
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 8 (> <)

We dropped dad off at the house, and he told us to go have some fun. I did grab my beach bag I had left by the door earlier. I even thought to bring Abel a towel if he needed it. Then we were off. I let Abel drive to go to his house though. I just felt it was not right, for him to buy this car, and never get to drive it not even once.

It was only around ten O'clock in the morning when we pulled up to Abel's house. He only lived maybe ten minutes away from my house. But that is not the amazing part. Abel lived in a mansion. His house had its own tennis ball courts, stables, and 16 car garage. His house literally looked like a castle on the outside. That is just what I saw with my own two eyes as we pulled up to the house. I know I was gaping at the house. But this was beyond my wildest dreams!

Abel chuckled as he parked under the covered drop off area. "Would you like to see what it looks like on the inside?"

I felt overwhelmed, "I can only imagine. I-I don't think. That is, I should not go in. We have only known each other a few days. I can wait right here. I am sure it will not take you long."

Abel got out and came around the car. He opened my car door and put his hand out to me. I was not saying no twice. "You are soon to be my mate. This house will soon be yours too. Right now, this is my batcher pad. Only werewolf's or their mates work here. So, you never have to be nervous about anything. My parents live in the mansion on the back side of this property. All together we own about 500 acres just in these two properties. They are also our closest neighbors. Do not worry though, you will not be meeting them until the wedding."

He led me into his house. His house was beautiful. Everything was wooden, and done out in dark cherry varnish. Even the floors were done out in hard wood. I did not see any carpet anywhere. I followed him to his bedroom and almost cried. His room was more like an apartment than a bedroom. He had a living space equipped with couches and a tv. Then if you walk through the double glass doors in the back you go into his room. He had a real, old world, four poster, bed! It was king size! It was beautiful too! He had all the furniture to match too. I have always loved the look of real wood. I hate the look of particle board.

He went to his dresser and grabbed his swimming trunks. When he turned around, he saw me staring at the bed. He came over and teased me about it, "Do not worry, we will break it in soon. I am sure that it can take the beating."

I blushed, "Um, that is not, um, what I was thinking about. I love the real old world look of all your furniture in this house. Whoever decorated had some good taste. Expensive to be sure! But good taste. Especially the bed. It is rather exquisite!"

Abel sat down on the bed and put his towel and trunks in a duffle bag. "Well, that is a surprise. You see, I picked out all the furniture in this house myself. I was actually planning on having you redecorate it. But if you love it so much, we will keep the current look."

My eyes went wide, "Oh, No, Please! Keep the current look! You have done such a good job. It makes me want to cry. It is beautiful. I did not know straight men could have such good taste in décor like this!"

He flung his duffle over his shoulder, "Well, it will be more complete when you are here. I will still let you go through all the rooms. You can redecorate however you seem fit. You can add, sell, donate, repair, or burn anything you wish. This will be your house soon too. This house needs to represent both of us." He leaned in and kissed me sweetly and quickly on the lips. "I can't wait until I get to do this every morning."

I giggled, "Your making me blush, Stop."

He took my hand and began leading me back to the car, "I like it when you blush." We went back to the car without much more being said. Then we were off to get Martha and her kids.

As we pulled up at Martha's house she came running out. "Joyce you got a new car! WHO IS THIS MAN!?"

I smiled as both Kevin and Gabriella ran up to me, "Auntie, auntie!" I gave them both a hug as I put them in the car. "Martha, please meet my, um, boyfriend?" I looked at Abel and he nodded. "Yep, my boyfriend Abel. He is going to the lake with us today."

Martha looked him up and down, "He smells rich! Joyce are you sure he is not a bullshitter!?"

I gasped and nearly fell over myself, "Martha! What a question!"

Martha blushed, "I'm sorry honey. You know what I have just gone through. I do not want to invite anyone into my children's lives that will be a hear today and gone tomorrow jerk."

I smiled, "Martha, please get in the car."

