
The Anomaly: Arise

After a horrific astronomical event that almost desimated the entire world, an era where inhumane abilities called "Anomalies" are coming into the light. A group of individuals aims to survive against the force of the military which is totally against this humanity's step to evolution. The leaders of the Five Major Nations (Grand Britain, New America, Noble Asia, Gallant Africa and Proud Russia) are expected to cultivate peace among all citizens but it is a question of their willingness to accomplish this goal. Are they up for this difficult task? Anonymous figures have been doing their own agendas in the shadows as well may it be for the better or for the worse towards mankind. What are they willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals?

JayceClaymore · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Special Training

<p>After the members of the Student Council were informed of what happened to Kitty and some other Anomalies, the Professor and the mentors stood firm on their decision to not take action in terms of rescuing her because of the immense danger they'll be facing. However, they all agreed to that everyone needs to further master themselves further in case same thing happened to them so that they'll have more options whether they chose to retaliate or better yet, to escape and save themselves.<br/><br/>"Again, I hope you now understand that we can't risk the possibility that even one or two of you will get caught by the military as well if I send all if not some of you for Kitty's rescue." The Professor explained.<br/><br/>"We can't deny as well that you all need to improve still before we can confidently say that you can hold your own when faced against the real world." Zythandra commented.<br/><br/>"That is why before the Professor sorts this incident along with the other representatives in the Summit, we have set up a special training for you all." Calcipher said. "Remember that we'll be out for roughly two days and you'll be the only ones who'll be left in charge so you all need to toughen up. Not just you, members of the Student Council, but everyone else." He explained.<br/><br/>"That is true. Trust us in handling what happened to Kitty and the others who were caught alongside her. I want you all to do is channel that anger you are all feeling right now to improve yourselves further. Can I count on you all on that?" The Professor asked and the rest doesn't have any choice but to agree.<br/><br/>"We don't have any other choice but to agree, Professor." Glass responded.<br/><br/>"Everything that happened to her was so intense from what Zythandra told us. As much as we really wanted to help, we will still follow your wishes." Medusa said.<br/><br/>"What is this special training you're talking about? Will it be more fighting? Are we going to fight you again? That pumps me up!" Surge said in excitement.<br/><br/>"Special training? What a drag." Beast muttered to himself.<br/><br/>"Not going to lie. The sound of it doesn't hype me up." Reaper commented.<br/><br/>"Calcipher? What is this special training? What's our role in it?" Pandora asked.<br/><br/>"I'm so glad you asked. But, I'll let Zythandra explain. Everything she says has that extra impact. You know what I'm saying?"<br/><br/>Zythandra then took the floor to explain what the special training is. To put it simply, they have a competition between all twenty of them. They'll group themselves into four and whoever's team is left will be the victor. The mentors also agreed to come up with some kind of a prize for the winners and there's nothing more they want than to go with the Professor to the next Summit aside from saving Kitty, at least for the members of the Student Council, so that's what they'll get.<br/><br/>"You got me on the competition part." Surge commented excitedly.<br/><br/>"That is actually pretty exciting." Glass added.<br/><br/>"Oh my god! I'm in. I can do my shopping on the way to the Summit. I hope it's in very active city with all the malls and everything." Medusa gave into the excitement as well.<br/><br/>"Whatever it is, I'm in as well. I just want to go to the next Summit." Beast responded. "I hope the next Summit will be in the motherland." He muttered to himself.<br/><br/>"Whoever's team I'll be in, I'll do my best to not be too much of a burden." Reaper said.<br/><br/>"Don't be too hard on yourself. Have you forgotten that you beaten Glass once?" Pandora said to encourage Reaper.<br/><br/>"Oh, yeah. That was so manly of you, Reaper." Medusa added.<br/>"Hey! Past is past." Glass responded jokingly then chuckled.