
The Anomaly: Arise

After a horrific astronomical event that almost desimated the entire world, an era where inhumane abilities called "Anomalies" are coming into the light. A group of individuals aims to survive against the force of the military which is totally against this humanity's step to evolution. The leaders of the Five Major Nations (Grand Britain, New America, Noble Asia, Gallant Africa and Proud Russia) are expected to cultivate peace among all citizens but it is a question of their willingness to accomplish this goal. Are they up for this difficult task? Anonymous figures have been doing their own agendas in the shadows as well may it be for the better or for the worse towards mankind. What are they willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals?

JayceClaymore · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Cave of Wonders

Calcipher arrived at the mouth of the cave were everyone else are using his prototype jetpack that he's been working on for a while. He and Zythandra did a quick headcount to see who were eliminated early in this special training and it turned out that no one was unluckily enough to be benched out even before the main event started. There were visible damages to some of the students but they can clearly continue to participate.

Before proceeding, they asked each of the team what their game plan was in accomplishing the first part of the special training. Everyone wants to know what worked with each team since everyone passed with only minimal to no damages at all. All teams instinctively glances at Team Pandora since they were the ones who got to the mouth of the cave first and everything seemed to work mostly for their favor.

"It's that much of a surprise for me that you were the first to arrive but can you tell us what worked for your team, Pandora?" Calcipher asked.

"I'd like to commend Reaper for us gaining a huge lead from the other teams because of his impeccable problem-solving skills." Pandora said then everyone gave Reaper a round of applause.

"I agree. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't know that the correct path is on the West." Blast commented.

"Yeah, he's instructions we're also spot on throughout the entire way here so we were able to stall the other teams successfully." Sprite added.

"I'm just doing what I can. Also, it's obvious that I couldn't do it without you guys so I'd like to commend you on that as well." Reaper responded.

"How about from other teams? Do you guys want to share some of your thoughts?" Zythandra asked.

"You'll pay for what you did, Reaper! You better prepare yourself." Lilith shrieked aggressively after being possessed by Imp again.

"Wow. A very competitive Lilith we got there but great! Keep that spirit up." Calcipher responded. "Anybody else wants to share their thoughts?" He asked.

"Why don't we ask someone from Team Surge since they're the third team to arrive here?" Zythandra suggested.

"Good idea. I would like to know as well." Calcipher responded. "Team Surge, what worked for your team?"

"Well, followed Team Pandora's lead like the other teams since they're the only once to realize that the correct path is into the West forest. Then, we let Feral lead the way. We utilized his Anomaly to talk to tiny animals in the forests to avoid most of the traps." Surge explained.

"Oh, so that's how you seemed to not be affected by the traps we set." Zythandra commented. "If Feral served as your compass, what were the roles of you three?" She asked.

"Pixel and Mimic were our disruptors. Pixel will project someone or something then Mimic will make an appropriate sound for them. They mostly do Lilith since everyone seems to be clenched when in her Demon Form. As for me, let's just say that I was their guardian. When someone from an enemy team gets close, I fended them off." Surge continued explaining.

"That's an unlikely teamwork but you made it work so kudos to you, boys." Calcipher commended Team Surge.

"Is it our turn to share what worked for us?" Medusa butted in. "I wants to share what worked for our team too."

"Go for it, Medusa. I was just about to ask you." Zythandra said.

"Thank you." Medusa responded. "So, our strategy was kind of simple but very effective. I initially thought that from the time Calcipher is explaining the mechanics of the training, something is up already so we instinctively watched Team Pandora since they have the most active minds." She explained.

"Oh, so that's why you've been checking us out." Sprite muttered to herself.

"If it wasn't for Blasts dust storm, we could've outrun them into the West forest. Then, we also noticed the traps so the sisters suggested that they can glide their way through the forest grounds with their Anomalies." Medusa explained.

"So they were flying. I wondered where the sisters were back there." Surge commented.

"That explains why they're wearing their special suit." Calcipher confirmed since he's the one who created those.

"That is so right! Also, I thought that the sky weren't safe for the sisters if they'll glide their way through the forest so I decided to latch onto the Banshee Airlines. Luckily, I was light enough to be carried by them and it's a good thing I came with them because there were arrows shooting at us back there but since I'm with them, I easily fended them off." Medusa explained.

"I thought you bailed from the training and went somewhere to have some beauty sleep." Glass teased Medusa.

