
The Arbitrator

An Arbitrator: A neutral being who is appointed to resolve a dispute or conflict between two or more parties. .... What if the atheists were right and there was no hell, heaven, God or devil. What happens then. An afterlife of nothingness and eternal pain or pleasure. Thrown into a landscape that could be stated to be hell if hel was run by humans. Tonye fights to find peace and tranquility. However peace is war and war requires power. Follow as Tonye climbs the heights of power to achieve his goal of peace or at least a peace of mind

Tonye43 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

At my Weakest

"Well how did it go?"

Teacher asked

"Most were hostile toward me while others were carefree and I did a lot of work hopefully it'll increase my overall strength "

"You can't just get strength in a day Tonye"

"I know that Teacher I only wished so"

"Okay let's get going to the forest"

"Yes Teacher"

"I suddenly feel weak unlike me"

"Huh? are you okay Teacher?"

Tonye said in worry

"I just said I feel weak and you're asking if I'm okay?"

"What can I do to help you Teacher?"

"Carry me throughout the whole journey to the forest"

"Yes Teacher"

I was actually hoping for something like a challenge but this isn't too disappointing, the old man should be averagely light considering his looks.

At least that was what I thought before he jumped on my back treating me like some carriage animal. Because of the old man's stuffy behavior and body we ended up reaching there later than expected"

"I simply can't understand how you can do this to your only disciple Teacher, I can't imagine Lucia passing through this?"

"Lucia is very different from you both in situation and training, but since you have enough strength to talk that means you can still do some body exercises"

The Old Man ended up Treating me like a slave telling me to walk on my palms, do some push ups and squats while carrying at least 50kg of wood.

I almost died good thing it's almost nightfall, I don't have any energy left to carry him back.

"We're done for the day"

Teacher said in an exhausted and disappointing tone as laid there playing dead.

"You better get up from your slumber, before I grant you your death wish"

I immediately stood up at the sound of the threat, and started walking. I really hoped he wouldn't tell me to carry him back home cuz I would really die but he just stood still not moving in place.

"It's nightfall, this would serve as a good exercise"

Teacher said while sitting down and smiled at me and said

"Prepare for action"

I replied in a confused manner


That was when I noticed a someone or rather something coming from behind me definitely not friendly. I was too stressed out that I ignored the Mana sense, and I'm too weak to fight whatsoever was approaching me.

"I'll be the referee and watch this fight, you just have to know that the monster coming isn't friendly but rather looks angry and hungry"

Teacher said without any remorse or sadness

"How do you know that?"

"If you were able to use your innate core, you would have been able to sense them easily but now what you can only sense is it's life force approaching you fully"

"Understood "

Was what I said but I know that shit I'm in big trouble, and I'll have to rely on my abilities. What can I do I don't even know what's coming and moreso I don't know how many.

if I ask Teacher he'll probably say something like Your enemy would never reveal himself, and I'm at an advantage knowing there's an enemy coming for me.

"Approximately 45secs before they reach me, I should be ready"

I leaped up unto the tree to get a good view of what was coming for me, and it was a bear, not just any bear it seems to be a fully mature bear, two of them in the open and they seem to be using Mana

This is difficult, how can I fight animals 10 times my weight and use Mana instinctively.


The sound of them hitting against the tree I was on was fierce as it didn't take them up to four strikes to cut down the tree.

"Shit they've found me"

"These are awakened bears, be careful, they must've faces death and survived for the to be awakened"

Teacher telepathically told me as I leaped unto the next tree.

"This is annoying"

I said trying to go through what I have in my arsenal

"No weapons, only abilities and semi human strength which is unreasonable to use in this situation, I should just run"

"Not allowed, I told you before you would be facing opponents way stronger than you"

Teacher whispered again

"Wait a minute how come they can spot me from above here but can't spot you"

"Doesn't matter, you've not reached this level, focus on what is right in front of you now, This is an opportunity to train your abilities before tomorrow training begins, it'll help you improve faster"

I stood on top of another tree trying to think of a way to kill this bear without having to fight head on, ah yes that should do the trick?

I can't use repel or attract here because I'm not within range, my ability is basic Gyrokinesis and that bear is at least weighing 500kg, which is more than I can handle

and I can't keep walking away unless I want the forest destroyed plus it probably just awoken it's ability which I don't know of seeing as it hasn't caused any uproar before.

Repel is the only attack I can use, but it probably won't take any effect because of its weight class but what else can I



I lost focus for a second and now I'm falling shit!!

"Shit REPEL!!"

I yelled out as soon as I got close to the ground to negate the force of falling which it did but I can only see one bear which is cautious of me from a short burst distance but where the other one?


From above a giant massive shadow of a bear approached with it's claws out ready to slash me in half.

I'm too weak to swiftly move what do I do? ...."Use what you have to an advantage" was the words that can't to mind.


I leaped backwards giving myself gap from the two bears but I was rather blocked by the other from the back.

"This doesn't look so Good"

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