
The Apex hunter

Every environment has an apex. A beast is perched atop the throne, watching every living thing below. They have no competition and can do whatever they want. No one could mess with the apex. However, there exist people who could hunt these invincible beasts. After achieving such a monumental task, they will be awarded the total of the Apex hunter. Bullied by his peers for being weak. Michael set out on his quest to become an apex hunter! 1 Chapter per days

Divichan02 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

35 The Apex

Michael and Lyala rest inside a little cave on the cliff of a steep mountain. The wall of the cave is made out of stone. The cave was not very deep so they could still feel the raindrops from the outside.

Right in front of the cave is a monolith that Michael has seen before. Thinking about it a bit, He could remember that he saw this monolith earlier in the southern part of the forest. Is this an identical stone? or did the one in the south just move here?

Who did it?

Michael is puzzled but, he didn't think much about it. The answer is properly not something that he could figure out anytime soon.

The cave got colder and colder as the rain goes on. With their cloth soaking wet, they don't have a choice but to take some off. Judging by the water level down below he could safely say that the woman that pursuing them would not be here anytime soon.


Thunder rang outside, scaring Michael out of his wits. He subs concisely crawl to the back of the cave to avoid lighting. He's been scared of this since he was a child. The sound of thunder has something in it that could instill fear in his heart.

"Why are you so afraid of thunder?"

Layla attempts to strike up a conversation because she has nothing better to do. She enjoys chatting with others and is a very talkative person. She would converse to everyone, except those who are as unpleasant as Michael. Michael, though, looked better in her eyes thanks to the earlier rescue.

"I.. don't know... Maybe.....um... I don't know.."

"What? How could you not know?"

"I... really can't remember... There's something about a sea and a bright white light."


"Is there something to be excited about being scared of thunder?"

"I thought you got struck by lightning while sailing at sea or something."


Michael is speechless at how Layla talks. They typically interact for one sentence in Gurara's house so, Michael is not prepared for her to be this energetic.

They converse for some time. Layla asks Michael questions, and he responds to them for most of the chat. Since Michael is not accustomed to having lengthy talks with people, most of the conversations lead nowhere.

Micahel thinks that Brava and he got a common problem. So Michael felt like he could talk to him more than Layla.


A while later Layla and Michael sit and wait in silence. The rain doesn't have any sign to end soon and the cold air makes it uncomfortable to be in this cave. However, one upside to this is that they didn't encounter any monsters. the apex predator territories are really dangerous for other monsters to wander in.


Although the water level is still high, Michael could hear the splash of water. Like something just came up from the murky water. If they are not water predators, who or what in their right mind would swim in it!?

Michael and Layla both heard the same thing. So it can't be their imagination. They don't have to wait that long to find the answers. A familiar figure shows up in front of the cave. A point pirate hat could be seen entering a cave.

"Hi, there sweety. Do you miss me?"

She turns off her snake glasses and approaches the kids. Her whole outfit is still wet from the swim but, she didn't seem to be bothered by it. Seeing the pirate woman Michael and Layla is on high alert. He brandishes his silver knife while Layla ready her hammer.

This fight will be a messy one since both sides can't lose.

"It seems like I'm not welcome here... Let end this quickly then"

Michael and Layla tense up from her word. They knew that they has very little chance of coming out on top if they were to fight the pirate woman. So Michael and Layla hope that they could find a way out while fighting.

However before they could do anything, Silvia's figure disappear from their sight. They both look around the cave but, they can't find the woman.


A cold cut to both Michael's legs bent his body downward. Then Layla tries to swing her hammer at the woman who just reappears behind Michael but, the pirate quickly repositions herself and slashes her whip blade at Layla. However, Layla already know that her attack wouldn't hit so, she dodge before the counter-attack would hit.


"ARHHH, How!"

Layla is pissed! The whip doesn't even hit her! how did she got hurt? This seems unfair!

"You're too young to know about this, little girl... It's a pity that you can't..."


Suddenly a giant red line comes out of the water. Attaching itself to Silavia's back. The pirate woman panicked and quickly dash out trying to detach this red line. However, her creation is too late. The sucking force of the redline is too much.


Silvia scream as she got dragged into the murky water. The scene only lasts for a second, it stuns both Michael and Layla.


"Shh" Before Michael could ask Layla covered his mouth with her hand and gestured for him to be quiet. Michael calmed down and look at the dark water outside. She could vaguely see a dark figure swimming in there.

Michael holds his breath. He knows exactly what happened now. The only thing that could do this on the island is the Apex predator. Holding the position of the most powerful monster on this island with no other monster that could match up to it.

The one and only

Boniha Frog

The island has been named after it. The only creature on the island that everybody needs to respect. even the chief has to have plenty of preparation to defeat it. There are about three Boniha frogs on this island. Sharing one mountain.

Michael can't even breathe properly while watching the Boniha frog swim away. It seems like the frog didn't value them. It giant figure disappears into the dark forest water. Michael and Layla both look at each other, they could feel that the other party was scared too.

Siliece befell the cave. They don't want to make any sound to alert the monster to come back. It could easily deal with the pirate girl, Michael can't imagine what would happen if The Boniha frog came for them.

The night is still long so Layla purpose that they keep watch and swap with each other every 2 hours. However, even if she said that Layla could not sleep at all. Just the thought that they are in the Boniha frog territories scared her awake.

Michael get out his necklace and pray that they come out of this place alive.