
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 9 (> <)

Abel on the other hand was basically doing the same thing in his car. He was afraid to leave my neighborhood. He knew that van that had come the other day was from a rival pack. He had to keep an eye on his property. Starting Monday, he was going to have to send his best bodyguard to follow her home and keep an eye on her. There was only so much he could do in a day. That is until their mating ceremony/wedding. They were going to have to start planning the ceremony on Monday. It was going to be a major event in the pack world.

Abel also knew why his feelings were getting stronger and stronger. He had never marked a woman before. That was normally reserved. It was just for, when you had decided to become mates, or solely be lovers. He had known Joyce so well for so long. He knew he had already fallen deep in love with her. That was why he was reluctant to mark her. He did not want to run the risk of poisoning her.

Now that she was marked, as his, he had to keep an eye on her. When they consummate their vows no other pack would dare to try to take his mate. He was so ready right now! But he knows that a lot of the wanting was the mark. If they could hold off until the ceremony it would be for the best. But he was no saint. He knows that even if they do make love, if they have not gone through the ceremony it won't help. Well, it will help with their physical restraints. They have to go through the ceremony as soon as possible!

The more time he has spent with her, the more he wanted to make her scream out his name. In his head he imagined, "Abel, Oh Abel!" "Touch me like that!" "Let me touch you like this!" "Do you like that?" He was so into the moment that he howled out in pleasure as he finally got his release. He quickly cleaned himself, and his steering wheel up.

He rolled down his window to let in some fresh air. But that turned out to be a big mistake. Joyce had opened up her window. She had let out a pheromone. It was so potent in the air, that his manhood honked the horn. Not only did the noise cause him to yell out, "Oh, Crap!" But his manhood was eager and ready again. With her scent in the air like this though, he was worried for her safety. He quickly detangled himself from his steering wheel, and got out of the car.

He ran up the tree in her front yard and leaped over onto her roof. The smell wafting out of her window was so good, sweet, and strong. He was throbbing from the mere thought. He had planned on just closing her window. He had no intention of actually entering her room. But he ran into a problem. The windows latch could only be latched from the inside. However, when he looked inside her window his body took on its own natural reaction.

He was in her room. He slowly approached the bed. She had just finished with her toy and had laid it on the night stand. The smell was too much for him. He quickly turned back around and closed the window. But he stayed in the room. She rolled over and he could smell she was still needing more release. He tried to restrain himself. But her little plead, in her sleep. Well, it broke all his will.

He bent over to kiss her sweetly on the forehead. She on the other hand was burning up too. She was so physically hot she felt like she was burning up. At the same moment as his lips touched her forehead, she flipped the covers off of her body. She was completely exposed, not a shred of clothing to be had. He backed aways slightly and noticed her eyes open and looking at him. He shook his head and went to back away again.

She thought she was still dreaming. She took his hand and placed it on her breast. Then she rubbed his hand down her stomach, slowly, to her sex. She used one of his fingers on her special button until that wonderful scent was spilling out into the room again. She let him loose but he did not remove his hand.

He pushed his finger down slightly to her entrance and played with the outer part. As he did he undid his pants letting them fall to the floor. He groaned out with the release. He quietly stepped out of them. He took her hand and place it on his long hard shaft. He used his free hand to help her to pump, as he slowly pushed his finger into her entrance.

She let out a soft gasp and arched her back slightly. She had just made things more delectable for him. He pulled his wet finger up to his mouth and licked off the sweet honey. He had to have more. The little pleasures were just not enough! This was just not enough for him. He bent down and gently spread her legs. The sweet smell filling the room now! It was beckoning him in closer. He pulled off what was left of his clothing.

She sat up, realizing this was no dream, "When did you come in? How did you get in my room?"

Abel did not answer, he went straight for the honey pot. Joyce laid back and shivered, "I did not realize! You don't have to…" She had her hand in his hair and laid back enjoying.

Abel ate her up. He reached up and played with her nipples as he had her squirming on the bed from below. She showered him with her amazing scent. The more he had, the more he wanted. He was at the point he could not stop. Joyce was not any better off. He sat back taking a moment, trying to calm himself down.

