
Chapter 5: Family meeting

After leaving the library Yang Sen quickly went back to his room since his tutor was about to arrive. On the way back, many servants and clansman greeted Yang Sen with a smile and Yang Sen naturally did the same.

It was really well known in the Yang clan that Yang Sen was a very easy-going kid that didn't judge people based on their background. This was the reason why most of the servants and clansman of his clan really like's him.

Yang Sen then opened the door to his room. Upon entering he saw a middle age man sitting on a wooden chair next to a wooden table. This was man was Yang Sen's tutor that he has study with for the last 6 years when he was still considered to be a baby. His name was Ah Cheng, but Yang Sen normally calls him teacher Cheng.

"Your 3 minutes late young master and you know what that means don't you?" Ah Cheng had a stern look on his face, clearly not satisfied with his students performance. Ah Cheng could be considered to be a really strict teacher but also a caring one at that.

A scared face immediately appeared on Yang Sen's faced. Right now in his mind Yang Sen was cursing the people's that stopped him earlier to say hello. After all if they didn't stopped him, he wouldn't be 3 minutes late, but he would've been 10 minutes early.

A mysterious smile crept up onto ah Cheng's face, he then said "But since you manage to reach the houtian realm at this age i'm going to let you go this time, Congratulation Young master."

When Yang Sen heard that Ah Cheng finally noticed that he reached houtian stage, he was happy but also at the same time felt relieve due to not getting the punishments.

"Also what kind of book are you holding on your hand?" Ah Cheng curiously asked Yang Sen about the book.

"Well you see, teacher.... just as you said, I've just reach the houtian realm and I've been wanting to try and learn a martial arts skill. So today I went to the clan's library to borrow a book, the skill is called rock fist technique" Yang Sen answered Ah Cheng's question honestly with a straight face.

Ah Cheng in turned nodded. "The rock fist technique is a mid mortal skill and commonly used by houtian realm practitioners, but after reaching the xiantian realm this technique can consider to be very much trash."

"But this could still be considered good skill to a houtian realm practioner like you, not to mention your only at the first stage."

"I recommend you trying to learn the first and second of this skill and abandon the other 2 stages. The reason being the first 2 stages are easy and quick to learn not to mention you'll get a quick boost in power rather then the third and fourth stage where you'll need a really long time to learn and it would also consume tons of Qi than the first and second stage."

Ah Cheng quickly gave Yang Sen's some pros and cons about the technique. As Yang Sen's teacher, Ah Cheng need to fulfill his duty as a teacher to guide Yang Sen in the correct direction.

"Alright, now that we got that out of the way, are you ready to study?" Ah Cheng was smiling like a devil toward Yang Sen.

Yang Sen replied back while stuttering a bit "Y-yes teacher Ah Cheng i'm ready."

"You'll first start by giving me a brief summary about what we learned yesterday" Ah Cheng rubbed his chin while saying this.

"We talked about the stages of skills and extreme beast." Yang Sen replied immediately.

"How many stages of skill and extreme beast are there?" Ah Cheng again gave Yang Sen another question.

"Skills are separated into 5 different classes. They are mortal, earth, heaven, saint and finally immortal skill and each classes have a low, mid and high." Yang Sen flawlessly answered this first question and continued.

"Extreme beast are beast that also knows how to cultivate and just like us cultivators they 9 stages. They are level 1-9 extreme beast."

Ah Cheng nodded with satisfaction "Looks like you didn't slack off this time."

After saying this Ah Cheng began to teach Yang Sen about new topics and gave him difficult exercises to work out. Normally kids Yang Sen's age wouldn't even be able to do any of this question, but since Yang Sen had his original memories coupled with he fact that when he came to this world he started hitting the books right away, makes hims above average with his intellect although he could be a bit dumb at times.

4 hours later.....

"Alright young master don't forget to do your home work that I assigned you. I'll be taking my leave now." with that said Ah Cheng organize his papers and material and left.

"Sigh" Yang Sen was relief that the lesson was over. He felt so mentally tired that he didn't want to do anything but walk up to his bed and lie on it.

But then as Yang Sen was about to get up he heard a knocking noise coming from outside of his door.



A maid then open the door and bowed toward Yang Sen and said " Second young master, the master and mistress wants to have dinner with you at exactly 6 o'clock this afternoon"

"Oh, okay, got it thanks, you can go now" Yang Sen said lazily

The maid then quietly and gently closed the door.