Martha pointed at him, "Where will he sit? On the roof?"

I gave Martha the biggest scathing look I could muster. But Abel answered for me, "Either I can sit between the two monkey's in the back or I can drive and Joyce can sit there. You Martha should get to sit in the front passenger seat."

Martha straightened up slightly, "Well that might be a good idea. You sit between my kids. But I warn you! I will have the mirror on you. If you make any movement towards my kids, I will end you!?" Martha hopped in the car without another word.

I got Abel in the middle and put in Gabriella's car seat. I got her safely fastened in. Then we were off. Martha was watching every movement Abel made. When we would hit bumps she was adjusting the mirror immediately keeping a close eye on him. There was nothing, no conversation, or joke that would get her dead zone focus off of him.

But it was okay. Eventually she did open up a bit. She let the kids go swimming with him. I worked with Gabriella in the water, eventually I got her swimming like a little fish. I had been working with her for weeks previously. So today was basically just finishing up. Kevin and Abel had a blast. Abel was letting Kevin dive off of his shoulders.

It was a really well rounded and fun trip. We had to be on our guard the whole time though. Abel even holding my hand had poor Martha on edge. When we headed back to the car, the kids could not find their flip flops. We were going to carry the kids up to the car one by one. There were to many stickers for them to walk barefoot. But Abel picked up both kids putting them on his shoulders and began walking.

Martha got a kick out of there screams of happiness. They were yelling, "faster, faster Mr. Abel!" He would jog a little way, and wait on Martha and myself to catch up, then he would do it again. Once we got everyone back to the car, and eventually home. Everything was a lot better than when we first got there. Martha even apologized for being on edge. She even gave her momentary approval to Abel.

We left Martha's house and went back to mine. Abel was smiling the entire way back. Finally, after seeing him giggle for the umpteenth time, I asked, "What is so funny?"

He smiled to me, "I got to see what you were like with kids. You're going to make a wonderful mother someday. Of course, that is if you decide you want children."

"What do you mean, if, I decide I want children?"

We just pulled up to the house, and he got out. He came around to my side and opened up the door, "Just from our talk the other day. I thought you might not want children."

I scoffed, "Look I do not know what you think you heard. But I very much want my own children. I was trying to find out if you did too!"

"Oh, I absolutely do! But until we are ready, lets enjoy practicing a bit first."

I blushed from my head to my toes! I walked right into this. Now I was at a loss for words again, "Practice?"

Abel walked me up to the door, "Yea, you know the act of doing something, without the desired outcome, to make yourself ready for the desired outcome. That is part of the fun of making love. Well, that and the act itself. Which I am having a harder and harder time not fulfilling with you daily."

Okay, I could feel it, I was purple! I backed up against the wall. He put his big burly arms on either side of my head. He leaned in slowly, "Well I guess it is time for us to say good night. You know it is getting harder and harder each night to leave too."

I nodded; he came down to me with a sweet, soft, loving kiss. He kept his hands on the wall to either side of me. When he backed up slightly is when he removed his hands from the wall. He said goodnight and headed over to his car. Once he was in and pulled out of the drive, I ran inside. I went straight up to the shower, and took a long cold shower.

The cold shower was nowhere near enough relief! I climbed in my bed and got out my little helper. I turned on some of my more favorite romantic music and made sure my bedroom door was locked. I laid down in the bed and took care of myself with Abel on my mind. I was shaking and excited. It took me plunging myself over the ledge several times before I was finally able to roll over in my bed and knock out.

It is hard when you are first getting to know someone and you are so attracted. All you want to do is ravage each other. Especially if there is a reason you are waiting. I personally feel that it is important to try to wait until marriage. But there are some cases where it is practically impossible. Your feelings take over, and you just cant seem to stop. But in those cases, please be responsible. Use protection! Lets not be a statistic.


When you see (> <) at the end of the chapter name, it means that there is something more adult or better in that scene.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!


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