
The Ape From Space

Imagine waking up to darkness, groggily realizing you're in space. I was not an astronaut, I'm a damn janitor for shit-sake, but rapidly learning about memories not my own... at least I think they weren't. I know three key-points that have me on edge. One, I was now a weakling Saiyan warrior named 'Kron'. a stupid name... Second was that Saiyan's were real, or I was self-inserted by some cunt. And three I was a hairbreadth away from the suction of space in an attack-Ball... God damned where am I heading? and fuck space! Disclaimer: I Own Nothing, except Artwork lol ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Editing the earlier chapters.

Warrior988 · Anime & Comics
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148 Chs

Public Enemy?

A new sound had filled the room, that of the wind which blew in from the big hole I had created minutes before. Weiss had got up from the floor and went to retrieve her weapon. She walked at A slower pace, especially around the bodies that were left around her VIP-suite.

"I, concede that I may have misjudged you… but if you think I'm explaining what happened here, and by the brothers…" she said, while looking towards the various bodies and wanton destruction I had caused.

"You've got another thing coming" Weiss had my fall attention now, her eyes narrowed as she looked at me.

"You don't really look upset. About the bodies I mean" my question had paused her, before she replied.

"I've had attempts on my life before… I have seen dead before. Family… Faunus from the Fang, even employees have died for my sake. I'm not heartless, I understand the sacrifices for me being alive, being who I am… I hate that-, " she paused when she caught sight of her luggage.

"Damn oath, you're lucky you didn't blow my stuff up. There's a lot of dust packed inside those bags…" she stalked towards her stuff when she suddenly stopped. Her breath hitched as her sight gazed into the bedroom while walking.

"No…" Weiss made her way into the room, where her manservant was in. Right, he was dead. I walked slowly after her. The sight I had caught as I entered the bedroom would snap me out of my adrenaline-induced high, that of Weiss with her head down as she stood vigil over her dead employee. I hesitantly put my hand on her shoulder then, stranger we were but I couldn't help but to show some compassion for her loss. She turned to me then, tears-stained eyes met mine as she shook my hand from her shoulder while turning.

Thankfully for me, we were interrupted again but this time it was the three power-levels my scouters had picked up from before. Two nameless at least, not seen from the show and one familiar one was pointing their weapons at me… if A riding crop was A weapon.

"Drop any weapons you have and get onto your knees." I complied, even though I knew I could take them, but I didn't really want to become public enemy number one. I had to play this by ear.

Weiss had left the room very slowly, with hands raised which garnered their attention. Glynda had frozen Weiss's movement temporarily until she realized who she had in her telekinetic semblance.

"Weiss Schnee, we are here to recuse you. Come along now, you look shaken up." Glynda's gaze was fierce as she leered at me from where I had gone down, one of the other hunter's had then spoken.

"Looks like White Fang up here too, so three dead and ten captured. But who is this person." The guy, A hunter had spoken aloud. Weiss Had turned to me now, her Gaze was flickering between annoyance and hesitation before she spoke up.

"He had saved me. I don't know who he is but all the same, I would either be dead or-" she was interrupted by Glynda Goodwitch.

"Be that as it may, his methods leave less to be desired. The deaths of these three, and at the hands of A civilian." her gaze towards me was less hostile, but still.

I felt my body rise, under thrall by her Semblance which I didn't fight. The other Hunter had walked up and cuffed me then.

"don't worry about your luggage miss Schnee, it will be brought to Beacon Academy later on-" The beacon teacher was interrupted when Weiss retorted rather hotly.

"M-my butler, he was murdered… by the White Fang and you're talking about my luggage!" Weiss pointed towards the room where her, employee was lying in a pool of his own blood. The Hunter who cuffed me stalked toward the room, confirming the dead. A solemn look a befallen the two hunter's and huntress as they hadn't realized an innocent was killed. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes at the dramatic antics that have befallen the strongest of humanity, at least of this planet, I spoke up in order to speed this charade along. I've got shit to do after all, namely, to prepare my going into the wilderness.

"Hurry up, I'd like to clear my name about around this time, today-" my next words were struck from me when my mouth refused to open, the deputy headmistress had effectively muted me, had I tried to fight her muzzling me like an caged beast, it would take more power than I have currently allowed Weiss to glimpse when I slaughtered her would-be kid-nappers… keeping my cards close and all that.

"Your story here will be sorted when we get you and the other prisoners to the station, until then your silence would be appreciated" the smug blonde had finished with me and took Weiss, guiding her out into one of the elevators while we, being me and the two hunters took another one.

After A surprisingly quick elevator ride, being that I realized the building was thirty-one floors, we had reached the lobby. There were a lot of signs of destruction and violence committed in the lobby with a lot of empty bullet-casings and stray bullet-holes. Overall, the large number of cops had told me this place had been in a shoot-out, between them and the White Fang.