<br/><br/>The Professor and the mentors seemed to be successful in having the members of the Student Council's focus be geared more towards the special training instead of Kitty's fall. Honestly speaking, the special training was formulated to be more of a distraction. Self-improvement among the students just comes second. They were just lucky enough that the members of the Student Council are understanding enough get the wind of it.<br/><br/>After the meeting was adjourned, they all went to the living area to announce the Special Training that they will all participate in and this will happen right this very day. It so happened that the Professor and the mentors got a hold of the information about Kitty's capture days before so they had time to prepare for this distraction. Luckily, the incident wasn't televised yet or even made public so no one else knew what happened to Kitty aside from them.<br/><br/>It is expected that most of the students got excited after knowing about the Special Training since they can once again utilize their Anomalies in more ways than one and they got more excited after knowing that whoever team wins will be accompanying the Professor in the next Summit. Since they'll be having five groups with four members each, they all agreed that the leaders of these groups will be the Student Council members aside from Reaper.<br/><br/>For the members of these groups, Calcipher brought out a can with fifteen sticks in them and at the tip of each sticks has the caller Red, Blue, Green, Yellow and Purple which is currently concealed at the bottom of them can. The rest will pick out a stick and whatever color they got, they will be the team member of that group. Red was assigned to Team Glass, Blue for Team Surge, Green for Team Beast, Yellow for Team Pandora and Purple for Team Medusa.<br/><br/>The atmosphere was filled with immense pressure since no one knows what team they'll be in. Though all the leaders are very dependable, most of the students prefer to be in the more combat-capable leader since they'll be in a competition so fighting is inevitable. Glass, Surge and Beast are the top picks for being the leader. It didn't take too long for them to know which team they'll be in as everyone took a stick though being filled with anxiousness.<br/><br/>Those who got red tipped stick were Swift, Stretch and Twice who jumped with joy after knowing they'll be in Glass's team. Swift has an inhumane speed and the one who mostly announce the news throughout the mansion and it became his hobby. Stretch has an elasticity of a rubber that he can stretch different parts of his body in amazing lengths. Lastly, we have Twice that can make exact replicas of him and he can make two more of him at the same but he has troubles with the personalities of his clones.<br/><br/>• Glass = Anomalous Perk: Glass Manipulation<br/>• Swift = Anomalous Perk: Speed<br/>• Stretch = Anomalous Perk: Elasticity<br/>• Twice = Anomalous Perk: Duplication<br/><br/>"Nice! I'm counting on you, guys." Glass welcomes his team members.<br/><br/>"We won't let you down!" Swift responded.<br/><br/>"We'll do our best!" Stretch exclaimed. He then stretched his arms to high five his teammates.<br/><br/>"We're going to win this!" Twice said. "We sure will!" A more energetic clone of him butted in.<br/><br/>The ones who got the blue tipped one were Pixel, Mimic and Feral who also got excited being in Surge's team. Pixel and Mimic are each other's best friends and their other friends say that their Anomalies complement each other. Pixel can project anything that he saw before from his eyes for others to see as well and Mimic can copy anyone's voice even he just heard it before. Feral on the other hand, is the one who is close to Sprite. He can talk and control animals but he can only do it to the animals smaller than him.<br/><br/>• Surge = Anomalous Perk: Energy Absorption<br/>• Pixel = Anomalous Perk: Projection<br/>• Mimic = Anomalous Perk: Voice Imitation<br/>• Feral = Anomalous Perk: Animal Manipulation<br/><br/>"Our team is very interesting. Let's all work together!" Surge exclaimed.<br/><br/>"You can count on us, Surge!" Feral responded while petting a random squirrel he fetched some time ago.<br/><br/>"Mimic? No way!" Pixel shrieked.<br/><br/>"Yes way, Pixel!" Mimic responded with Pixel's voice.<br/><br/>"You two are weird but I like that!" Surge commented.<br/><br/>Shiv, Gigas and Levi got the green tipped stick so they'll be under Beasts team. Shiv has the Anomaly that allows him to cover his entire body with porcupine-like spikes and he can shoot it out as projectiles as well. Gigas can alter the size of different parts of his body one at a time but he mostly does it to his hands and feet for combat purposes. Levi can levitate and he can control his body mass so his Anomaly can pass as flying.