barrier seemed to come alive as the blue colour thickened and the blue flame condensed into a gigantic Blue Phoenix that landed on the barrier. This gigantic almost corporal Phoenix looked down on the world with disdain visible in its eyes.

It screeched again and the Dragon Fang arrows glowed blue. One could now see the outline of the Phoenix rune carved on it. All this while the Imperial Dragon Corps were only able to light a part of the runes carved on this five foot thick arrows.

This was not surprising as the war machine wasn't theirs, to begin with. Using the Blue Flame war machine against the Blue Flame country was now a stupid idea. It was from the beginning but they just couldn't see it.

Being their weapon which they had used for more than a million years of existence how could the Blue Flame Empress not know about it? Sheowed them to exhaust their energy powering the Dragon Fang to weaken them.

She didn't know that they would fall to the top this easily and even give her a bonus of three thousand people to slaughter. She smiled as the Phoenix screeched once more to shatter the base of the war machines that shoot the arrows.

The base lighted up in blue Phoenix runes before exploding and immediately taking the lives of over five hundred men who were meaning it and causing those who were powering it with their yunqi, sword qi, sword intent and spirit energy to vomit blood and fly backwards in unison.

It was a brbreathtakingight to see, as five hundred men exploded and four thousand men all vomited blood and flew out amidst a spay of red and gold. As they land every one of them sustained some internal injuries.

Some of the early Spirit Realm cultivated even lost their lives on the spot. But the stronger ones only got some internal injuries. The seriousness of which depended on the cultivation realm. In all, they were all in a bad shape.

After their connection with the Dragon Fang was forcefully shattered by the Phoenix cry. They suffered some casualties as well numbering almost a thousand people.

All this took a while to describe but it happened so quickly that despite their high cultivation there was nothing they could do against the Phoenix. The Phoenix is a divine beast after all.

This may be an avatar but, it was still not something a bunch of Spirit Realm cultivators to deal with within a moments notice. The attack reached right within their souls.

The General stood and assessed the situation. His main force had sustained some serious injuries, bit the three thousand that had gone on the smbush were not affect by the Phoenix attack

He was just about to breathe a sigh of relief and other them to flank the palace when some thing even more soul shattering occurred. He could only watch on in dismay and frustration as it happened.

Kashsenams thoughts

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