"Of course not! I really wanted to win this thing because I want to go shopping really badly." Medusa responded. "Anyway, we let Lilith ran havoc in the forest as she makes her own way here. With her heightened senses, she can easily avoid the traps herself. If she also decided to off anyone from a different, she can freely do so." She added.

"She really went for the offense?" Zythandra asked in surprise. "That's interesting. Who are those unfortunate enough to be eliminated by Lilith?"

"Apparently, none of them got eliminated." Calcipher responded as he looked into his tablet where everyone's vitals are recorded real-time.

"Targeting our team didn't work for you, huh?" Blast commented.

"You did what?" Medusa responded in shock. "You targeted their team and you were defeated? That some strategy you got there, Pandora."

"Actually, it was just Reaper who faced her. Reaper let us come here first as she took Lilith on so we didn't witness the actual fight." Pandora explained and everyone gasped in disbelief since Lilith hasn't been defeated before even by Surge, Beast and Glass who are their current top fighters.

"There's no way! I would kill to watch that fight." Surge commented.

"Me too! Lilith is supposed to be the undefeatable among us." Glass chimed in.

"Reaper probably won by luck. It's not a big deal." Beast added.

"It is actually. I won by luck." Reaper agreed. "If it wasn't for Shiv's spikes and most importantly for Glass' discs, I could've been beaten bad eventually got eliminated from the training." He explained.

"There's something we want to tell you, guys. There are dozens of cameras scattered in the forest and in the cave as well so everything that has and will happen are recorded. So after this training we watch all of your performances." Calcipher said and everyone got excited.

"That is one of our ways to evaluate how well you've improved and to see where you are still lacking so we can focus on them." Zythandra added.

Teams Glass and Beast were then asked what happened to them since it's unexpected that either of their teams weren't the ones who are in the lead. It turned out that they were the last to notice that the other teams headed to the West forest since they were the first two teams who ran towards the South forest as soon as they noticed that the training already started. They did notice the traps as well but they didn't have a solid plan to do something about them.

Swift from Team Glass wasn't careful enough to avoid one trap since as soon as he stepped into the West forest his right leg was grazed by an arrow so he couldn't run as effectively as usual. He could've been the key for his team to take the lead even though they were late to realize that the right path is into the West forest. As their Plan B, Glass created a dome for the entire team so they can all be defended as they go through the forest which slowed them down greatly. Glass just happened to throw random glass discs to at least slow down the teams who were in the lead.

As for Team Beast, every one of them is combat-capable but they lack reconnaissance applications of their Anomalies. Levi has the highest chance to survey the forest area but he's been caught up in the skies by the Banshee Sisters and Medusa so he wasn't able to do his task as effectively as they hoped. Beast's Anomaly wasn't much of an asset as well as he had a hard time traversing the forest all throughout. Gigas and Shiv were helpful but not so much either. Gigas helped clear paths for them using his humongous hands and Shiv caused some spikes to rain on their enemy.

"Are you ready for the main and final event for this Special Training?" Calcipher asked then everyone clamored in agreement.

"Very well then. I'll go and give additional mechanics for this part of your training." Zythandra said.

Zythandra went on to say that they'll all be entering the cave and whoever team is the last one standing will win. The competitiveness of everyone showed up as all of them got excited once again. She then told everyone that they will stay in there of exactly a whole day so she and Calcipher will be back at the mouth of the cave the same time the next day. They will continue to monitor who'll be eliminated throughout the course of this overnight challenge using the gadgets that Calcipher made.

To ensure that the eliminated member will not further participate with the exercise, Calcipher installed feature to those gadgets which will inject a sleeping agent to the fallen member. As for the layout of the inside of the cave, the mentors confirmed that there are five different levels inside base from their own research and each team will be assigned to a floor. They refer to the cave as the 'Cave of Wonders' because each level of the cave has something wondrous to offer.

The first level where Team Glass is assigned has a massive ancient mural which they think depicts the 'Judgment Day' that happened centuries ago. The second level where Team Beast was assigned has dozens of beautiful rock formations. Team Surge has been assigned to the third level which has an underground lake filled with cold water. For the fourth floor where Team Medusa will be, there's an intriguing throne that's sitting in the middle of it. Finally, for the fifth and last floor where Team Pandora has been assigned, there is nothing. Pandora and her teammates get to have an entire empty floor for themselves.

"That's odd. Each floor has something awesome in them but the last floor doesn't have anything." Blast commented.

"I agree about the oddity of that last floor but there's nothing we can do about it. That's how it is since Zythandra and I discovered it." Calcipher responded.