<br/><br/>• Beast = Anomalous Perk: Metamorphosis<br/>• Shiv = Anomalous Perk: Spikes<br/>• Gigas = Anomalous Perk: Body Alteration<br/>• Levi = Anomalous Perk: Float<br/><br/>"We are the most combat capable team. Don't let me down." Beast said to his members.<br/><br/>"Say no more. We got this, Beast." Shiv responded.<br/><br/>"Yeah. We got this. We'll crush them all!" Gigas exclaimed.<br/><br/>"I'll cover the skies as you trample everyone to the ground." Levi added.<br/><br/>"That's the spirit. Let's go get that undisputable win." Beast said. He is so pumped knowing that the prize will be accompanying the Professor in the next Summit and there's a chance that it will be in Gallant Africa. <br/><br/>Medusa's team will consist of Lilith and the Banshee Sisters. Lilith is the most religious one since she spent her childhood in a priory but was locked in prison and eventually escaped because of her Anomaly. She manifested an Imp that always follows her around and is fond of playing pranks on other people. Both of them grew close to each other and Lilith was able to control Imp's behavior but he still does pranks every once in a while.<br/><br/>One day, Lilith discovered that she can be a vessel for Imp so she let it possess her. Though she retains her consciousness, there's a huge change to her personality, appearance and capabilities. She becomes a mischievous person when she lets Imp possess her. Her nails grows into sharp black claws in both hands and feet, she grows a long skinny pointy black tail on her behind, a pair of horns on his forehead and to top it all off, her eyeballs turns all black. As for her skills, her strength, agility and her senses are heightened as well making her a one formidable enemy.<br/><br/>Mara and Clara, the Banshee Sisters, are the most dependable out of all of the students. They are willing to help out anyone who is in need especially when it comes to house chores. Their control over their Anomaly increased over the course of time making their attack power significantly improve as well. They are now capable of gliding using their special tailored suits made by Calcipher. They just bust out a scream to the ground strong enough to propel themselves and once their at the desirable height, they open the built in gliders on their suits and maneuver their way around through the winds.<br/><br/>"Oh my gosh, girl power!" Medusa exclaimed as she grabbed her team members using her hair to give them a huge hug.<br/><br/>"Imp and I are ready. Right, Imp?" Lilith said in such demure then Imp nodded and laughed creepily.<br/><br/>"We'll do whatever we can to help, Medusa." The Banshee Sisters said in unison.<br/><br/>• Medusa = Anomalous Perk: Hair Manipulation<br/>• Lilith = Anomalous Perk: Imp<br/>• Banshee Sisters = Anomalous Perk: Ultrasonic Scream<br/><br/>For the final team, Team Pandora will be consisting of Reaper, Blast and Sprite. In terms of combat power they will be leaning more towards Blast in terms of Anomaly use and Reaper for hand-to-hand combat. They have Pandora to help them avoid brawl as much as they can as she can sense some else's presence and just in case they're injured for some reason, they have Sprite to heal them right there and then. They can safely say that their team is somewhat balance.<br/><br/>• Pandora = Anomalous Perk: Telepathy<br/>• Reaper = Anomalous Perk: Nullification<br/>• Blast = Anomalous Perk: Explosion<br/>• Sprite = Anomalous Perk: Plant Manipulation<br/><br/>"Reaper, let's bring this team to victory!" Blast said.<br/><br/>"Yeah, let's do it!" Reaper responded<br/><br/>"Don't be too hasty. Remember that our goal is to win so fighting is unnecessary." Pandora commented.<br/><br/>"We know but if the situation asks for it, Reaper and I will handle it. Right, Reaper?" Blast said and Reaper nodded in agreement.<br/><br/>"Uh, I'm just here to heal you guys so just call my name and I'll surely be there to help out." Sprite butted in.<br/><br/>"See? Even our cutesy member Sprite is ready to fight." Blast exclaimed.<br/><br/>"Fine. But again, we'll do our best to avoid combat. If there's no other choice, then I'll assist you in battle." Pandora gave in.<br/><br/>"That's more like it! Now, we will surely win this thing." Blast shrieked.<br/><br/>"So, all teams have been established. We should all get to the fields so I can explain the venue and the mechanics of this special training." Calcipher said.<br/><br/>Without any moments passed, everyone headed to the fields as instructed by their mentors. However, Zythandra is nowhere to be found even though she and Calcipher lead the way to the fields. The Professor happens to let the mentors facilitate the special training as he went back to his office. Calcipher then gathered everyone around yet again to continue explaining the mechanics of the event.