
The Apex hunter

Every environment has an apex. A beast is perched atop the throne, watching every living thing below. They have no competition and can do whatever they want. No one could mess with the apex. However, there exist people who could hunt these invincible beasts. After achieving such a monumental task, they will be awarded the total of the Apex hunter. Bullied by his peers for being weak. Michael set out on his quest to become an apex hunter! 1 Chapter per days

Divichan02 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

37 The sky shaker

The figure that appears before Michael is a 2 meters tall man with a shirtless top. The piece of wears on his body is blue shorts and a silver necklace. His bulky body is brimming with muscle like he was a greek good. All over his body is a tattoo of various creatures and patterns.

If Michael hasn't noticed the man's green eyes and short black hair he would mistake him for a Boniha tribe elite hunter. The muscle man looks at Michael in confusion.

"What is this? Some kind of illusion? Show yourself before I get mad!"


"Reveal yourself before I punch you in the face!"

The man quickly pick Michael up by the collar and prepared his punch. Michael flinches and tensed up, not long ago he was bullied by fellow kids. Now he will be bullied by adults. He moving up in society!

Michael didn't even try to get out of the man grab, from his perspective he has no chance of getting out of the bulky man judging from his build.

"You're hard to peel hm? Then I'll have to do this the old way!"


Michael's face has been pummeled by the man's fist however, Michael only feels pain but, his body is fine. This shocked both Michael and the bulky man.

"You aren't an illusion?"


Shouldn't you confirm that first before punching me? Michael wants to ask the question but, he is in no position to do so. His body is still in the strange man's hands.

"Then who are you!?"


"What!? Where are you from!?

"I'm from the mainland I think? but, I'm in Boniha village right now.."

"What!? don't tell me that your uncle is Gurara too."

"How did you know!?"

Micheal is startled, the man he has just met 2 minutes ago knows information about his life. even some people in Boniha village did not know this. His body began to tease up again.

"You ask how did I know? Isn't it obvious? look at my face."

"...What about your face?"

"Have you been living under a rock? Never hear of Sky shaker Michael!? The first ever person to kill the sky dragon!"


What!? He must be suffering from hallucination this time. How could this be real!? Why does this man claim that he is him? Many questions pop up inside his mind with no clear answer.

"Why are you surprised? Your mother must have named you after me."

"...." Why does this man so self-centered "But, my uncle is also Gurara?"

"That must have been a huge coincidence! everybody would name their child after me when they heard that I fell that mighty sky beast!"


'"Don't believe me? Kid, I think you're too young to meet me. When you grew up you will value this moment as the greatest moment in your life."

The man claims to be named Michael and goes on and on about how awesome he is. The man's tale is filled with great adventure and how cool he is. Everywhere he goes, there seem to be people telling tales about him. Initially, Michael is truly impressed however, as the tale continues the man starts to sound more and more like a liar.

The story sound too good to be true.

"That with that I kill..... Are you listening?"

"N...No... no!... I mean Yes I'm listening!"

"That what did I talk about?"

"Umm...." Michael did not listen to the man at all. "A winter island hunt?"

"Wrong!" Slap! "It's the hunt on a marble island. you're not listening to me at all!"

The muscle man is frustrated! How can kids these days have so little patience? They can't even listen to his tale. Which isn't even that long...

"I'll overlook this incident since you come from the same place as me however, there won't be next time. More importantly, do you know what is this place?"

"I don't know... But. earlier I saw a crack and a flaming city."

Michael describes his experience before encountering the man. For some reason, he felt like he could trust this man. Michael didn't know why but, looking at the man Michael could feel that he can trust him with his whole being.

"Your experience with the 4 Bright light doesn't ring any bell. Red is clearly the best color so I don't know why white would warn you however, The burning city does sound familiar. "

The man caresses his chin but, he can't seem to come up with anything. So he changes the topic.

"What year is it?"

"3083 about 2 months till winter."


The sudden outburst scared Michael, and the man grabbed Michael's shirt and shake him. "What are the years again?"


"Last time I remember it was 3103! Are you sure you're not dumb?"

"I'm not that dumb! How could I mess up something like that!?"

Michael shouted at the man, Even if he's not the brightest tool in the shed he's at least not dumb enough to miss remember the year. Or did he? No...

"Um... now that I think about it this kinda looks like a dream realm."

"A What?"

" A dream realm where reality meets the dream. It's a place filled with happiness and pain. That's what I heard about it. Don't ask more. I didn't pay attention when someone explains it to me. But, I do know how to leave this place thou"


The old man's lips curl up into a big smile. He lifts his hand and smashes it into a black space near him. Many cracks form along with pain in Michael's body.

"What did you do!?"

Micha arches back in pain, his body rolling on the floor. Somehow the crack is linked to him. Michael is about to ask The man to stop when the bulky man smashes into the empty space.


The whole world break apart and Michale woke up in an unfamiliar place. No, The grey rocky ceiling is very familiar to him. Layla has been standing outside of the cave guarding against danger.

"Who're you?"


"Um... Sorry, wrong question. Why did you wake up, you still got about 20 minutes."

Layla relays her information judging from the moon's position. The rain stop long ago but, the water level continues to rise. Michael and Layla know that after the rain the water will raise until about 15 minutes have passed.

"Layla, did you see anyone with a bulky build and about 2 meters tall?"

"Michael, Are you dumb? How could I have seen someone like that."