Yang Sen stood up and stretch his body "Urgh! Ahk! Ooh! Okay much better"

"I still got an hour before I meet up with mom and dad, might as well get a little snooze before then" Yang Sen than hop on his bed for some Zzzz.

After about 30 minutes later Yang Sen got up and went to take a shower. After that he put on some really nice clothes. Yang Sen then went to look at himself in the mirror and said "Why hello good-looking"

He then heard a knock just like an hour ago coming from outside the door.



The maid from early opened the door, bowed and said "Second young master, the master and mistress has ordered me to escort you."

Yang Sen Said with a dashing smile "Alright lets go"

They both then left the room, after passing by many areas they finally arrive at a big fancy looking building. After arriving there Yang Sen's maid bowed and said goodbye to him and left.

Yang Sen took a deep breathe. He then walked to the door slowly and opened. Inside he saw a large table that had tons of delicious food, sitting neared it were 4 other peoples. They were of course were his mom and dad and 2 other siblings.

When Yang Lin, Xu Caihong and Yang Len saw Yang Sen they were surprised to see Yang Sen reached the houtian stage.

While the three of them were busy being stunned. Yang Nen the youngest of the family that has just started cultivating not to long ago couldn't feel anything different or strange from Yang Sen. But he stilled called Yang Sen out when he saw him.

"Big bro Yang Sen! Your here!"

When they heard Yang Nen's voice calling toward Yang Sen, everyone regain their senses immediately and also welcome Yang Sen's arrival.

When Yang Sen arrived at his seat, Yang Lin looks at him kindly and gave him a thumbs up "good job on reaching the houtian realm son."

Xu Caihong then continued by saying

"Yes little Sen we're all really proud of you" she than proceeds patted and Yang Sen on his head softly.

Yang Len didn't say anything but he also gave Yang Sen a thumbs up, showing his approval as the older brother.

Also when Yang Nen heard from his father that his second brother reached the houtian realm. He felt really excited and kept jumping up and down while praising Yang Sen non-stop.

Yang Lin then stood up after seeing that everyone gave there praises to Yang Sen. He then says "Now that everyone is here, you boys should dig in."

Yang Nen reacted the quickest and grabbed a chicken leg that was near him and stuffed all of it in his mouth.

Yang Sen and Yang Len were next. They immediately went for their favorite food that were available on the table. Such as octopus, roasted boar, fried rice and etc.

Yang Lin and Xu Caihong on the other hand only ate a bit. They were too busy watching their 3 adorable little boys eat. Seeing this made the both of them felt warm inside.

After everyone finished eating, Yang Lin once more stood up to say something that was really important "tonight was really a wonderful night. Your mother and I really enjoy spending times with you boys and we want to this more often but you must understand that we're really busy."

"But that's not the point why I called you boys here today. Next week we'll be going to visit the Su's clan in dragon city. Me and the patriarch of the Su's clan came to an agreement that we'll betrothed little Len to the first daughter of the Su's clan patriarch."


Yang Len that was currently drinking some water was surprised and spat it all out after hearing what his father had said. his eyes were opened wide and his jaw was about to touched the ground.

Yang Nen on the other hand was currently confused what the word, betrothed means and asked his mom what it meant and how it was related to his eldest brother. Xu Caihong tried her best to explain and gave the best innocent response to Yang Nen's question as she could.

While Yang Sen was just staring at the ceiling trying to be oblivious to the situation, he didn't want to be apart of any of this but when thinking of the word betrothed he couldn't help but remember his late fiancé. They were about to get married but a bomb went off in there city ruining their life's. he felt emotional every time he thought about this but tried to forget about it since he was already in a new world.

Yang Len on the other side weakly retorted back "B-but fathe-"

"No buts son, as the oldest child you have to take responsibility. Besides you haven't even met her yet, why don't you give her a chance." Yang Lin quickly interrupted Yang Len's sentence and strike back with his own dealing a critical hit.

Yang Len scratched his head and thought for a bit. What his dad said was kinda right, he didn't even met her yet. So how could he know if she has a good personality or a bad one. A face as beautiful as a goddess or as ugly as a toad.

In the end he agreed with his father that only after meeting with the Su's clan daughter will he decide in getting betrothed or not.

Yang Lin laughed hard went Yang Len agreed to him. Just like a prey getting trapped by its predator, Yang Lin got this all planned out.

Yang Sen watched from the side with a blank look and thought "why do I feel like this is similar to a plot where the Su's clans young miss would take a commoner over my brother hmm... oh well."

"Its decided then, next week we'll be visiting the the Su clan" Yang Lin was now beaming with energy after making Yang Len agree

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