<br/><br/>"Everyone, listen up. Before I continue, I assume that you're already with teammates." Calcipher said and those who are not with their group positioned themselves accordingly.<br/><br/>Calcipher finally disclosed the how the special training will commence. First, they will all wear the specially modified bracelets that will monitor their vitals and will serve as their lifeline throughout the entire training. If it got broke or the just simply passed out, they will automatically be eliminated from the event. They have a device to monitor their movements. If a player that supposed to be eliminated continues to participate, the rest of his/her team will be disqualified. Then, the main venue will be in a cave deep in the forest beyond the mansion's fields that the mentors recently discovered. Zythandra should already be waiting for them at the mouth of the cave to welcome them and to further explain the role of the cave to their raining.<br/><br/>Most of them got excited since they were thinking that there are no specific rules about fighting so they believe that they're right that combat is inevitable so the tension in the atmosphere intensified. Lastly, Calcipher emphasized that it's an hour trek until they reach the cave so they better not dawdle around if they want to win the prize. He also shared a random quote saying 'the path lies to where the King rests' which made everyone confused as it's kind of out of place and so random.<br/><br/>Calcipher continued to encourage them to win and reassured them that whoever team wins, will be accompanying the Professor in the next Summit. Little by little, the leaders and the members of each team find it weird then they slowly realized that the moment Calcipher told them that the cave they need to be an hour trek away, he showed them a watch and continues to hold it up since.<br/><br/>Team per team, they started to notice that the watch Calcipher is holding up is not an actual watch but a stopwatch and it already started an hour countdown. Meaning, the special training already started and they shouldn't be waiting for any kinds of waiting signal. The first team to notice it is Team Beast so they hurriedly ran to the forest facing south from the mansion. Their team leader is so into this special training that everyone else thinks that they have a great chance of winning this.<br/><br/>The remaining team finally realized why Team Beast ran off to the forest even their mentor isn't done encouraging them yet. This made Calcipher smirk as everyone finally understood that the special training has already began. Teams Glass, Surge and Medusa quickly followed where Team Best is headed. However, Reaper from Team Pandora stopped his teammates from following their steps.<br/><br/>"Guys, stop. Something's off. I think we're missing something." Reaper said to his teammates before they can ran after the other teams.<br/><br/>"What's up, Reaper? We're running last. We should go too." Blast exclaimed.<br/><br/>"What are you thinking, brother?" Sprite asked. "I know there's something on your mind." She continued. <br/><br/>"I'm with Reaper on this. Something is going on that we haven't realized yet." Pandora commented.<br/><br/>"What can I say? You're pretty much on the right track here Team Pandora." Calcipher commended the team. "Keep it up! See you when I see you." He added then he went back inside the mansion.<br/><br/>"Really? Alright, fine. I will let you guys do the thinking first throughout this training." Blast said.<br/><br/>"The other teams are looking at us." Sprite told the team.<br/><br/>"Don't mind them, Sprite. Let's just figure what's up first." Pandora responded.<br/><br/>"I think I figured it out!" Reaper exclaimed. "I've been thinking about that weird phrase Calcipher mentioned before the one that goes 'the path lies to where the King rests'. I know what it means now."<br/><br/>"What is it?" Pandora asked.<br/><br/>"Remember that one of our classes wherein Calcipher referred to the Sun as the King." Reaper started to explain.<br/><br/>"I remember. What about it?" Blast asked.<br/><br/>"He most likely refers to the Sun again the King in that phrase and the Sun always set to the West. Meaning, the correct path to the cave is into the West forest and not to the South forest where the other teams are headed." Reaper explained further.<br/><br/>"That actually makes sense. Let's go to the West forest." Pandora agreed.<br/><br/>"I trust your instincts so I have no complains. Let's make a run for it!" Blast responded they the four of them started to sprint towards the West forest.<br/><br/>"Medusa's team saw us running towards the West forest." Sprite pointed out.<br/><br/>"Blast, can make some kind of a smokescreen?" Reaper asked.<br/><br/>"Of course, I can. Tell me when I'll do it." Blast responded.