"I have a question." Medusa said.

"Go shoot." Zythandra responded.

"The inside of caves usually are dark, right? Is it up to us to make some sort of light source or you did something about that already?" Medusa asked.

"Don't worry about that. The cave is well lit. Torches are everywhere in there so you will all see the terrain well. Also, cameras are scattered inside the cave as well so we will not miss anything." Zythandra answered.

"Oh, thank goodness. The darkness doesn't sit well with my natural glow." Medusa commented as she refers to her beauty.

"Any other questions before we proceed to the main event?" Calcipher screamed and no response heard. "No? Great! I'll be handing out one map of the cave for each team and we will give you thirty minutes to settle in your assigned floor and once the alarm sets off from your bracelets, the game begins." He explained.

The order of the teams that entered the cave is Team Pandora, Team Medusa, Team Surge, Team Beast then Team Glass. As soon as all the teams went in, the mentors went back to the mansion as they'll be monitoring everyone's movements from there. Moments later, the teams was successful in finding their posts and lucky for them that their mentors didn't forget to leave some essentials for them such as food, sleeping bags and some hygiene kits for everyone.

"Oh my gosh! I thought I'll be wearing this cute outfit until tomorrow." Medusa shrieked from the fourth floor.

"We can hear from up here, Medusa." Surge screamed at her from the third floor just to tease her.

It turns out that noises from a certain floors can be heard by neighboring floors as well. Thirty minutes has passed and their bracelets started to vibrate indicating that the special training continues. Everyone instinctively went silent to avoid the other teams from hearing their plans. All they can hear are water droplets falling from the ceiling of the cave, clicks of the bats scattered everywhere and the occasional howling of the cold winds as it make its way inside.

"So, what's our plan, Reaper?" Blast asked.

"First of, we need to focus on our defense. We have ample of time to work on our offense later on since we have a lot of time on our sleeves." Reaper responded.

"Should I conjure my veins to cover this floor?" Sprite asked.

"Yes but concentrate on creating those snaring veins of yours on the entrance so you can save energy. Pandora will be the one who will be in charge monitoring the other teams." Reaper suggested.

"I'm on it. No one seemed to be moving suspiciously and all of them are still in their respective teams so they're likely to be devising their plans as of this moment." Pandora explained.

"As for the two of us, Blast. We can set up our supplies so we can be prepared until tomorrow." Reaper said.

"Fine. Just let me know when will I going into a fight." Blast responded.

The first few hours were unexpectedly peaceful. Pandora confirmed that no one from the other teams were seemed to went into the offensive side as everyone stayed on their respective floors. The other teams are probably admiring the wonders that are in each floors unlike for team that's in the fifth and lowest floor. Team Pandora is just surrounded by the sad, cold and lonely walls of the caves with a hint of weird rock formations at random areas. Team Pandora is somewhat relieved since they're safe so far.

"Ugh! This is so boring. Can't we just charge into the team above us so there are lesser teams to eliminate." Blast shrieked out of the blue.

"No! The team above us is Team Medusa. That means, Lilith is with them. We don't want to risk our chances so we will be staying still." Reaper pointed out.

"Fine. Whatever you say, boss" Blast responded sarcastically.

"Why don't we roam around? It appears that this floor seems to be quite vast. We might discover something oddly interesting." Pandora suggested.

"Isn't it scary? There are parts of the cave that are still dark." Sprite responded slightly fazed.

"Roaming around sounds fun. Count me in! Also, don't worry about some dark parts of the cave. Just stick with me and I'll make light for us using my Anomaly." Blast responded.

"Don't you think it's dangerous? What if someone attacked us from our blind spot while we're walking around aimlessly?" Reaper said anxiously.

"Don't worry yourself, Reaper. I'll continue to monitor everyone's movement as we go along. I'll know when someone's onto us." Pandora convinced Reaper.

"Well, that settles it. Into the abyss we go!" Blast announced.

As they expected, some parts of the cave aren't well lit but Blast took it upon himself to make small explosions from his hands that serves as their light source throughout their journey into the entirety of the fifth level of the cave. They were hoping to find something interesting but as their mentors said, there's nothing interesting here compared to other levels aside from the expected rock walls, weird rock formations and the unending clicking of the bats.

"We've been walking for a while now and all I can see is boredom. Is there really nothing worthwhile here?" Blast complained.

"I saw a small albino crab a moment ago. I think that's interesting." Sprite muttered to herself.

