
The Angry Alpha

The angry alpha with a known reputation for being ruthless and a cut throat temper for being uncontrollable being the most powerful member in the pack, and being the most powerful pack called the Midnight pack was one to be reckoned will the alpha finally meet his match with a young human that could possibly be his Luna? Will she be able to tame the Angry alpha? Or will it all end in bloodshed and tears?

Smith0015 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 7

Cains P.O.V

Carrying Liv close to me whilst I walked over to the car letting the sparks fly between us whilst I held her, she nudges her head into my chest, and I can't help but smile and look down at her I felt content she should never be away from me, here I could always keep her safe, I sit in the back seat carful not to wake my sleeping beauty I stare down at her, her fair complexion and long dark lashes I couldn't wait until I got lost in her green eyes again, her voluptuous lips

i couldn't wait to kiss them

But for now I'm happy to just take in how beautiful she

really is as I brush her long curly hair out of her face and a small smile creeps up on hers, which warms my icy heart, I never thought I'd be able to find my mate being 26 people already have found there mate and mated, sure I've had sex with other shewolves they where just to keep me abit more manageable to work with , but Liv she was the other half to my soul and I would do everything in my power to ensure she would be happy and with me.

Jay jumps in the front and starts the ignition, "back to hers boss?" and I couldn't help but a low growl escape me, she Properly would be happier waking up at hers but, when she was in this state, I wanted to look after to her to make sure my mate was okay I shake my head "to the pack house she will stay with me tonight" after about 30 minutes of driving we arrive back to the pack house, Liv doesn't stir at all and stays asleep the hole way, we walk in still carrying Liv, Jay opens the doors for me as I carry her to my room up the two flights of stairs and lay her down on my bed

Where she belongs with me!

I notice after lying her down her dress is covered in red wine and beer, I remember her coming out in it this morning, she took me off guard, she looked so innocent and beautiful I had to take a few minutes to control my self, my wolf wanted me to take her right then and there and claim her as ours but I took control of him I was prepared to wait and go at Liv'a place no matter how Frustrated I was.

"Do you want me to change her into something more comfortable?" Jay pulls me out of my thoughts

"Excuse me?" I growl at him, I could feel my eyes darken and my skin beginning to ripple beneath my clothes, Jay was my Beta and my best friend but he's still an un mated male around MY MATE, and he's asking to see what is MINE.

"Cain I'm joking, you've been standing there watching her for a good few minutes growling to yourself I couldn't get you out of it, the only thing I could think of to bring you to your senses, well either that or I'd be dead on the ground" he chuckles and sighs "control getting to you big guy?" As he hits my back and I smile , "control has always been difficult, but control from my mate that's a new bridge to cross" Jay rubs his hands down his trousers "right I'll leave you to it then, I don't think she'll be waking up anytime soon she hasn't moved since you put her down just try to not burn the place down and breathe" he nods and goes to leave before "Alpha" and closes the door.

I quickly grab my a black t-shirt from my draw and put it over Liv, she was so little compared to me it was the same length as her dress practically, now for the hard part....

I put my hands under my shirt and removed her dress underneath without seeing or touching anything i shouldn't I didn't want to violate her but frankly her dress has that much red wine an beer down it she can't sleep in it, my wolf is going stir crazy in the back of my mind trying to take control to mark her as ours but I manage to win and push him back into my mind My wolf is head strong and one of the strongest werewolf out there so trying to keep him calm as well as myself was seeming impossible, my large hands brush down her back as I remove the last bit of her clothing beneath my t-shirt and I could feel him pushing through my barriers again as the sparks dances through my veins, Liv let out a small moan which only stirred him on my hands rest on the small of her back trying to regain control as my torso begins to shake and a growl escapes, after a few more moments and very deep breathing I managed to gain control and push him back which he didn't appear to happy about.

I remove the last of Livs dress and pulls the covers over her where she settles back down and continues to sleep, I grab a spare pillow and throw it to the couch, not trusting myself being in bed next to her and lay down on my back and stare at the ceiling Her scent of vanilla and Coconut fills the room I'm engulfed by her scent like a drug to my soul, I felt my eyes getting heavier and I drift off, no sooner as I fall sleep, I am soon awaken by muffled groans and the russling of covers panic flooded me and I sat up to protect what is mine, I look over to my mate and she had kicked the covers of her, the t-shirt or should I say my t-shirt had risen up and she had one of her legs cocked upwards I could see her white lace underwear from behind and sigh

Was the goddess testing me or what? i pull the cover back over her bottom half, out of sight out of mind i repeat to my self as I return back to my sofa of safe distance before I drift off once again

Liv's P.O.V

The familiarity of dry mouth and a dizzy head wakes me up from my slumber, I groan as I sit up in the plush grey sheets, and that's when it hits me I'm not In my own room let alone my own house, I look around and see I'm in a large spacious bedroom painted black grey and white with large windows all on one side which where covered by blinds I'm assuming it's still early, I felt lost in the huge bed I was currently sitting on, there was a a desk and a chair at one side of the room and some other light furniture and a large sofa, really who needs a sofa in a bedroom?

and then a door which was slightly ajar and steam was slowly creeping out the familiar sent of rose musk and cinnamon filling the room.