<br/><br/>"In my signal, Sprite should continue running towards the West. Pandora will run towards the South while I run to the North. For Blast, create that smokescreen the second you notice they saw us scatter. Then, the four of us should run towards the West again once we're completely covered by Blast's smokescreen." Reaper explained his smart plan. Moments later, their assumptions were right as Team Medusa started to run to where they are headed.<br/><br/>"They're following us now!" Sprite exclaimed.<br/><br/>"Now!" Reaper shrieked. Blast stopped running as he prepares himself to make the smokescreen. As instructed, Sprite continued running towards the West while Pandora and Reaper and ran towards the South and the North respectively.<br/><br/>As soon as Blast noticed Team Medusa saw their split, he aimed his palms to the ground then burst out a barrage of explosions resulting to a smokescreen of dust. He made the coverage of the smokescreen of dust as huge as possible to make sure that everyone in his team is covered. When Pandora, Reaper and Blast are sure that their entire team is covered with the smokescreen, they joined Sprite in running towards the West forest.<br/><br/>"You didn't tell me you had to destroy parts of the field for that smokescreen!" Reaper exclaimed.<br/><br/>"Does it really matter now? Just be happy your plan worked since I saw Team Medusa froze in place as they don't know what to do next after seeing that huge smokescreen." Blast responded.<br/><br/>"Stop arguing. Team Medusa may be stopped on their tracks but I'm sensing that the other teams got a wind of what we're up to. They are all heading to where Team Medusa is now. Anytime soon they'll all catch up to us." Pandora commented.<br/><br/>"Should I expand our smokescreen further?" Blast asked.<br/><br/>"No, don't. After the smokescreen of dust dispersed they'll just follow the explosions to the field to know where we are actually headed." Reaper responded.<br/><br/>"I can conjure vines to cover the fields so there will be a high chance of the other teams being snared." Sprite suggested.<br/><br/>"That's a great idea! Sprite, please do so." Reaper responded. "Would you like us stop while you create those vines?" He asked.<br/><br/>"No need. I can do it while running." Sprite confidently said and as promised with a few gestures from her hands, dozens of long and thick vines emerged from the ground. If someone stepped on it, they will surely be tangled up.<br/><br/>Moments later, they arrived at the entrance of the West forest but Pandora stopped them from entering. She confirmed that she snuck into the minds of their mentors earlier and she discovered that the entire path towards the cave is full of traps. Luckily for them, she remembers where all the traps are located so they can easily avoid them. The challenge is how long she will consistently relay the information of where the traps are set to her teammates while also minding the location of the other teams.<br/><br/>"That is so cool! We're so going to win this if we keep this up." Blast exclaimed.<br/><br/>"I agree that we're doing very well so far but other teams will not be stopped by the smokescreen and the vines forever so we should continue our way to the cave." Reaper exclaimed.<br/><br/>"I've shared to you now the locations of those traps so you should know what and where to avoid them." Pandora explained as she transferred her knowledge about the traps through her telepathy.<br/><br/>"Someone triggered my vines. We should head out now." Sprite notified her team.<br/><br/>Thirty minutes in trekking into the forest and everything seems going pretty well for Team Pandora. They are effortlessly avoiding the traps set by their mentors thanks to Pandora and along the way, Sprite continues to conjure her snaring vines to have extra advantage against the other teams which is also instructed by Reaper. They're just enjoying the view inside the forest on the way to the cave where Zythandra is supposed to be waiting for them.<br/><br/>Pandora suddenly something is off once again. Other teams are slowly but surely catching up to them. It seemed that they are also able to avoid the traps set by their mentors. It's a good thing Reaper instructed Sprite to continue making those snaring vines of her since it's the only one slowing down the other teams. Pandora then sensed hostility from the other team as well. Meaning, some of them are preparing to fight but not with each other. They're preparing to fight their team.<br/><br/>"We better be more careful. Some of the other teams are already on to us." Pandora mentioned.<br/><br/>"Have they decided to fight us? Bring it!" Blast exclaimed.<br/><br/>"We agreed that combat is unnecessary especially at this part of the training so we should avoid it as much as we can." Reaper responded.