
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Challenge Old Man Chris

As he immediately noticed and deflected it.

"oh now you are Attacking me first?

teacher asked but got no reply from me, I threw another ranged data from his blind spots luring him deeper into the forest as I couldn't Withstand a head-on confrontation as of now.

I kept throwing range attacks at him to test out his capabilities as expected his speed compliments for where he is lacking he definitely has a very high battle IQ enough destructive power and strength to go with that but then I need him to drain himself out so I can have the advantage.

A close combat attack now won't do me any good remembering the first time I show cased my abilities his intent to kill me as of then was real and even up until now I don't still think I can match up his speed at maximum.

After a moment of old man Chris bring lured into the forests....

"Why can't I sense him?"

is he not within range or could he have learnt how to hide himself so easily? no it is too soon for that their must be something I'm missing but what is that? I can feel the trajectory of the ranged attacks he throws and accurately deflect them even though they were covered with mana.

What is this feeling like I'm being haunted? old man Chris pondered as he heard series of ranged attacks aiming towards him he quickly stepped back trying to dodge them but more just came from his back as he tried to move the other way more came from the other way.

He also saw that and jumped upwards while looking for Tonye....

"you can't out do me with this!! is this even considered a fight you're just running around...."

He said as a wooden shaped Dagger pierced his shoulder but not deep enough to render his shoulder injured.

Why didn't I feel that? old man Chris pondered first I couldn't sense him now I can't sense the daggers, this is dangerous I should lure him into the Open.

Old man Chris tried running towards the forest edges as he saw The Dagger he gave Tonye coming towards him coated in mana.

"I found you now"

Old man Chris said as he tried to deflect The Dagger and aim for the direction the dagger was coming from trying to counter attack but still got pierced by The Dagger, this time to his left arm.

how did that happen, old man Chris wondered because the dagger in mid-air accelerated faster than its moving speed making him lose timing to deflecting the attack.

"Well this time his arm got injured and that's a slight advantage to me but still not enough, I've lost the dagger though, my plan was to attack while making him drop his guard by throwing the dagger but then he dropped his guard too early"

I got distracted by the stab and lost track of him again, this is getting out of my hands.

"huh? something is coming again, another dagger? good thing I dodged it but now I know why I couldn't sense it because I focused mainly on sensing Mana and reserving my strength, the dagger wasn't coated with mana and now I understand why it didn't do much damaged Firstly meaning its a distracti....."


"Another dagger?"

"Tch I'll have to dodge this one too to avoid any complications"

Teacher said while trying to move away....

"That's your mistake"

Tonye said moving at a very fast speed behind old man Chris though he already anticipated that Tonye would be able to move fast from what he saw at the last fight

Old man Chris immediately matched his speed and tried landing a kick at a very fast speed, Tonye blocked it easily as the recoil made old man Chris jump back.

"what a monster"

Old man Chris said as They both took their stances waiting for who to first attack.

This has got out of what I planned but it's still amendable. Tonye thought, he has a high attack coming from momentum gathered in each hit but one arm has already been injured so it may not be good enough to attack largely unless he wants to get injured more.

This kid is scary in a good way maybe I can have a more enjoyable battle here seeing as how he is now capable of injuring me in a tricky way, using everything known and unknown to his advantage, so why don't I attack with everything also"

Old man Chris thought as they both smirked at each other.


A shockwave sound impacted as they both clashed arms, I see how he is able to take my attacks head-on, he has already calculated all this, he is constantly using his abilities to repel and attract on himself so I can't land a critical hit on him unless I do a pinpoint heavy combo old man Chris thought.

how i take on his hits is efficient by wrapping myself with repelling Gyrokinesis though it isn't perfect as to go all around my whole body but it's okay for now I need to end this fight shortly the more hits I take the more strained I get because my basic ability repels attack now but the damage done is still on a 40% basis I cant neglect attack damage unless I gather all my forces from round my body to a single point.

"You got distracted"

Old man Chris said and got a jab to my solar plexus from teacher.

he continued as he aimed for the face with his right knee which I can't take so I deflected his attack towards empty space with my arm but he attacked again with his left foot hitting me away and still chasing, I then leap towards the air pulling teacher with the attract ability just to lift him off the ground as I rolled in the air and used the gravitational force to land a hit with the heels of my foot.

"That should have done enough damage to him.."

Tch he blocked with his back and right arm as suspension with a knee pinned to the ground sending the force and damage of the attack to the ground creating a shockwave

I immediately leaped again backwards giving him space to continue the battle we have both taken a lot of damage but can still go on....

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