
Chapter 4: Yang Sen

Near a small cottage there was a man walking back and forth in front of it. He was a really handsome man, that wore good-looking clothes, but he had a worried expression that was obvious to anyone that saw it.

He was Yang Lin, the current head of the Yang clan. A middle size clan that is situated in Soaring Flame kingdom and right now he was anxiously waiting for his second son to be born.

he had waited for a really long time already, getting more anxious as time went on but then suddenly.



A baby crying could be heard from inside the small cottage. When Yang Lin heard this he was overjoyed. He opened the door slowly and went inside the small cottage. inside the small cottage he saw a sleeping baby that was being carried by a beautiful looking women on a bed and a another ordinary looking women that was covered in sweat standing to the side smiling.

The women that was carrying her baby was Yang Lin's wife Xu Caihong. She was a beautiful women that would even make other beautiful women's jealous.

When the Xu Caihong saw her husband Yang Lin. she was overjoyed and called him over quietly, afraid that she would wake her newborn child

"Dear, over hear quick, looked at our little boy isn't he adorable"

Yang Lin then came over and Xu Caihong handed over the baby. When Yang Lin saw his second son's chubby face he couldn't help but give a smile that was very heartwarming.

"Dear what should we name our son, any ideas?" Xu Caihong asked tenderly towards Yang Lin

"Right he's a boy so what about Yang Sand?"

Xu Caihong shook her head

"Yang Red?"

Xu Caihong shook her head again

"Yang Man!"

Xu Caihong face palm herself due to her husband horrible sense of names. Xu Caihong thought for a moment and said.

"How about Yang Sen, I really like that name a lot, what do you think?"

"Umm..... yeah, yeah me too I think the name really suits him as well dear"Yang Lin was hesitating at first, but agreed to it anyways.

"Then Yang Sen it is.... oh, looked what have you done dear, you woke little Sen up" Xu Caihong pouted her cheeks staring at Yang Lin.

A few minutes ago....


[Well Of Reincarnation]

Before jumping into the well, Yang Sen turn back to take a look at hell one last time, since he was probably never gonna be here ever again. After reminiscing about the short time he had spent in hell, Yang Sen Jump into the well.

"Sayonara Hell."


Upon entering the hell of reincarnation, Yang Sen wasn't able to see anything nor feel anything for a while. There was nothing in here but cold empty darkness.

Then suddenly Yang Sen felt a strange sensation, it felt warm. A surge of warm energy enveloped Yang Sen making him feeling warm and cozy. In his entire life he has never felt anything like it before, this sensation felt strange yet so familiar, but he couldn't remember where.

Due to the warmness, it made Yang Sen really sleepy, but when he was about the fall asleep. Yang Sen heard a voice out of nowhere.

"Miss Caihong, your almost there! just a little bit more! don't give up!"

Yang Sen identified that the voice was from a women. After the voice, Yang Sen saw a light. It was so bright that it blind his eyes for a few seconds.

After opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was a beautiful women that was holding him while smiling and an ordinary women that was covered in sweat standing to the side who was also smiling.

A suddenly a sudden realization struck him. He was finally reincarnated, but when he was about to rejoice. the women smile turn into a frown, seeing this Yang Sen was confused. He then shortly remembered that all newborn babies cry when they are first born.



Seeing that Yang Sen was crying, Xu Caihong was overjoyed. She then comforted him until he slept. Of that's what she thought, in actuality Yang Sen was just pretending to sleep, you can say his acting was superb.

"Congratulation on your second son mistress Xu Caihong" the maid nearby bowed while saying this.

Xu Caihong nodded

A few minutes later....

When Yang Sen heard he was going to be named Yang Sen by his new parents. He was flabbergasted, never in his wildest dream would he thought that he would have the same name even after being reincarnated.

Yang Sen at first thought this must be fate, but he later scratched out that idea, he then thought it should probably be Yama's doing, only a powerful deity like him could probably do something like this. But since he was named with his own name, Yang Sen felt happy.

8 Years later....

[Yang Clans Manor]

[Yang Sen's Room]

It was late at night and Yang Sen was currently sitting on his bed cultivating. Since tonight was a full moon Yang Sen was absorbing spirit essence was 10 times faster than normal. He was trying to break into the houtian stage tonight, since there was a full moon tonight, why take advantage of this.

After about 3 more hours into the night.


Yang Sen made a small burst of energy that spreads around the room. he then slowly opens his eyes, shining. Yang Sen smiled and clenched his fist..

"I did it! I broke through the houtian stage, but I still can't believe how long it took me even with a good Qi refining technique such as the moonlight shadow to just breakthrough this one stage. Well whatever at least I've broken through the houtian stage.

The reason Yang Sen was so happy that he entered the houtian stage, was because at his age, other kids would only be half way there with cultivating with Qi. while kids above average would need at least 2 years before they also broke through.

Of course that being said, those kids didn't have high ranking Qi refining techniques. So compare to them Yang Sen talent was also average, and if we were to compare Yang Sen with true geniuses, similar to the sons-of-heavens, Yang Sen wouldn't stand a chance.

But of course Yang Sen also had his plans to not lag behind, he would either go exploring later on or plan on being a thief and stealing valuable treasure. Yet currently he didn't have the strength to do either of this, so for now he could only cultivate and learn a few fighting skill to help with his overall battle prowess.

Yang Sen than stretch his hand and his back while saying

"I guess i'll go to the clans library tomorrow to finally learn some basic techniques for a bit of protection, but now time to sle- muagh~"



day time....

Yang Sen yawn and got out of bed. He then when to take a bath and put some clothes on before heading out. it was currently 10 am and Yang Sen tutor would be here in the next 2 hours. So right now Yang Sen had about 2 hours to look for a skill that suit him, before going to study.

On the way to the clans library he saw a kid that had a similar face like him, he was Yang Nen. Yang Sen's younger that was born 2 years after him. right now Yang Nen was playing tag with the other kids, having a great time but when he saw his older brother looking at him with a smile.

Yang Nen smiled back and called Yang Sen

"Big brother Sen! Come and play with us!"

Yang Sen on the other hand just waved his hand and shooked his head

"Sorry, there's something I need in the library, why don't you find eldest brother to play with."

Yang Nen then stick out his tongue and said

"Big brother you're such a bore, come on guys lets go play near the pond"

Yang Sen gave a small chuckled and went straight to the Yang Clan library

[Yang Clans Library]

When Yang Sen stepped in he was always amazed about how many books there was in here. Although it couldn't even compare to even a small fractions of Yama's library, it was still astonishing non-the-less. Of course there were lots of people in here, since this was the place to learn and train new skills.

There were 3 floors in this library, ordinary clan members would only be allowed to enter the first floor and borrow the book for 15 days before borrowing another one. Important clan members like the elders, patriarch and their families could enter both the first and second floor while there's also no limit in the borrowing time.

Finally to enter the third floor, you would need to be a Patriarch, an ancestor or doing extremely meritorious deed for the clan to be able to grant access into it.

Yang Sen went to the second floor. He saw a few peoples there mostly elders of the clan and 2

or 3 kid that was similar of age to him. The people on the second floor were all engrossed in what they were reading that they didn't even pay attention to their surroundings. Yang Sen just then went to picked out a book called rock fist technique.

The technique was only a mid level mortal skill. Although it was a crude skill, but because of how simple it was to learn this skill and when using this skill would grant the user the ability to break a giant boulder. Because of this it was placed on the second floor

Yang Sen nodded satisfied with the book he took and left the library quietly.

Next chapter