
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Fantasy
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24 Chs


"Yes, thank you Lucia"

I said with a Grateful smile "

"Well that felt good"

Tonye said silently as he walked back to where his teacher was to eat.

Some minutes later they finished eating to their fill and Tonye exercised his gratefulness for the food and teaching.

"Can you feel it?"

Teacher asked

"Your core I mean, can you feel your core Tonye"

"Yes I can vaguely feel it but it feels different from earlier"

"How different?

"I can feel it, the fact that I have a core and I can feel the Energy around and within me but I can't seem to access it, it's as if Its locked"

"Locked you say?, then how did you use Mana before you discovered your core?"

"I never stored it, I just constantly absorbed and give off since it was plentiful in nature"

"you should know Not every surrounding has Mana"

"Huh? but you said it's plentiful in nature"

"when you go outside this dome you'll see that you can't rely on anything"

"I see, I'll keep that in mind "

"Your body may not be suited to store Mana and other energies unless external force is applied but then there's karma, there'll always be something to compliment for your lack of Energy"

That was the last thing Teacher said before he walked away and moved out to his house. Today felt like a waste to me seeing as how all I did today was only partially fruitful.

Then again, I felt relieved that I learnt something else and can only see that my path is definitely different from everyone else.




"You should learn to be conscious of your surroundings"

Teacher said as though he had been waiting for long here.

"Good morning Teacher"

"Rinse your mouth and step outside"

"Yes Teacher"

I immediately went in to rinse my mouth and look at least approachable in all manners and came out to meet teacher.

"Why do you look like we're going on an outing? have you forgotten what today's training is about?

"Huh? Um I can't remember...._

"You go too comfortable I see"

"Start by helping out the villagers in all their works before we go out to the forest"

"Wait what? all their works? then I'll never get done today"

"You should get started, the earlier the better"


I went on to meet the villagers to assist them all through but even having a conversation with them was difficult, I went to the easy works first which was the village women and started assisting with carrying loggages.

Which was easy and convenient to do, it felt as though this wasn't what teacher would want and so I went on to the heavy works and met the carpenters, they said I should go to the saw mill which I went to and encountered logs of woods needed to be moved.

With eyes of expectations all on me, I tried lifting a log of wood which was not easy at all but then got stopped.

"The way you're lifting that wood is wrong"

the man who worked there said to me a he tried positioning my body to the best method possible which made lifting the wood easier but not faster.

While getting used to the posture he walked up to me again and said

" you can go faster now"

I asked what he meant but he looked at me and said

"increase the wood you carry we don't have all day"

I replied saying

"but I haven't finished learning the posture"

"It isn't my business even though you break your waist"

I then carried more wood as my hands and legs felt numb and I couldn't feel them any longer considering I haven't even eaten.

I went on for quite some time and held out hoping teacher would come intervene seeing as it was already noon.


I said as I saw her from a mile away coming towards my direction, I've never been so much happy to see someone come for me in my life that I can remember.


I said while sobbing like I was filled with tears of joy

"Chief said I should hand you your food and you should go over to blacksmithing and learn some skills"

"Wait what?

I replied like my hope was shattered and I could already imagine Teacher smirking over this, Lucia didn't even wait another second immediately she dropped the message and left.

Some minutes later I finished eating and went on ahead to the blacksmith shop, I tried talking to the young sir that was there but he just kept silent which was annoying so I watched him through as he made a dagger, a sword, a bow, a hammer and a spear.

Which picked my interest as I wanted to partake in it but I couldn't as I haven't gotten the blacksmith attention, many other people were there using the furnace and the tools as though they were apprentices but I just couldn't muster courage as no one had my time.

I was on the verge of walking away since noone had my time but then again, that was it, no one had my time, I walked into the shop as I started imitating everything they did as though I was learning.

I didn't understand how this would make me strong but I did know that I loved the experience I was gathering, I got so endowed in tempering the blade of the weapon I chose to work on that I felt gazes on me.

I still kept my focus on it and that was when I started receiving directions on what to do and how to do it. Few moments later I was called by teacher which was unexpected as I loved what I was doing.

I went to where I was expected to meet my teacher so today's training Can begin but I wished I had worked a little more whole heartedly on that weapon.

"Teacher you called for me"

"Yes I did, I can see you assisted some of the villagers in their works and it seems you got too endowed in some seeing as how there are calluses on your palm"

I kept silent waiting to see what today's training would be while I'm still full of determination though I spent most of the day chopping wood, carrying wood, processing wood and blacksmithing, I was looking forward to how I can increase my strength.