
The Art of Seduction-Destiny Awaits

After Sara’s mom died, it seemed that all of the world’s finest things would always be provided to her. She was known as the world’s leading Seductress, but she couldn’t explain how people were always drawn to her. Zane was a mysterious and powerful man. He had experienced all of what life had to offer and was tired of it all. He thought he had nothing to live for, until he and Sara met. Would Zane fall in to Sara’s seduction trap? Would Zane finally be the man to fulfill the only thing Sara hadn’t gotten?

Neda_Nehouray · Fantasy
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24 Chs


Sara was no longer herself. She was now Destiny, her stage alter ego. Destiny was a woman that had mastered the art of seduction. She could seduce anyone to do just about anything. When she first discovered her abilities she really tested her limits.

One of the country's most powerful CEOs gave her 51% stake in his multi-billion dollar company. She received marriage proposals from countless princes. She was gifted the most precious jewels and artifacts. It made no difference man or woman, she was always to get what she wanted, but usually, she was not one who wanted much. It was all of these powerful people who insisted on showering her with everything they had or could think of, hoping to simply impress her and be rewarded with calling Destiny their one and only.

Sara thought back to her mother and remembered her last words. "Sara, you will always be showered with everything this world has to offer, and you will never have to yearn for money or possessions!"

Sara didn't really think much of her mother's dying words at the time and was just devastated that she was losing her mother at such a young age. She and her mother were very close, but they always struggled for food and shelter. He mother always did the best she could for them, but it always seemed like it was never enough.

Her mother's death was an enigma to the medical world, which always crushed Sara's heart. Sara was only 18 when her mother had died, and she felt like her whole world came to a crashing halt. It was as if half her heart was ripped out of her chest and had vanished with her mother's death.

Within an hour of her mom's death, she remembered a knock at the door. A man with a suit was standing at her doorstep with a note in hand. He explained that she had just inherited a private island with a massive estate from a distant relative. She had never heard of this relative and was perplexed. At that moment, despite her grief, she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. For the first time in her life, she knew she wouldn't have to worry about food and shelter. At the same time, her heart ached, having wished her mom was there to finally live without worry.

Ever since her mother's death, these types of things just continued to happen, but it only intensified. Anyone she encountered would seem to be under a spell, where they had to shower her with extravagance. She couldn't understand why this would happen, but the one thing she wanted the most was to fill her heart's void, the half of her heart that felt like it vanished the day her mom died. No material thing had been able to leave her fulfilled or satisfied, and it also seemed that none of the people who were infatuated with her and would profess their love to her could ever give her what she truly needed. People all around the the world would always talk about how they wished they could have the world's finest things. Her mom's last words to Sara were that she would always have these things, but Sara didn't find fulfillment after 5 years of extravagance.