Joyce was not having that. She leaned up, "My turn, you helped me, let me help you." She bent down and took him into her mouth. She was soft and gentle to start. She gradually began going harder and harder. Abel threw his head back and groaned.

After a while of this they both knew that he would not be relieved so easily. Joyce decided to lay him down on the bed. It was a good thing she had a queen sized bed, or he might not have fit. She straddled him and began to slowly lower herself down onto him. But he was so big! She was not ready!

Abel flipped the tide on her. He put her on bottom and he put his fingers back to work. In went one finger. She was moaning with pleasure. He used his thumb on her button as he was pumping. He was pumping faster and faster. Which caused a rush or her scent to flow out. He grinned as he pushed in another finger. He pushed in deep and continued up the pumping.

She was wiggling, but loving every second. He pushed in the third and she almost came up off of the bed with her orgasm. He grinned but kept up the pace. Once she was good and wet, then he pulled his fingers out. He sat back and pulled her up onto him.

She lowered herself down slowly. This time he went in without issue. As she pushed down, he took her virginity with him. He had no clue, but was proud. "You were a virgin?" She nodded her head as she sat there and adjusted for a moment. He pushed slightly deeper feeling even prouder, "Thank you for this gift. I will cherish it always. This is good! I will be your first and only. You are all mine now!"

She groaned and began pumping on him. Slow to start, but he could not take it slow. He took over the rhythm. He wanted to hear their skin coming together. He wanted to hear just how wet he was making her. He pounded into her fast. Not hard not yet. He knew he could make her too sore if he went too hard to fast. She threw back her head in a hard orgasm. She was wet, he was wet, yet they continued on.

When she threw back her head again with an extremely hard orgasm, she took him with her. Which caused another earthquake of shivers and liquid gold plastering them both. He turned over and got on his knees between her legs. He pumped just a few more times to make sure he had emptied. He was able to go one more time at this. This time he left himself inside of her and laid his head on her stomach.

He let her rest for a couple of hours before the pheromones built back up in the room and they began all over again. They tried many different positions this time. But his favorite, was where he could see how wet she was. In this position he could to watch himself as he entered and pulled out. Her little moans of pleasure made him even harder for her.

He never knew he could get so hard for one woman. He had been with several women before. As did most werewolf's before they mated. There was no cheating on a spouse in a pack. Oh no! once mated it was for life. That is why no one would mate with just anyone. Mating was a one time, life long experience. He was going to bring all this up with his mate in the morning. He wants her to understand. They have not been careful either. If she were to end up pregnant, he wanted to make for dang sure, those pups would be his.

Other rival packs have gotten so desperate that they have begun allowing the women to have multiple mates. Well forcing them to more like. It is not in a wolfs nature to have multiple mates. He would rip the head off of any male that even dared think a thought like that of his mate. She was his and his alone. She has given herself completely to him. He is going to cherish this gift, till death do us part.

They had actually gone to bed around ten o'clock at night. They had made love four to six times since then. When they finally did get up Saturday morning, it was around ten o'clock. They showered together, taking the time to play one more time before getting dressed. Once they came out the got dressed for the day and headed down stairs.

Dad had left a note saying that he got called in for a long haul. He would not be back for two weeks. Mom was at the hospital. She got called in for an early morning shift. So, it was just Abel and her this morning. They were tempted, but decided they would come back later and continue their fun. They wanted to go and get their errands done for the day. Then they headed out to go for their day of shopping.

What do you think of their relationship so far? It seems like it is going strong. Do you think it will continue. I don’t even know! I am the one writing the story. But I do love the way it is going. Well, we shell see what happens next!

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!


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Also, please do remember I am dyslexic, and I do not have a professional editor. If you see a mistake please politely point it out. If I agree (which I agree 99.9% of the time), I guarantee I will fix it as quick as I see it. I do not care how many. All I ask is that we be respectful of others. I love my readers interacting with me. I want everyone to enjoy the story. Also, PLEASE REMEMBER I AM ONLY HUMAN.

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