
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Fantasy
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24 Chs


I didn't have any reason to get upset at lucia for tailing me, she was probably trying to protect me or something like that but why keep it a secret, and the fact that this place has more to it than it looks pisses me off.

What are the circumstances Lucia was talking about? now I'm feeling like I did her wrong, well considering how everyone treats me, I feel like there is an ulterior motive to it.

"I shouldn't think much about it and just got to sleep early so I can be at full strength tomorrow to start training"





"Yes Lucia, What is it?"

"Tonye seems to be suspicious of us and told me to stop approaching him or serve him either"

"Hahahaa, is that how he treats the hand that feeds him?

"No rather he said he would go take his own food from the kitchen by himself regardless of what others say or do"

"I see, then that is nothing to be suspicious about"

"Chief the reason i said he is suspicious of us is that he tried moving into the void zone while exploring the boundaries"

"I understand your worries but Tonye as at now is only hungry and persistent for power"

"With due time he'll know the truth little by little and will go into the City to see how we humans live"

"I understand, I will take my leave"


"Yes Chief"

"I know you feel hatred towards humans in the city but be his strength when he needs you and keep doing your work diligently, he is bound to need your help"

"I will do my best Chief"



"Its morning already, I feel I woke up too early, I should just go do some exercises"

Tonye walked out of where he resided and headed into the village very early in the morning just to do some runs, which he did while noticing the environment.

It may seem weak on the outside but since I started running round as a training in this quiet area, everyone one here is on par with my strength and even greater, worse of it all is they are all on guard. I should get back home.

"Phew, I felt like a prisoner with those eyes watching me!!!...."

".....Huh? Teacher? don't frighten me like that"

"You seem really frightened that means you couldn't sense me at all"

"Um Something like that"

"Okay then, sit down"

"Aren't we going for some training?"

"No need to go to the forest today for non combat training, besides I only did that to hide your abilities"

"I understand Teacher"

"Well if you do then take a Sit and back me"

"Yes Tea....."

"Don't say a word while we're doing this training"

Teacher said interrupting me. And I said no more word after that as he gently used his palms to touch my backs but it felt like my body was being lifted, I felt so light I can't deny it felt good initially.

but then I started feeling Teacher pour inject in me through his palms something that was like the Mana I used but wasn't, it was a familiar feeling but I couldn't do anything.

I sat down and just kept on taking in the energy he poured into me lightly as he directed it and made it flow all round my body I felt like I left this world, as I could vividly see and feel my whole body.

This went on for quite a while until I got a hand of it, it was like Mana breathing but a different type of energy, it felt natural also.

"Are we done?"

I asked teacher as soon as I felt his palms leave my back.

"You should rest"

Teacher said as he laid back to lie on the ground.

"But I'm okay...."

I said but immediately lost Strength and slowly lost consciousness.

"Those peering eyes I can still feel them in this mind void"

But what's more is I can still train mentally and physically while here, I should continue till it's time to wake up.

What an interesting kid he can still keep using the Mana breathing while unconscious, it feels as if he's subconsciously still training, he's definitely going to break out of the beginner realm very soon.

He has talent but can he bloom successfully, I really do hope that he can rectify things here. Right From day 1 Tonye has been evolving constantly each day, had I had more time to train him, I would've trained him to my best of ability

I know he can do well and better, seeing his improvement then I think no I'm sure he will take us somewhere, we just don't know where, hopefully it will be out of here.

"I should also train my Mana so I can recover my strength more quickly"

And I'm getting hungry seeing as it is already late, took me alot of time and strength to awaken his innate core, in almost drained


"Yes Chief"

"You've done well by looking over us and the area, pls get us something to eat, and he's about to wake-up too"

"Yes Chief"

Lucia immediately disappeared into thin air to go get the things Chief wanted and came back with the food in hand meeting Tonye already awake.

"Good evening"

Lucia greeted Both Tonye and Chief

"Here is your meals for the evening if it does not satisfy your needs pls do well to let me know"


Tonye called out as she was about to walk away

"How many I help you Tonye"

She answered

"I came to apologize for talking to you mannerless yesterday and I'm sorry if I said harsh words, it was out of impulse"

"Impulse on what?"


"if you aren't ready to let me know then no problem, I accept your apology and all I've been doing was to help and assist you sincerely "

"The truth is I heard you were watching after us, after we both passed out here, and I'm grateful for it Lucia, I was at first skeptic about it but it was just when Teacher told me you were also his disciple and I apologize for also treating my senior discipline that way"

"Tonye, senior and junior do not matter, Respect is guaranteed through strength and strength is what you were aiming for but that road isn't smooth nor is it rough but your decisions decide how it will be"

"Now you're lecturing me again?"

"You don't want me to"

"Just stop treating me like a child "

"Then how should I treat you Tonye"

"Like a friend?"

"Friendship is based and agreed on what both parties can benefit from each other on so Tonye what can I benefit from you?

"The strength that I'm growing"

Tonye said with a big wide smile on his face which made me subconsciously smile back

"You look good on that, I mean the smile"

"You have a way with Words Tonye, but regardless I'll go consider your proposal of friendship"

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