"Aw, that sounds cute." Pandora responded.

Suddenly, they felt unnerving tremble from their surroundings which made them froze. It only lasted for a mere minute but it's impact to them is somewhat great. Pandora confirmed that the trembling is also felt by other teams as she sensed panic from them some of them even started to ran around like headless chickens. However, Blast insisted to go further in the fifth level to see what's inside instead of going back to their set up camp which safer.

"What are you doing? We should head back." Pandora suggested.

"No, we walked far enough to just go back because of some measly earthquake." Blast contested.

"Reaper? Help me out here. We shouldn't be here any longer." Pandora called out for help.

"It's getting scarier in here every second. We should just go." Sprite commented as she tightly holds Pandora.

"Here's what I think. Since Blast probably won't budge with his curiosity, I'll stay with him just to make sure nothing happens to him and you two go back to our camp to keep you from harm's way. Is that a deal." Reaper suggested.

"Fine. Just be careful." Pandora didn't argue and just followed. "Let's go, Sprite." She said then they both left the area.

"Just signal us if something happens. We'll be there as soon as we can!" Reaper yelled to remind Pandora.

"Don't play the hero, Reaper." Blast teased Reaper. "I know you're also curious as to what's further in here. That's why you stayed, right?"

"Yeah, maybe a little but mostly to keep you safe. You're impulsiveness can sometimes cause trouble, you know." Reaper responded.

"Whatever you say. Let's just go!" Blast said then lead the way further into the cave.

Meanwhile in the floor where a creepy yet fascinating throne sits, Team Medusa is cunningly planning their way to their victory. Medusa's extra competitive for this training as she believes that aside from her getting a chance to shop to another Nation, woman empowerment will be greatly celebrated. It may not look like it but even before becoming an Anomaly, she was a strong advocate for women which she still is and forever will be.

"Girls, huddle up." Medusa addressed her members while sitting on the throne.

"Not going to lie, Medusa. That throne suits you." Lilith in her Demon Form complimented.

"We agree. Also, here. Wear this." The Banshee Sisters said as they put a flower crown on Medusa's head. They happened to pick some flowers from the cave's entrance before they came in.

"That's so sweet! Thank you, sisters." Medusa responded cheerfully.

"Now, going back to business. We've set up our supplies now so can I let loose and eliminate some enemies?" Lilith aggressively recommended.

"Don't tell you're going to apprehend Team Pandora, again. Did you already forget what happened the last you went for them?" Medusa said sarcastically.

"I won't forget about that. That's why I will target someone else from other teams first. I won't let what happened to our last fight be the cause of my defeat again." Lilith pointed out.

"We're curious. Are you talking about Reaper?" The sisters asked.

"I most certainly am talking about that sick, unlawful, opprobrious, wretched, lowly mongrel!" Lilith shrieked.

"Okay. That is pretty intense. My curiosity skyrocketed because of that. What did happen between you two back there?" Medusa asked.

"I don't want to talk about it but if it wasn't for those bastards Glass and Shiv, that mongrel Reaper won't stand a chance against me." Lilith responded with an obvious grit.

"No way. Don't tell me you're going to target those two first before Reaper." Medusa responded.

"That I will do. I will exact my revenge to them first. Can I go now?" Lilith said.

""Yes, you may go. Just in case we needed you back here, the sisters will call out to you and you better be here." Medusa instructed Lilith. Lilith nodded and scurried her way towards to floors above them.

Before Lilith can get to the first and second floors of the cave were Teams Glass and Beast are respectively, she will need to get pass through the third floor where Team Surge is stationed. Knowing Team Surge, none of them are capable of combat except for their leader himself so their best avoid any fights and strike whenever it's necessary and a sure win for them. Lilith is so unpredictable so no one can tell if she'll mess with Team Surge or will go straight to her main targets.

"Guys, hide! Lilith is coming." Feral announced. It appeared that the bats notified him about her. He then hides near the passage to the second floor.

"Pixel, Mimic. The supplies!" Surge instructed the two. Then he swiftly slides underneath the nearest rock formation.

"On it!" Pixel and Mimic responded. Pixel quickly projected a huge boulder to cover their supplies and both of them took cover behind it.

The third floor went silent as Team Surge prepare themselves for Lilith to pass through. It's an unwritten rule in the wild that when a predator is roaming around, its prey shouldn't reveal its location. If the prey is to be seen, there's little to no chance for them to escape. For extra precaution, Feral also instructed the bats to make no sounds as well. All they can hear is the calm waters from the majestic underground lake.

