
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Uncover the Truth

"You've improved, Do you still want to continue?"


Old man Chris immediately vanished and reappeared directly in front of Tonye.

"Huh? Why am I on the ground?"

Tonye asked as he thought he already had the upper hand.

"It's your loss, get up on your feet and go run round the forest while training your Mana and reminiscing about this battle"

Teacher said as he drank a potion and sat on the floor trying to circulate his Mana flow.

"Yes Teacher"

I replied immediately. What just happened? I thought to myself, everything was Soo Perfect but what happened? they were some error in calculations but it shouldn't have affected me.

Was I too dizzy? Did I overdo it? or drop my guard down? Why did I lose? I can't just understand!!! I should have been able to see him coming or repelled his arms away.

There's no use worrying about it now that I've lost, I better get back to him so I can circulate my Mana .


Tonye called out as he got to where his teacher is supposed to be at but isn't.

"Why are you here so quickly? are you done with the exercise I gave you?"

Teacher asked as he stood behind me and I couldn't even sense him approaching.

"Yes teacher, I'm done with the exercise"

"Then I guess you're here about the spar we just had?"

"Yes Teacher"

"Its actually as simple as you need to perfectly train alot before you go outside*

"I am training a lot teacher, how far else can I train?

"from tomorrow you'll train on your core and energy, the next tomorrow after that is to train your Strength, the day after that you train your abilities specially, and the day after that we spar again"

"Why do we spar again on the fifth day?"

"To check your improvements"

"So for now what am I training on?"

"So you've been running round the forest while circulating your mana and you don't know what you're doing?"

"I thought I was training on my endurance"

"And your speed, you need endurance to be able to keep up with my initial speed"

"If so I'll go do some more running around Teacher"


"Yes Teacher?"

"Don't make me your goal"

"Yh, you're just a checkpoint"

Teacher smirked at me with the hearing of that statement as I walked back to the edges of the forest and continued running, putting all my strength and heart into it hoping to see improvements.





STRIKE (ADVANCED): A heavy attack used along with your Ability.




Tonye stood unfazed as he watched the system describe the achievements he wasn't clear with.

"I guess I got the Strike achievement when I landed the drop kick on Teacher while using my ability to hasten the speed and damage done"

"Are the done yet?

"Yes Teacher"

"Then we should get going"


"Here take this and drink it"

"Thank you Teacher"

"Don't thank me yet and Squat down"

"huh? okay?"

"Now keep moving"

And that was how I got home while doing squats, it's probably a training ...right?.

"We've gotten back home, go to your tent and continue training your mind and body, and in the meantime I'll send Lucia to you"

Teacher said as he walked towards his apartment.

"Yes Teacher"

I really don't feel like going home now since it's still too early to sleep, I'll just take a look around for a while I said as I just walked around aimlessly in the village just to see where the done ended

Feeling like I would never come to see the border of this dome was when I saw it, the border to separating inside this town from the outside.

For some reason I thought that this done was way bigger than expected, it was large enough to be able to cover this much distance then that means the radius of the dome must be covering something else.

"For Teacher to keep saying it's dangerous the dome seems rather unguarded"

I would have loved to check what's outside right now but I can already sense that someone has been tailing me for a while, I should just act normal and head back home.

I walked back home while pondering more on what's outside the dome and what other areas did the dome cover, I must see for myself then at least so I don't die knowing Nothing.

"Good Evening"

Lucia greeted immediately she stopped tailing me

"Evening what do you want?

I asked rudely like I wanted to be left alone

"I just came to serve you food"

She said calmly

"You don't have to"

I replied with a calm tone also

"Chief ordered me to"

"From today onwards I don't want you serving me food or anything else, I'll do it on my own"

"I do this not because I feel burdened or because I was pressured to but because someone has to and the way people view you in this town is really good"

"I have said what I want to and I don't care about what the people think, you're a person also, not a slave"

"You shouldn't take decisions based on what you only see"

"You should be more open-minded"

"I will take that into consideration coming from you Tonye"

I ended the statement with that as Lucia walked away with only a dissatisfied face but nonetheless it's none of my business

I quickly ate the food given to me and returned the Utensils used back to the kitchen, and of course everyone stared in fear and surprise and some in amusement.

Went back home and carried out the task Teacher told me to

Hectic but nothing out of the ordinary, Its not like I did anything to bring attention to myself, apart from appearing out of nowhere, well if I were them I wouldn't be this scared though

"This is so annoying"

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