
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 10 (> <)

Abel surprised Joyce while on their shopping trip. He had not lied about needing to do some shopping of his own. They went to Lowe's and got plants for several of his various business's. They had to go to Sam's Club to order some supplies for this company in bulk. He could have done it online. But it gave him an excuse to spend more time with his mate.

After all his errand's were ran, he took Joyce shopping. He was going to buy her absolutely anything she wanted. Joyce though was not a possessions kind of person. There is not much she wants. He knows that too. He really tried to plan out the perfect date for today. That meant that they would not shop for clothing at all. Joyce only bought clothing when it was needed. She was a simple girl that way. But he did know her vices. That is partly why he had watched her for so long.

Joyce collects snow globes, and glass figurines. She is fascinated with how they are made. He knew that she wanted to observe how the glass was forged and designed into her favorite figures. Abel knew she dreamed of helping too make those figurines as well. For their date, he had paid for them to have a lesson in glass works. Basically, they would just be observing. But if she wanted to help any of the glass makers in their projects she would be allowed.

He had even paid the commission for them to make a glass music box, with him and her dancing a waltz in the middle. He wanted them to be in a gazebo of hearts, with a big read heart on top. It was going to look like a crown, with a big red jewel in the shape of a heart on top. Inside the music box was going to be the ring. He knew it would not be finished for at least a week. However, when it was, He was going to use it to help him propose. He has a full plan. He wants everything to be perfect.

As they pulled up to the warehouse, Joyce kept asking, "What is our errand here."

There was no markings on the ware house. There were six bay doors. All of the bay doors were open, and there were people running around all over the place. Every last one of them were sweating and extremely concentrating. Not one of the workers looked up when we pulled up. We parked at the back of the parking lot.

We got out of the car. We were waiting and leaning on the hood of the car. Abel looked to me. "Honey, I hope you do not mind. But I paid for us to have a lesson in glass working today. It will be a short class on safety. But then you get to walk around and watch all the workers making glass objects."

I squealed in delight! "Awesome! When do we start?"

Abel looked at his watch, "Well technically we were supposed to be here by eleven. But we are early. The instructor will come get us in a few minutes. It is only 10:45"

I squealed again, and jumped up on him with a hug. "Thank you so much!"

Her motions, and reactions were to be expected. But his body was not ready. As soon as her body was aligned with his, his body reacted! He poked her right in the stomach. Joyce laughed, and leaned in further. She rubbed his chin and he leaned down to her.

When their lips met, she reached down his pants grabbing his manhood. He pulled back from the kiss but did not do anything about her hand. He said, "This is not a good idea!"

She giggled, "You cant work on glass with your buddy at attention. We have a little less than fifteen minutes. Let me see what I can do."

He pulled her hand out of his pants. He pulled her back to the car and they got in the back seat. He sent a quick text. I have no idea to who. Then he unbuckled his pants. His manhood stood straight up! Joyce was wearing pants. She looked around to make sure no one was around. Then pulled her pants off quickly. She hung them over the front seat.

Abel was so turned on by her actions that he sat up. He laid her down on the seat and waisted absolutely no time. He entered her quickly. She let out a little wail. But she was wet and ready. It did not take long for them to reach their peaks. When they were through they both were smiling and redressing. Abel chuckled, "That is the first time I have ever had a woman approach me that way. I like it!"

Joyce used her panties to clean up her thighs, then finished pulling up her pants. "I have always wanted to try making love in a car. This was fun!" Abel laughed and texted someone again. Joyce was a little jealous. "Who are you texting?"

Abel smiled, "Sorry dear, I was not sure how long it was going to take us. I did not want the instructor to come out and see your beautiful body. I told him to give us a few extra minutes before coming out. I just told him we were ready."

Joyce blushed deeply, "Thank you, that was very sweet of you."

The instructor was walking towards the car, Abel pointed him out. They quickly got out and stood at the front of the car waiting on the instructor. The instructor was a very skinny but tall man. He had a good build to him though. He was not wearing a shirt, but he did have jeans and boots on. He was also wearing a glass working apron. He had short blond hair, but was in need of a haircut. He was probably about the same height as Abel. He was all sweaty too. He must have been working. He said his name was Lee Bruner. But we could call him Lee.

We went inside the building with him, and went with him straight to his office. In the office we watched a general safety video. Basically, telling us to not touch anything pointy, red, hot, or liquid while in the shop. Do not disturbed the master glass smiths while they are at work. Only move things or touch things when asked or told to. Bla…Bla…Bla…

Joyce could care less. All she really wants to do is get down close and watch as these geniuses work. To be honest, she never wanted to learn how. She just wanted to have the opportunity to observe up close.

We also learned about safety gear. Lee brought in two full body suits. They were silver with no head dress thank God. He said, "This is just a precaution. After you put on these anti burn suits, we will go out on the floor. It is very hot on the floor. With these suits on, you are allowed to approach those that are working, but not disturbed them."

We both shook our heads. We put on the over suits, then followed the instructor down into the shop. There were some women smashing and breaking glass into a fine powder. There were guys and women taking that powder and putting it into the melting pots. Then there were several people working with the melted glass. Some were doing a blowing technique. Some were stretching out the glass into long tubes. Some were shaping glass.

I was the most interested in the ones shaping. The instructor walked us thorough all the different stages of how they prep the glass and then start shaping. I caught some of what he said. But I was focused on the act of watching people actually doing it. Don't get me wrong! I was paying attention to the instructor. I kept my distance. But it was so interesting to watch.

There is a show on Netflix called blown away. It is one of my favorite shows to watch. It is so interesting, watching these people work. All of it done by hand. Literally from scratch! Abel attention seemed to be just like mine. But he kept his hand in mine. I imagine I looked a lot like a child in a candy shop.

After we had had the complete walk through. The instructor gave us the run of the warehouse. He said basically the class was done, and we could leave when ever we wanted to. We walked around several times more. We watched the glass working at every stage. Though I cant remember the stages. I did keep my distance.

One of the workers was making a glass unicorn with a pretty young maiden standing beside it. Another was making a piano. Then there was one making a pair of turtle doves. One of my favorite was a woman making a angel scene. The angel was sitting in the middle of what could be a field. There were two children playing around her and she had a baby in her arms. It was really quite beautiful. It was still in the developing stage. But what an artist.

When we did go to leave, we stood by the warehouse. We took off our Silver gear. Then we headed back to the car. It was almost two in the afternoon. My stomach was growling so loudly it was getting embarrassing! Abel just laughed. He leaned over and kissed me sweetly, "Lets go have a picnic. What do ya say sweetheart?"

I smiled and shrugged my shoulders, "That sounds wonderful. But what are we going to eat?"

Abel chuckled, "I have it all planned out. Lets go to the zoo."

Authors notes:

I am really enjoying this story. It is fun to write and easy to keep up with. I would love any suggestions anyone might have as to where they would like to see this story go. I have my own ideas. But by popular demand, give me an idea and if I use it, I will list your name in the authors notes below.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!


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Also, please do remember I am dyslexic, and I do not have a professional editor. If you see a mistake please politely point it out. If I agree (which I agree 99.9% of the time), I guarantee I will fix it as quick as I see it. I do not care how many. All I ask is that we be respectful of others. I love my readers interacting with me. I want everyone to enjoy the story. Also, PLEASE REMEMBER I AM ONLY HUMAN.

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