The door opens and I'm stuck unable to move from the bed, as Cain walks in with a towel wrapped around his hips dangerously low, showing his V-lines, water droplets cling to his tanned skin as  beads of water trail down his 8 pack Im sure i felt in some sort of trance, like it was free porn, he shuck his wet black hair as it came down on his face and looks at me.. staring

I can feel my blush come at an alarming rate to my face "good morning Olivia" gosh how my name rolls of his tongue sends a shiver up my spine "see something you like little one?" As a smile creeps up on his face toying with me I clear my throat "what am I doing here and why am I in your T-shirt?, you undressed me without my concent?" i cross my arms from the bed

"I couldn't let you sleep in that stained dress, so I gave you one of my shirts, if it helps I didn't see anything I put it over your head and you was passed out drunk I wanted to make sure you was safe."

Naww that's was nice, No! Wait concentrate Liv

"I don't care you had no right"

"I'm sorry, that it has upset you, I can even the playing field if you like?"

He must be a-wear with my confused expression across my face as I tilt my head at him, as he sighs and drops the towel he dropped the fricking towel!

Trying to avoid looking at it and focusing on Cains upper half, I again feel the blush creeping back up as he lets out a loud laugh

"Your so cute when you blush, are we even now would you like me to put the towel back on?" He smirks

"Yes please god Cain"

"There will come a time you'll be saying those words out of pleasure little one" as he wraps him self back in the towel And i scoff

"Why didn't you take me home?"

"You was in no fit state to be at home on your own so I brought you back to my house to look after you"

"You know that's kidnapping right?"

"It's not kidnapping when I told you about it last night and you certainly didn't complain when I told you at the bar"

"I was in no fit state last night"

"So you agree, you wasn't in no fit state to go back home if you couldn't make a decision" he walks over to the bed closing the gap between us as I look at him dumbfounded

And another large smile comes "thought so"

He turns away to gather something from behind another door, after a few moments Cain comes out, dressed in black jeans and leather shoes he shoves the top of his hair back and puts on a crisp white Cotten shirt which hung to his large frame and muscles he looked like sex on legs and that familiar heat started to burn in my nether regions

"Liv feel free to have a shower and help your self to any of my clothes I'll leave and give you your privacy and when your ready I'll take you home okay"

Gone was the playful Cain which was here a few moments ago now there is a seriousness to his voice, he grabs a jacket and leaves.

Gosh what's eating him?

I jump up and strip and head into the bathroom it was huge you could have a party in this shower it was all white marble, tiles with gold trimmings and a walk in shower with a seat inside, it had a large shower head with other multiple nozzles going down both sides, I felt as if I was ready to fly a plane let alone have a shower in there, there was that many buttons I didn't no which one was to start it , I finally find the right button and Quickly shower i jump out when I'm finished and go into the other door Cain came out of, it was a large walk in wardrobe

Really how much more space does one man need?

I pull on a pair of his sweatpants and another one of his t-shirts and grab a hoodie and leave the door going in search of Cain.

Walking out of the bedroom I come out the corridor and follow my feet, there was a large kitchen and a lounge area all modern and very well how can you say it expensive, it was all done as if to match Cains room, Greys and whites with hints of black there was a few more doors off to the side which I was gunner go explore until a ding distracts me and I turn round to a familiar face  "hello poppet, How did you sleep?" And he embraced me in a hug ..Jay

"Just fine Thank-you I was looking for Cain to take me home?" Jays face twist and his nose turns upwards "what do I smell, I shouldn't I've just had a shower?" Jay shakes his head "no no it's just you smell like him, The alpha, it's weird to smell his scent on someone else" "I can't smell anything?" "That's cuz your human numb nuts" and he points to his nose "wolf nose, come I bet Cains in his office I Mind-linked him a few moments ago" I'm sorry what?

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY GOT THROUGH MY BORDER?" I turn to look at Jay and as he opens the door to a very angry Cain on the phone, he was red and obviously fuming his veins on his neck where visible and his body was starting to shake I could see his muscles and skin rippiling under his white shirt, "KILL THEM DON'T HESITATE" he growls and the room shakes with the power coming off of him he slams the phone down with such force I'm surprised he didn't break it "Cain?" Jay try's to grab his attention, Cain turns to look at us his eyes where jett black but they focus on me, he strides round his table and grabs me away from Jay and he cages me against his body and holds me tight as he deeply inhales at my neck

"Fucking Rogue's"