<br/><br/>"We should hurry. For some reason, Team Medusa is quickly closing in." Pandora said.<br/><br/>"What? How?" Responded in shock.<br/><br/>"I'm sensing that Lilith is quick enough on her feet to avoid the traps we and the mentors set. As for Medusa and the sisters, I'm sending that they're traveling in a straight path so I'm guessing that the sisters gliding and they're carrying Medusa for some reason. I don't know how they do it but it's the most logical reason I can think of." Pandora explained.<br/><br/>Team Pandora continued their way to the cave. Little did they know, Lilith did let Imp possess before that's why she is quick in her feet and was able to catch up to them. Pandora and the rest of her team were caught off guard because she should've sensed Lilith before she can even catch up to them. It's evident that Lilith is going for an attack and knowing how savage she is in his possessed form, she won't hesitate in anything.<br/><br/>"Hello, Team Pandora. I'll take you all down!" Lilith shrieked then laughed menacingly.<br/><br/>"What happened, Pandora?" Reaper asked.<br/><br/>"I don't even know myself. I can't sense her or even read her mind for some reason." Pandora responded worriedly.<br/><br/>"Should I take her on? Just let me know." Blast said.<br/><br/>"Guys, notice her shadow. She doesn't have one." Sprite pointed out.<br/><br/>"You're right. That means, she's not the real thing." Pandora commented.<br/><br/>"What do you mean? She's clearly chasing us and about to attack." Blast responded in panic.<br/><br/>"This only means one thing. Pandora, can you confirm?" Reaper asked. He's thinking that it someone else's Anomaly and the most likely culprits are Pixel and Mimic for the convincing image of Lilitih thanks to Pixel and the flawless voice thanks to Mimic.<br/><br/>"You're right, Reaper! Pixel and Mimic are just around the corner. Surge and Feral are running not too far behind." Pandora confirmed.<br/><br/>"Sprite, create a concentrated patch of snaring vines where those two are and Blast, make some trees fall." Reaper instructed. "Don't' mind the Lilith you're seeing right now because Pixel's projections are harmless." He explained.<br/><br/>"Roger that." Sprite and Blast responded.<br/><br/>Pandora then confirmed after a few moments that they were successful in shaking off Team Surge as they were all ensnared by Sprite's vines and their path were blocked by the trees that were taken down by Blast. As soon as they felt that they are safe, multiple glass discs and spikes suddenly started to rain on them. Luckily enough, Sprite was quick to notice it so Blast positioned himself and made a huge explosion aiming the falling glass discs and spikes. He was successful blasting them to ashes.<br/><br/>"We need to be more vigilant that may easily just be the first fall of glass discs and spikes from Teams Glass and Beast." Reaper reminded his team and the rest surely agreed.<br/><br/>"Someone's coming!" Pandora alerted her team. Then the forest was filled with an eerie laughter.<br/><br/>"I can't wait any longer! I'll take you all down. Prepare yourselves to fall!" Lilith said as she emerged from the shaded part of the forest.<br/><br/>"Is she the real Lilith this time?" Blast asked.<br/><br/>"She sure is." Reaper responded.<br/><br/>"What should we do? We can't take her down even we combine our strengths." Sprite pointed out.<br/><br/>"Run as fast as you can! My Mind Disruption doesn't affect her that much." Pandora exclaimed.<br/><br/>"Blast, continue to make some trees fall to hinder her path. Sprite, vines. Pandora, check if there's anyone else who caught up to us." Reaper once again instructed his team mates.<br/><br/>"It's just Lilith. Teams Glass and Beast are far behind still so they can only shoot projectiles at us again." Pandora explained.<br/><br/>"Good. I'll take on Lilith." Reaper announced reluctantly.<br/><br/>"What? You're the one who said fighting is unnecessary and now you want to fight Lilith?" Blast contested. "I'll help you."<br/><br/>"Don't. I got this." Reaper responded. "And who said I'll fight her? That's obviously suicide."<br/><br/>"I see now where you're getting at." Pandora commented.<br/><br/>"I don't." Blast butted in.<br/><br/>"He plans to nullify Lilith's Anomaly. If he's successful, Imp will be forced to leave Lilith's body making her go back to her original timid self." Sprite explained.<br/><br/>"Now I get it. Well, good luck with that." Blast responded.