My scouter was secure on my person still, one of the hunters had my Saiyan uniform clothing on hand. The other hunter secured me inside the van while the one with my stuff locked it inside A cabinet-like compartment which was a part of the police van. Like A good criminal, I had sat and watched as the two hunters left the vehicle and so eased and relaxed for the moment after-all, being cuffed was only a formality at this point, at least for them. Let them think their safe…

I was walked out onto the street, with my escort and put into the back of A police van. Of course I wasn't alone in here, noticing at once A handful of Faunus who were minimally injured but cuffed all the same in the back with me. One of them even recoiled in fear or shock when seeing me, almost made me laugh to be honest, must be another survivor of my wrath. The van driver and knocked on to a mesh-bar covered window to the back, then told us to shut up, as A few of the White Fang prisoners were having A heated argument before driving off.

The twenty or so minutes of sitting hand-cuffed in the van was sat in silence, my mind was wandering. Nothing in particular besides my plans and… other things more personal. In my past life I had only went to A police station once, because some bitch I knew mistook me for another guy, A guy who stole from an electronic store. Now though and after only what? Two days and I'm apart of A terrorist attempted kidnapping.

The Van itself had A locked compartment which one of the hunters had my stuff put inside. It also had A few duffel bags, filled with God-knows what police pack into them and an array of shotgun-looking weapons and police issue handguns which were locked onto shelves. Rising from my seat casually, my cuffs strained and snapped in the process which alerted not only the driver, but also the White Fang members who were also cuffed. Flexing my hand a few times, looking at the Fang who were either looking at me in awe apart from that one guy who looked more panicked and then to the driver, I decided to blow my way out but take those duffel bags for myself. I nice bonus for this trip.

"It's about time I left, thanks for the bags. I'll be putting them to good use. Oh, and you Fang…" my fist had already moved at the word 'Fang', impaling into the driver's side which then impaled said driver. The driver's foot was still on the pedal while I began looting my stuff and threw these low-life's A bone, so-to speak.

"Reach out your cuffed hand and I'll release you from your bonds. Then you guys can help yourself to these here weapons." I indicated by nodding my head towards the still packed guns.

"Why are you helping us? when you had slaughtered our comrades at the bloody field?" The quivering-in fear mongrel had spoken up, emboldened perhaps by the accelerating van or the chance of escape. Instead of answering, I quipped with my own question. "The bloody field huh? Is that what you fools do, come up with silly names for my works of carnage" walking towards the back and kicking out the double doors of the van, I turned my neck one more time before throwing the keys onto the ground, the keys I had ripped through the driver, threw his stomach that is when I had impaled him.

"On second thought, here. Help yourselves." chucking aloud at their cries of indignation and despair when I threw the keys onto the floor, not helping them quicker. Before flying out, I checked that I had everything on me, in my new bag before blasting off, heading upward to lose any observers or my captors.

Landing five minutes away on another sky-rise building, I finally had something to carry all my items around in. The two police-issue duffel bags were going to be put to use, but first I had to locate A grocery store and start grabbing non-perishable foodstuffs. The other bag would be for my spare Saiyan uniform and other stuff, maybe get toiletries and the like. Before setting out from the roof of the skyline, I had made sure my new outfit which covered my Saiyan armor was right, with my new duffel bag with my stuff inside and the empty one slung in front of me. I blasted off and descended down.

Once again, I had landed into A back alley, conscious of who would be watching as I wanted to be inconspicuous. Heading back out onto the street I had found that I chose A good area to search, the street was beginning to be empty of pedestrians and mortar-vehicles. Spotting A few stores that were still open, I ventured through them opting to secure nonperishable foodstuffs which would last me longer in the wild.

An hour had passed, I had stolen a lot of food and other supplies. I had nearly been caught A few times but when you're as quick as Ki-flinging warriors from DBZ, well… not to brag but it was like taking candy from A… I was heading away from there, down the blocks and into the newer side of the Vale CBD. There were all sorts of clubs and cock-tail bars from what I could gather and other sort of places. From my stroll through and taking what I would need for my training in the wild, I had noticed that the police force was out in force. I thought I saw, and my scouter had indicated that of A certain blonde who likes driving around on her motorbike being pulled over though I didn't stick around to watch.

Finally, I was ready, ready to begin my training at least my control training for the 'Oozaru' or 'Great Ape Form'. I had to get that down first off, it would come in handy as I didn't want to cause wanton slaughter if I had accidentally transformed in the future. I would then, when that was done, go against the Grimm and try and slaughter as much of them until I start to fatigue…then keep pushing until I start weakening. Maybe that was A way to increase my power but that I'd have to actually test in A controlled environment.

"Alright, I've got everything, no use sticking around her for now. Time to head north, back to the forever fall, then I will decide where to go from there." powering up, my Ki became visible as I blasted off from the street-alley I was walking through, not caring in the least at the few bums circled around A burning barrel. And so, I flew north, from what I could remember with Blake, Forever Fall was north or north-west of Vale.

More of an filler and finishing off with Weiss for now. Meeting Glynda aswell. Hopefully I will have MC making waves in the coming chapters but who knows what impact MC has left on the character's so far, writing about should be fun. MC also seems to have A callous disregard for other's lifes now which he's struggling or shrugging off. Until next time next weekend.

Cheers for reading

Edited 27/03/24 thanks.

Warrior988creators' thoughts