
The Ape From Space

Imagine waking up to darkness, groggily realizing you're in space. I was not an astronaut, I'm a damn janitor for shit-sake, but rapidly learning about memories not my own... at least I think they weren't. I know three key-points that have me on edge. One, I was now a weakling Saiyan warrior named 'Kron'. a stupid name... Second was that Saiyan's were real, or I was self-inserted by some cunt. And three I was a hairbreadth away from the suction of space in an attack-Ball... God damned where am I heading? and fuck space! Disclaimer: I Own Nothing, except Artwork lol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Editing the earlier chapters.

Warrior988 · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

Training For a Month More.

I had almost drowned A few times in my attempt's at creating my new technique but after twenty days I had the created something special. Spending more time in transforming into A great ape while I had eyes on me wouldn't be smart of me, so I had spent time developing my new technique. I had also spent most of my time surviving, moving my hideout to another part of the continent, to the west.

Still at the southern-most part of the continent and keeping in lush parts.

The Grimm had increased their attacks on my territory, they are good practice targets for me to target with either the 'Tyrant's Wave' attack or just normal Ki-blasts, but it had proved to become tiring using the former move more than six-times while also training underwater. My new technique I had called the 'Aura sphere, in remembrance to my past love of Pokémon. With this new move, while feeding Ki, would shimmer A barely see-through orb or blanket shielding around myself in order to block some Ki-based attacks but it also allowed me to breath under water by converting Ki and my blood into oxygen, hopefully it also works in space too, could come in handy. The specifics I hate to think about, but so far it does its job, the breathing part as I haven't A Ki-user to test the shield-part with yet, but I did fly into Ki-blasts I had left motionless in order to test the shielding part although as of now only weak blasts were used.

Besides trying to figure out if my move was up to use, I had begun preparing for my new job. I don't know about this job to be honest, to be hired by the one of the sociopaths of the SDC. Seeing Weiss again would be weird since last time, but the job would be short-term until Beacon academy first-of term starts. Winter had texted me the details of the job, I didn't have nor want A bank account so they'd pay me upfront or Weiss would have the lien on hand every two weeks for eight weeks. It would be A decent amount of cash to spend, mainly on food if I'm to stop with the thievery so there's that.

I have no idea why I wasn't in put into custody, or an attempt was made anyway, Ironwood and Ozpin had unknown goals in mind to do with me, or maybe not so much unknown and so being cautious on this new venture would be necessary but I'd be able to handle that. However right now while I had time, I was to use it wisely, the Grimm offered targets for me which in the badlands to the north of my hideout, I was dodging all attempts from them to hit me as A sort of good way to use my aggression.

"haaaaaarrgggh, hehehah" My hand held out, the other supporting it as the unleashed blast vaporized another elephant-type Grimm, my bloodlust was barely controlled then an incoming trunk of another of these behemoths nearly knocked me out of the sky from where I hovered. Dodging another blow from this one, I darted to the ground and dashed into it, elbow first into its underbelly then a furious blow of A flurry of punches had knocked the wind out of it. Moving from where it had fallen, I landed A landing blow to its head, the kick had impaled it which the Grimm began to fade out. Landing to the ground in A crouching position, sensing and yes, the telling-signs that my natural sensing ability was some-what improving, I felt my two new targets.

Two Beowolve's had tried to cut me off, using my left arm I pushed off from where I was currently and blasted upward to a higher vantage point on A hill. More and more Grimm had been hanging out in this area, as I had cleared them out more had come. More elephant-types were downright out for blood, charging the hill I was on, there were a few Nevermore's overhead but not much as I tended to target them first to keep my advantage of the sky.

The two Nevermore's I flew towards were my next targets, decimating one as I flew-damn near through it, the other swerved around to a lower altitude with me in pursuit. Flying through the disintegrating Nevermore, my fist imploded the other one, using the momentum of the hit my impact towards the ground caused A shock wave. Said shock had knocked all sorts of beasts outward from impact, allowing for me to choose my next targets.

Not so much as training, killing Grimm allowed me to channel my anger which I thought would be better than going after people. Charging up my Ki into my hands, I spotted A huge amount of Grimm. As it would happen when someone would power-up, the environment was suddenly hit with gusts of wind, coming outward from where I had stood. Finally, I was ready.

"Royal Spear! Hahhhrhuhehrh!!" The Shout I had laughed out I Emitted in time with the engulfing blast had shaken the planet, at least where I was, the expected explosion and show of light, smoke, gusts and debris. The Debris got smaller as the ongoing dust-ball had started to dissipate, those Grimm caught in the blast were no more.

"Might As well try using my new shield technique, find the ocean and dive in using it. What should I name it though? I'll figure it out once I know it works" hovering upward, I flew off south bound where I knew the sea was. I had big plans with this technique, it required extreme Ki-control so I could only use it for A few seconds at the most so far. My training was promising though as my power-level had risen A nice 150 points so now 900 which is alright for A 16-year-old Saiyan, my opinion, I'm no Gohan.

My scouter had not picked up anyone in the area, so I had only used it on myself. Currently in the wild I had opted to dress in my Saiyan uniform forgoing my clothes, they were stored away until my new job begun as they were not ideal to train in.