<br/><br/>Pandora, Blast and Sprite went ahead as the cave is just a few meters away from where they were. Reaper stopped in his place to wait for Lilith. Minutes passed and it felt like hours for Reaper as he can only hear the menacing laughter and growl from Lilith instead of the peaceful chirping of the birds and the calming breeze of the winds whooshing along the rich trees in the forests. The atmosphere felt heavier and heavier as the eerie sounds coming Lilith are closing in.<br/><br/>"Reaper? Are you sure you're the one who'll face me?" Lilith said as she stays hidden in the trees.<br/><br/>"I'm not but why are you hiding? Are you scared of me?" Reaper responded while bluffing the strong guy attitude. He's scared to death deep in his mind.<br/><br/>"Me, Lilith, scared of you? I'm not scared of anything. I'm just thinking how I'll take you down. Do you like a quick defeat or a slow and agonizing one?" Lilith asked. "Wait, don't answer. I'll choose and I'll go with the slow and agonizing one." She said then laughed menacingly.<br/><br/>Reaper didn't respond to Lilith's taunts as he concentrated on how he will nullify her Anomaly. It's either touching her or looking at her. However, he knows that she's a fast one so it'll be hard for him to have a fixed gaze at him so touching her has a higher chance of being done. Lilith seemed to be aware of the conditions and limitations of Reaper's Anomaly so she's being cautious herself as she continues to hide herself somewhere in the forest.<br/><br/>"What are you waiting for? We don't have all day, Lilith! The other teams will be here soon." Reaper taunted Lilith.<br/><br/>"Do you think I'm dumb? I know that once you saw me, you'll nullify my Anomaly." Lilith responded.<br/><br/>"So, are you saying that you're actually useless without that demon of yours?" Reaper continues to piss her off. "I know that already. Let me correct myself. Everyone knows that already so just accept that."<br/><br/>"Lies! I'm still an exceptional fighter even without Imp's help." Lilith screamed.<br/>"Then prove it! Come at me."<br/><br/>"Don't blame me if you get eliminated. You asked for it."<br/><br/> As Reaper stands in a clear area in the forest, Lilith emerges from one of the trees nearby then started to run towards him. Reaper immediately tried to use his Anomaly by looking at her but Lilith is quick to avoid his gaze by changing her direction. She is now jumping from tree to tree that are surrounding Reapers spot. This made it more challenging for him to nullify Lilith's Anomaly. As he thought that his situation will not worsen, it did.<br/><br/>Glass discs and spikes started to fall from the sky again but this time a lot less amount of them compared from before so it can easily be avoided. Most likely Glass and Shiv are aiming a different spot so the concentration of the glass discs and spikes are not that much on where Reaper and Lilith are fighting but Reaper can't deny the fact that it added to the challenge for him defeating Lilith.<br/><br/>At this point, Lilith stopped jumping from tree to tree for some reason so it's Reaper's precious moment to formulate a plan to defeat her once and for all. Not exactly by hand-to-hand combat but him nullify her Anomaly so her will to fight will vanish. Then he realized that he can utilize the glass discs to find Lilith exact location and once he's able to do so, he can finally use his Anomaly against her and stop this fight.<br/><br/>"Found you! Game over, Lilith." Reaper announced as a glass discs happened to fall next to the tree where Lilith is hiding. Lucky for him that he quickly noticed that opportunity so he didn't waste this chance and immediately used his Anomaly to nullify Lilith's. He was able to do it even before the glass disc fall and shatter to the forest grounds.<br/><br/>"Imp! Wake up. Stay with me." Lilith cried out with her normal voice indicating that Reaper is successful executing his quick-witted plan.<br/><br/>Lilith seemed to be very bothered of what happened so Reaper walked towards them and he saw an unconscious Imp being carried by the weeping Lilith. Reaper haven't used use Anomaly against them before so he's not exactly sure what the results will be so now he knows. It appears that their theory of Imp being forced to leave Lilith body is correct they just didn't that it will also come out unconscious.<br/><br/>"I'm sorry. I didn't know this would happen." Reaper apologized.<br/><br/>"Just leave, okay? I admit my defeat. I hope you're happy." Lilith responded.<br/><br/>Though still feeling bad for what happened to Lilith and Imp, Reaper went ahead to the cave where Zythandra and his teammates are waiting for him. As they expected, Team Pandora was the first one to reach the cave. Moments later, Team Medusa arrived as Lilith still carrying an unconscious Imp with her. Next to arrive is Team Surge and last to arrive are Teams Beast and Glass with obvious minor damages from the traps that were set up by Team Pandora and their mentors.</p>