
The Apex Alpha

Seth was a legendary assassin with metahuman abilities. He was so feared that a country was willing to risk sending all of their metahumans as well as the many metahuman mercenaries they hired in order to bring him down after he killed several political leaders and their families. After killing several thousand metahumans, Seth was finally brought down. But he was fine with it. He knew that with all the damage that he had caused, he would eventually be killed. And he was prepared for his death and he regretted nothing. What he was not prepared for though, was what came after. -------- Hmmm. Death has relieved me of all this pain that all those bastards had caused me. The only thing I am disappointed about is not being able to spend all that money I made. What is that light? I know that I would not head to heaven and there is too little cackling for hell. Where am I? I've been reincarnated? Interesting! I read novels about that when I was younger but never expected it to be true. Wait. What? What happened to my reincarnation and golden finger? Note: Art is not mine. Credit to the original owner/s (I like to change my cover art around at first) and will take it down if they got an issue with it or I just wanna change it.

BoredAsura · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 6: First Kill

Seth noticed all the thoughts going through Liam's mind before he even pulled out the knife and Seth even subconsciously praise him for his foresight and decisiveness.

'He knows that it is better to nip a problem in the bud and kill off his enemies before they have a chance to grow? Not bad. If only he was my host. I would at least be able to have some more fun with someone smart like that.'

Although he praised Liam, it was only out of finding the situation interesting. Liam meant nothing in his eyes especially since he wanted to kill Alex.

'You want to kill my host? Sorry but I don't know if I get another chance after this. So since the only thing that can happen is him dying or you dying, it will have to be you, you foolish boy.'

Alex came out of his thoughts and noticed Liam approaching with the box cutter. The exhilaration of finding out that he was an Alpha was short-lived and replaced by fear as he saw Liam slowly and menacingly approaching.

'He wouldn't really kill me, would he? Bullying is one thing but actual murder? That can't be possible.'

Reading the thoughts of Alex, Seth was further disgusted by him. Even with the answer so obvious and right in front of him, the boy still hoped for the best.

'I need to find out if I can leave this body or take this guy over. If I am not careful, I will end up dying along with this fool.'

Alex was backing away slowly using his hand and feet as Alex began rambling at Liam.

"You can't do this. This is a crime. This is really murder."

"That is only if I get caught. And I'm not willing to risk you coming after me once you master your powers so you will have to die today."

Hearing this, Alex was shocked but he did not give up.

"If you really kill me, all those other kids who were here will know it was you. You will go away for a long time."

Liam paused for a moment before his eyes turned serious and murderous again. In fact, his murderous intent increased even more.

"They all ran away and were not paying attention to anyone but themselves. This box cutter is one that I stole so I will just clean it off after I kill you and throw it away. Don't try to talk me out of it anymore. You will die today so I can live tomorrow."

Alex had finally backed into the wall and had nowhere else to go. Liam stood above him with his box cutter in hand before swinging it down on Alex with a shout.

Alex threw up his hands to protect himself from the knife. Alex heard Liam scream once again but this scream was different than the previous one. And Alex felt no pain in his hands.

'Did he change his mind? Will I live?'

Liam screamed again and kept screaming but to Alex, it sounded like a dying pig and no longer a warrior attacking. Alex uncovered his head and opened his eyes to see a shocking scene.

A few seconds back: Liam screamed not because he was about to launch another attack but because two fireballs flew out of Alex's hands and struck him on the chest and face making him lose consciousness due to pain and shock.

This was Seth's doing. He knew that Alex would not defend himself so he had to make it look like Alex 'accidentally' used his powers.

If Seth went all out, he could easily burn Liam to a crisp with a single fireball but he used weaker ones to establish Alex's power level as well as make Liam's death slow.

'This kid is mine. The only person allowed to kill him is me, for now at least.'

Even though he became unconscious, Liam woke up as he felt the heat on his chest. He screamed as he felt part of his face burned and damaged while the fire on his chest was spreading.

Alex saw Liam on the ground and rolling around while trying to put out the flames. After rolling several times, Liam was finally able to put out the fire even though the damage to his chest and face were severe. He was on the ground panting and completely drained.

Alex looked down at his hands in fear of what 'he' had done. But before he knew it, two more fireballs shot out of his hands and 'accidentally' hit Liam once again.

Exhausted from before, Liam did not have the energy to resist and was struck again. This time, however, one struck his back while another struck his leg. He could do nothing but scream and lay on the ground as the flames consumed him.

Alex was not much better as he looked on in horror as Liam burned to death and was consumed by flames. After a minute of solid burning, did Liam finally quiet down and Alex took his eyes off him.

'It was an accident. It was an accident. It was an accident.' Alex kept repeating that single sentence in his mind over and over again. This was the first time Alex had ever seen a dead body even more so the first time he had ever killed anyone.

Alex walked a few steps away before he fell to his knees and vomited out his lunch and even a little blood. Alex felt the world spinning and his sight blur.

The last thing Alex saw and heard was the burning body of Liam as his blood literally boiled. Then, he passed out.

Seth let out a snort of dismissal at Alex's antics.

'One dead body and he passes out like that? This boy disappoints me more with every action he takes.

Bored at the dentist office so gonna release a chapter

BoredAsuracreators' thoughts