The month was almost up, I had according to the scroll I was given, eight days until I went back to Vale, back to Weiss. It was really strange, her old man caring enough to hire me, the racist that he is but he might have assumed I was human as my tail was barely noticeable in that meeting. My tail was a weak point still, I had squeezed it hard every day to strengthen that weakness, it was an ongoing process. Yeah, I had to consider that Weiss had forgotten about said weakness as at the time her life was in danger at the motel she was staying, but still I'd have to assume she might have told someone.

Being on Remnant, I thought about their greatest strength, their Aura which you'd think was similar to Ki. I wasn't sure if this ability was unlock-able to anybody or if it was a species thing, that being humanity and Faunus of Remnant, which their species unlocked in order to better combat the everlasting darkness that is the Grimm. If such an ability could be unlocked, I was not sure if it would interfere with my current abilities, something to consider for the future, I had enough to do as it is.

Then again, magic was on this planet and that was usable in DBZ, don't think Saiyan's used it though come to think of it.

Besides laying waste to the Grimm, training and developing existing and one new technique, the area in which I live was looking like a real [D.I.Y] jungle-hut. My makeshift home kept me warm at night and I was proud of my creation, having only built another one in my past life. The past… keeping busy keeps my head focused and out of thinking of my family, never seeing them again… it hits hard even in when I act unfazed.

Finally, after twenty or so minutes, I had just flown out of the desert, hilly hellhole which I had 'dubbed' the badlands and into the jungle southern area which I inhabit. Flying past familiar area's including my outpost, my Ki cackling around myself as I had flown south still. It was evening still, the hot day somewhat ate at my fatigue, but I still felt good, felt energized with this idea I had. Landing on the rocky beach of the southern coast of the Dragon continent, I overlooked the area, enjoying the spray of the sea.

"Let's start in the shallow, just in case I fuck it up." enthusiastically jumping from the stone-layered beachhead onto the sandier part, I went slowly into the sea, waves parting as I walked. I wasn't sure what, marine animal-wise was awaiting me. Was there aquatic Grimm? I assumed there was, in any-case I will deal with it if the need arises. Finally, away from the shore being deep enough to test my new Ki-force-field, I began to power-up a bit, focusing my Ki. Activating the technique which I have named 'Aura Sphere', I dived down a bit.

Opening my eyes, I could see the glimmer of the orb-like veil surround myself, I began to blow out air from my lungs and… I didn't physically take A breath, but I wasn't drowning either, it is feeling... uh, it felt strange, like I was swimming but with invisible diving-gear equipped. No feeling the hot gasping for breath, I decided to further test its use. Exceedingly over fifteen minutes and no signs of drowning, I went back to the surface. I needed rest as the technique required extreme control and I was getting hungry. Testing would still have to be done, starting next day that is.

"Right, food and then shit… training my tail… right, tail training then" I whispered to myself out-loud, tired of not hearing my voice, with all this mental thinking. It was times like these when I wished I had access to the music of the earth where I was ripped from. Floating up, then slowly heading back north, conserving my energy just in case, I head back to base. I still had some supplies I took from Vale left, the cans reminded me of 'spam', tasted like it too. I had yet to cut more wood with so before I resolved to feast like A starving person, I got myself one of the trees with A kick then decimated it until it was split into hundreds of pieces to be usable. After 'dinner', I mediated for A bit and then 'hit the hay', so-to speak and went to sleep.

These next seven days were spent, like I have been using them, but with the added task of using my new shield-like life-orb to start going deeper and deeper into the sea. I had caught some big fish too, impressive specimens which would most likely be good for eating. Which currently underwater, my technique allowing me to breathe as I went deeper, my good luck wouldn't last. About to talk, underwater before realizing I couldn't say the profanities I was about to utter, I viewed red-glowing eyes penetrating me, multiple sets from what I could gather scattered around my vision.

I moved quick, the technique I was using to breath allowed me to move more quickly underwater, but as the depth I was at was well, deep as in bone-crushing, it wasn't quicker. This was fucking deep, and it appears Grimm were even down here. The ocean had changed color to an orange-tinge as the energy approaching me which appeared to be fire and from multiple sources had reached where I was at. The stream of heat had instantly-heated the ocean which I could feel. The Grimm had launched themselves after me when I had gone backward, but I was already charging my 'Tyrant's Wave, intent on doing 'Area-Of-Effect'(AOE) damage to the group of them.

The Ki-attack had spread out, encasing the Grimm in its energy. Underwater fights were much harder especially this deep in the ocean, my attack managed to hit all of them. I put a huge amount of Ki just to deal with them, which succeeded in killing four of the seven of them as the other three were just far enough out from the rest to be able to swim out of the way. As they got closer, these Grimm were damn massive which had surprised me. I hadn't even seen these ones in the show, they must be in later seasons or something. Huge gaping jaws like A shark and their bodies humanoid-like, it was A monstrous sight and for their size, they are fast.

Man, there were more coming in as I had spotted more glowing eyes in-coming. Another six sets of them from what I could count, could be wrong. All well, at this depth and fighting them would be good training, the pressure from the ocean and the constant use of my life-breathing technique would handicap me. Good training indeed.

[D.I.Y] means Do It Yourself, google can tell you

(AOE) means Area Of Effect, Warcraft 3 can tell you


Mc is getting A bit more powerful. An annoying chapter to write, but better then the next one at least. Training his basis here, until I write in someone he can not beat, he proberly will not train as hard as he should except for creating or learning new moves or whatnot. A month of training for A saiyan should see improvement especially when they have A goal in mind, his power-level rising that much should express that.

Until next time.

Editted - 27/03/24 -

Warrior988creators' thoughts