
The Apex hunter

Every environment has an apex. A beast is perched atop the throne, watching every living thing below. They have no competition and can do whatever they want. No one could mess with the apex. However, there exist people who could hunt these invincible beasts. After achieving such a monumental task, they will be awarded the total of the Apex hunter. Bullied by his peers for being weak. Michael set out on his quest to become an apex hunter! 1 Chapter per days

Divichan02 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

36 Future beginning




Michael woke up to a surprising view. A black space filled with nothing but darkness all around him. He felt like he is floating in space or floating in water that he could breathe in.

"Where am I?"

his voice echoes through the surrounding darkness. With no one to answer him, Michael starts to feel scared. why is he here? What is this place? Michael tries to recall his memories.

"I... switch with Layla?"

That right... He remembered that he switch with her and let her do the night watch while he is sleeping. Then by that logic, this should be a dream. but, Michael never heard that he could have this much control in a dream.

That didn't make sense. Has he been kidnapped? It's possible that the apex predator that appears is only an illusion that he used to cope with himself while in reality he lost and got captured... but that is not right either... If he was captured he should have been restrained.

But, for a weak guy like him even if he were to break out they wouldn't have to do much to put him back...

sigh... He should have been stronger.

wait... that's not right either, what kind of prison is this? where he could float around freely... this doesn't feel, right?

Before Michael could think any further, the black space suddenly cracks. The sound of glass shattering rang through the place. The cracks appear like broken glasses and widen with time. taken aback Michael starts to float away from it. However Michael could not escape it, the crack hasten its approach and engulf him in its shattering space.


The dark world breaks apart revealing a red space behind it. However unlike the still darkness of this place. The red space moves and weave like it's alive. Michael subconsciously moves away however the cracks say otherwise.

It suddenly pull him into the red space, Michael tried to scream but no word came out. In a flash, he arrived at a weird place. First off the sky are bright red like blood mixed with a cloud of black smoke that float upward. Then there is a city that is high up in the sky. The building is like a collection of metal that has been put together in an artistic way.

Michael imagine that this city would have looked majestic in normal conditions but, the sight scared Michael. The red that he has seen through the crack is a flame that engulfs the whole city. People run away and scream. The sight reminds him of the recent event on Boniha island. But, this s on a completely different scale.

The whole city is as wide as the eyes can see with all the metal parts everywhere, he imagine that it wouldn't catch fire easily. But, the metal seems to burn like wood, and the scarlet red flame looks like it could catch on to anything.

It's like the end of the word.

the sky suddenly wrapped in a weird way and slide open. A big figure appears between the swimming skies. A giant... No, a figure could not be described simply as big, if it covers the whole sky. He could not see the end and the beginning of it. What appears is only its faces.

A dark sinister jawline that has millions of teeth as big as a person. A pair of Eyes that could kill any living being by looking at it. And shining metal parts that look like it's not alive.

In its presence, the chaotic city stops to look at it. It's like their instinct telling them that is pointless to run. even the people that have been burning from the flame stood still... They have no hope of surviving.

However, among those who stop, there are also those who stood up to the metal behemoth. Three-figure dash in to take up the challenge...


Before Michael could see the fight, the whole space breaks apart, sending Michael back to the black space.


Michael don't know what to think... he really hope that this was a dream. The monsters that appear in it look impossible to kill. even if all the traps in the world, Michael could fathom how you could kill something of that size.

'It must have been my imagination...'

The scene was too unreal for him. Michael simply dismissed it as a flick of his imagination. However, he can't deny that it felt very real to him. He really felt like the world would break apart as the red sky descended on them with a behemoth that is as big as the sky.

Suddenly Michael could hear a voice calling for him. He turnaround and saw a bright red light shining like a star in the dark. Michael felt a calling when he looks at it. It felt like it was a part of him all along. He got close and touch the bright light.


It explodes into millions of light scattering across the dark space. The light is a mix of many different colors of the rainbow and more. Michael felt like he is watching the night sky on a clear night without any clouds.


With the weather on Boniha, they could rarely get a clear sky. So the sight of the stars put Michael in awe. Looking at the dark sky Michael could see that the stars have many different sizes ranging from as small as a speck of dust to as big as a normal person.

Among the countless stars, he could see that their 4 biggest stars were red, blue, green, and white. They all shine brightly making other stars look dimmer. Michael wants to know what it fell like to touch the stars. However, he didn't have to get closer, The white stars shine brightly and Michael could hear a faint sound.



The sound is quite low and disconnected, Michael didn't know what the white stars meant but he could make out the last word.


What about this color? Is it bad?

suddenly the red started quickly approaching him increasing in size. Is that what the white star means by red? It's going to kill him!? He needs to get out now!

Michael doesn't know how to exit this space. So he did the next best thing that he could do. Run!

Michael starts sprinting in the opposite direction as the stars get bigger. Michael could see that it was a form of a red sphere. Not knowing what it was Michael could only run from it.

Although Michael was quick on his feet, he doesn't stand a chance when facing a floating orb that doesn't need to run.

wasn't he also floating?


before he could think any further, he is hit by the red light. It scatters and rearranges itself into a figure od a person.

"Who are you?"

The deep voice asks Michael.


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