"I need to sneeze. I can't hold it in." Mimic is struggling to say as he's trying his best to fight his sneeze.

"Not here, man. We'll surely be killed by Lilith if you do that." Pixel said as he tries his best to convince Mimic.

"It went away. Thanks, man." Mimic responded as he's clear from that unfortunate event.

Right before Lilith can get into the passage to get to the next floor above, a loud sneeze was heard somewhere inside the third floor which stopped everyone in their place including Lilith. Pixel looked at Mimic but they're certain that it's not either of them. Feral was near the passage so it's not likely him as well. This only means that the one who sneezed was Surge who is currently hiding somewhere underneath a random boulder.

"I recognize that sneeze." Lilith muttered to herself. "Oh, right! Surge and his cronies are in here somewhere. Come out, come out wherever you are!" She yelled. Lilith seemed to now be targeting them.

"Lilith, my child. This is the Professor. Kindly go on with the training." Mimic said using the Professor's voice. "I'm just here to have a quick look at this wondrous cave. Your mentors told me a lot about it."

"Is that so?" Lilith responded sarcastically. "Then why do I hear a pinch of nervousness in your voice. Right, Mimic?" She boldly called him out.

"What do you mean?" Mimic nervously responded.

"You just confirmed my assumptions, Mimic. You better prepare to be eliminated!" Lilith announced and ran towards the source of the voice where mostly Mimic will be.

Little did Lilith know that the spot where Surge is hiding is closer to her than Mimic's spot so to save his team member, Surge revealed himself to take on Lilith himself. Though skeptical that he's eventually lose, at least he can make enough time for the others to flee or hide. Lilith seemed to take the bait as she stopped heading to where Mimic is and started preparing to have an intense exchange with Surge.

"What can I see? Even in your Demon Form, you still look like a fresh sunflower bloom. Can we just walk it out and settle us in a different way. You know what I mean?" Surge quirkiness greeted Lilith.

"You should know by now that I won't fall for your flowery words, right?" Lilith responded firmly.

"I know and it's too bad. So, are you going to come at me and let's do our thing in this very cave grounds?" Surge continued talking inappropriately.

"Oh, you're so going to get it! Here I come." Lilith responded sarcastically then hastily charged towards Surge.

Even though Lilith is in Surge's top three list of anything and everything under the sun, Surge isn't pulling his attacks. Before any combat, Surge sees to it that he's storing so much energy so he won't dry out during a fight. During the forest race earlier that day, he utilizes the force being exerted from the falling trees. He purposely putting himself to where the trees would fall so he can absorb most of the force and use it when most needed.

However, Lilith is really one of the most formidable opponent among all of them. Every shockwave being thrown at her is being avoided almost effortlessly. If this continues, Surge will not be successful in defeating Lilith but he will be successful in destroying the cave. So, Feral too it upon himself to stop this destructive fight. He's feeling so bad to the animals that may be left homeless or even lifeless if this continues.

"As expected Lilith, you dodge very well." Surge commended Lilith as he continues to throw shockwaves.

"If I can dodge your shenanigans, I can easily dodge these too." Lilith responded.

"Stop!" Feral screamed which was successful to halt the fight temporarily. "Bats, circle that area." He instructed the all the bats nearby pertaining to where Lilith and Surge are. This surely stopped them from fighting as they focused on fending off the bats.

"What are you doing? I'm on your side here, Feral." Surge said.

"I know but please stop wrecking the place!" Feral responded. "There are already cracks on the walls and boulders started falling towards the lake."

"Okay, fine. I'm sorry. I'm chilled out. Lilith and I are chilled out now. Can you now tell your pets to chill out too?" Surge asked as he tries his best to calm down.

Lilith didn't wait for Feral to call off his bats. She took it upon herself to shake them all off. She made out a way to escape the dome of aggressive bats. Then, she spotted a proper place to hide which is underneath one of the boulders that fell in the middle of the lake. She's also wary about what Mimic and Pixel will do so she has to think of plan to eliminate the non-combatant first or else they'll just be a nuisance if she focused on Surge first. After living under the same roof for a long time, she learned that all Anomaly is deadly if used right.

"Where is she?" Surge asked. Feral, Mimic and Pixel eventually gone out from hiding and walked toward where Surge is at.

"Man, why did you let her escape?" Mimic asked Feral.

"No, I did not. I just wanted to stop their destructive fight." Feral explained.

