
The Art of Seduction-Destiny Awaits

After Sara’s mom died, it seemed that all of the world’s finest things would always be provided to her. She was known as the world’s leading Seductress, but she couldn’t explain how people were always drawn to her. Zane was a mysterious and powerful man. He had experienced all of what life had to offer and was tired of it all. He thought he had nothing to live for, until he and Sara met. Would Zane fall in to Sara’s seduction trap? Would Zane finally be the man to fulfill the only thing Sara hadn’t gotten?

Neda_Nehouray · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Happy Birthday Ethan

Ethan had ordered everything on the menu. He had heard that the chef at The Seductress was an award winning chef. Even if patrons were lucky enough to be allowed to enter this place, only ten guests would have the opportunity of indulging in a heavenly meal. Ethan, Johnny and Zane were known as wealthy, ruthless businessmen, although no one really knew how these young men got their start in the business world. Nonetheless, it was no wonder that they were treated like royalty when they stepped foot in The Seductress.

The waitresses were all arguing over who could serve the three men, thinking how lucky they would be to simply brush a hand against one of these god-like creatures. Although Johnny, Zane and Ethan looked very different from one another, they all had chiseled features and perfectly shaped tall and muscular frames. Zane was especially stunning, almost making it intimidating to look his way.

Jen walked up to hear the waitresses all arguing, and even though she was the club manager, she glanced at the three handsome men sitting there. She gasped at the men, having never remembered seeing a more handsome bunch before. She snapped at the waitresses and dismissed them to other tables, deciding she would be the lucky one to act as their waitress tonight. After all, if Sara couldn't care less about these men, Jen thought this might be an opportunity to get close to one of these men. She quickly pulled her lipstick out of her pocket and freshened up her makeup.

Jen walked over to the table, trying to imitate Sara's sultry act as best as possible in hopes that she too, might be able to seduce one of these eligible and delicious men. As she reached the table, she already knew it was Ethan's birthday. She brought a bottle of their finest champagne to the table. Without breaking eye contact, she seductively looked at Ethan and said, "I hear it's your birthday today. I am going to make sure you have a very special night." She licked her lips lightly and subconsciously, thinking of how delicious this man would be to taste. She slowly placed the champagne glasses down for each man, never breaking her gaze from Ethan.

Ethan's smile had faded, and it seemed like he was in a captivated daze. He, too, couldn't take his eyes off Jen. He wondered if this was the seductress that the whole town was talking about. It must be because he felt is cock getting stiff as soon as this woman looked at him and opened her mouth to talk. He was utterly speechless, which never happens.

Jen noticed Ethan's gaze and lingering stare and was pleased with herself. She finally was able to apply a thing or two by watching Sara, or as the world knew her, Destiny.

Jen gently raised her hand and placed it on Ethan's arm, wanting to tease him with a light touch. She was shocked at what was under his blazer. His arm was like steel, but she could feel his perfectly formed muscles. Her voice low, she bent down and said, "happy birthday Ethan, I will make sure you have a really good night." She stepped back and kept her gaze, giving him a little wink before she finally broke their eye contact and turned towards the kitchen.

Johnny gave Ethan a nudge and said, "looks like you're going to have a memorable birthday man." Ethan grinned devilishly and said, "Well, I have had my fair taste of women, but it looks like this one is going to give me a run for my money."

Zane looked at the two and shook his head. How easily could these two be entertained?! This was child's play, and the tricks that waitress used were textbook. He yawned and was already regretting his decision to come here, even if it was Ethan's birthday.

Suddenly, the lights went dim, and their attention was directed towards a heavenly sound coming from the club's speaker system. It almost sounded like an angel, and when Zane heard the melody and the voice, he felt goosebumps running through his body. He heard the voice say, "Welcome to your Destiny." Could a voice really affect his body like that?