"Guys, do you feel that? It's that trembling again!" Pixel shrieked as they felt another earthquake which is much forceful than the last one.

"Take cover!" Surged screamed to instruct everyone to avoid the falling rocks.

During the trembling the boulders where Lilith is hiding under collapsed revealing her to her pursuers. Then, a random chunk of boulder fell to the water next to where Lilith is at making some lake water to splash on her. In everyone's surprise including Lilith herself, the lake water slightly burned her skin and it somewhat very painful for her. To avoid being splashed again, Lilith fled the lake area and hidden herself someplace else.

"The lake is filled with Holy Water!" Surge confirmed. "It's ironic but Lilith in Demon Form's weakness is the blessed water."

"That's funny. Lilith in human is very religious, right?" Mimic commented.

"I know. Very funny indeed." Pixel agreed.

"Let's take it into our advantage! Feral, is there a way for your bats to carry some of the Holy Water and rain it on Lilith?" Surge asked.

"I think so." Feral responded.

"Let's wait for the trembling to stop first then we make our move." Surge said.

"Surge, we have an idea. Would you like to hear us out?" Pixel asked.

"We have?" Mimic responded.

"You know, Emily Rose? Lilith? Holy Water? Demon?" Pixel started to mention hints for some reason.

"No way! Fine, I didn't thought we could do this in real life." Mimic responded. "I got you, man. I'm in."

"Excuse me. What's happening?" Surge asked. Pixel and Mimic shared their plan to their team members.

The trembling did stop few moments later and as soon as it did, Team Surge took their positions and started preparing to commence their attack. Pixel and Mimic stepped forward then focused their minds into manifesting their Anomalies. Pixel raised his arms as he looked intensely to the entirety of the floor where they are. Then, he projected dozens of crucifixes everywhere from the cave ceilings to the walls. He then projected two priests who he watched from a movie before who will serve as exorcists.

Mimic stood next to Pixel then he provided voices for the priests as he memorized the script the exorcising scene they watch before. He adjusted the voices accordingly for both of the priests. Coincidently, cool winds filled the entire floor as soon as they started their prayer. Moments later, everyone heard Lilith's agonizing screams from somewhere in the area so they continued to intensify their prayers.

While Mimic and Pixel are occupied with their intense exorcism, Feral started to instruct a colony of bats to soak their wings then make a Holy Water rain wherever Lilith might be so she can surely be defeated right there and then. As for Surge, he plans to get some soaked boulders and punch it towards at random areas so it'll be harder for Lilith to escape. However, as soon as Team Surge thought their everything is going into their favor, the agonizing screams from Lilith stopped and was replaced by menacing laughter.

"Do you really think this would work?" Lilith sarcastically yelled at them from somewhere. "Pathetic! But I love the execution though. It's kind of convincing."

Although the exorcism being conducted by Mimic and Pixel is not working against Lilith for the obvious fakery, Lilith can't deny that the Holy water is her weakness. So, if the colony of bats and the soaked boulders get to her, it will be easy for Surge to take her out. Before that happens, she charged aggressively towards everyone once again while strategically avoiding the bats and the boulders.

Lilith targeted Feral first so he can lose his control of the bats then Surge to stop him from hurling rocks at her. Luckily for her, Surge is almost at his limit. His stored energy is almost used up. Finally, she targeted Pixel and Mimic to halt their horrendous act. She carefully scratched Team Surge one at a time. This triggers one of her scary abilities. Once Lilith scratch you, she can make you hallucinate your worst nightmares and these hallucinations looks and feels so real that it greatly damages her targets mentally.

As soon as everyone was engulfed with their nightmares, they all started screaming hysterically and the will to fight has left there bodies. Mimic's nightmare was him losing his voice which makes him lose his Anomaly. Same goes with Pixel, his sight was gone in his nightmare which is the only medium for his Anomaly. For Feral, his nightmare is the world becoming overrun by robots with no more animals left alive. Finally, Surge's nightmare and the thing that he fears the most is a world without women. All he can see are men who are also in distress for not seeing women around.

This marks that Lilith won this battle. Although she some a few bruises from the fight and burns from the holy water, she still wanted to pursue her initial targets which are Teams Glass and Beast. However, she decided to take a quick rest first to get her energy back. Moments later, she heard the bracelets of Team Surge setting off a clicking sound which means the bracelets injected Team Surge with the sleeping agent Calcipher mentioned earlier. Team Surge will be in slumber until the training ends the following day.