
The Alphas Chosen Mate

Upon getting a new job as a security guard at a ballpark, a young woman thinks she is settling into life. She loves her job, her life, and where her future is leading. She has big plans to buy a home of her own and soon. Unbeknownst to her, there is something magical and phenomenal going on in the background. Something that she is about to be drug into, willing or not. Once she is plunged into this magical world, she did not know existed, there is no coming out again. Can she keep this new life from her family and friends? Or will they be drawn in with her, simply for knowing her. Will she still achieve the life she always wanted, or will she go in a completely new direction. The new man in her life will have a lot to do with all her upcoming decisions. Weather they be for good or bad. The only way to find out is to delve into this world with me. lets embark on this journey together and see where this road will lead us.

Joy_Phoenix · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 7

The following morning, I got up in a terrific mood. I turned on my radio and was rocking out to "Adele's song, Rolling in the deep." I was belting out the song, dancing as I got dressed, and even pulled off one backflip. I used my hair brush as a microphone. I pulled all my braids up and into a messy bun on the back of my head. By the end of the song, I was dressed in my work out clothing and my hair pulled up. I had even thought to bring my shoes up last night. I was ready for my run this morning.

I skipped down the stairs. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, I was still humming the song, and not paying attention. I vary nearly missed the last step, and nearly fell down. I heard laughter coming from the kitchen. When I looked up, there at the dining room table sat my dad eating a bagel and drinking coffee. Across from him was Abel. Both men decked out in weight lifting clothing. (For those of you who do not know, my dad wears a sleeveless lose shirt, and gym shorts) Both of the men were dressed nearly the same. Except Abel had on red, and dad was in black. They were both looking at me and chuckling. I had to get a kick out of it. I laughed too.

I was going to use the treadmill in the garage today. I was not risking running around the neighborhood again for a little while. I did not want to eat before my work out today. I said good morning to them both. I was not even thinking about it. I kissed dad on the forehead, and went to do the same to Abel. I caught myself at the last minute. I gave him kind of a halfhearted hug instead. I was still a little uncomfortable with the PDA (public display of affection) in front of my parents.

I went to the fridge and grabbed three waters. I turned, hitting a muscular wall, and dropped all three bottles on the floor. Abel was right there in my personal space. He chuckled, "Hay now, your parents know we are dating. I think a little more than a one armed hug will be okay."

My dad in the background laughed, "I agree sweetcakes."

He had already figured out a way of ganging up on me with my parents. What the every loving…. Yea let's not finish that sentence. I laughed at myself and stood up on my tiptoes. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we had a earth shattering moment. It was short and brief. But it was addicting as hell. Boy did I want more. But I had to act like it was nothing. Abel chuckled and picked up the water bottles for me.

Abel handed me the water bottles and kissed the end of my nose. Can your nose blush? I think mine did! I had him keep a bottle, while I tried to giggle off my embarrassment. I handed my dad one, and all three of us went into the garage to exercise. As dad and Abel set up for their weightlifting, I turned on my IHeart radio to my play list. I wanted to listen to Adele again so I began it with her song.

I set the programing on my treadmill and I began my five mile run. My treadmill has a setting where you can watch the terrain as you run. You can also have an instructor. I don't like having the instructor. So, I opt for a jogging speed, and varying terrain instead. This way the treadmill will raise and lower for incline and decline. Also, this way I can cheat. I can watch dad and Abel doing their thing from time to time.

As I am running I find myself watching them more than paying attention to my running. Several times as I am running I have to grab the bar, because I did not see the incline coming. However, I think I did myself proud and never once fell on my face. I had to note though, Abel and dad were seriously in the moment. They were both focused on their weightlifting. I do not think Abel looked my way, not even once while they were working out. Which made me feel better. I mean who wants their boyfriend/mate to see them nearly fall on their face.

They spotted for each other, Abel more for dad. Dad had a hard time spotting for Abel. Abel could handle way more weight than dad could. After about an hour of us all doing our work out, we all called it good for this morning. I ran upstairs and quickly took a shower. I left my hair up. I did not want to over wash it. But I knew I would smell of sweat if I did not clean up. When I got out, I put on my cutest sun dress, over my mermaid bathing suit, and flip flops.

It was the beginning of August. The water was going to be just right for a swim today. I do believe that the weather man said it was going to get up to ninety degrees today. I was supposed to meet up with my girlfriend Martha. We were taking her kids to the lake. You know what, this might be a good opportunity to see how Abel is around my friends and their kids. I think I will invite him to tag along.

As I come down the stairs I untied my braids and let my hair loose over my shoulders. When I got to the kitchen Abel was sitting with my dad again. He was already cleaned up and drinking some coffee. I grabbed me a quick cup of coffee and a bagel, before I sat down at the table.

Dad was the first one to ask, "So, ya'll kids have any plans for today?"

Abel looked at me like he was asking what I wanted to do. I threw out my answer, "Actually yes, I was going to ask Abel here if he wanted to go to twin lakes with, Martha, the kids, and me. I promised her weeks ago I would help her little girl learn how to swim. We have only had a few sessions but she is doing really quite well. Little Gabriella is really looking forward to it today."

Abel smiled, "Sounds like fun! I just need to swing by my house and grab my bathing suit really quick."

Then something hit me, "Um, Abel, do you mind if we go in my car. Martha just got out of a really bad relationship with a guy. He turned out to be a drug dealer. Now she is antsy to be around men with nice cars. Also, Martha does not make a lot of money. She does not have the best of cars. She will be riding with us. As if you need another reason, I will give you a third anyway. She lives in a bad part of town. I do not want your car targeted."

Abel laughed, "I do not mind us going in your car. But I get to pick your car."

I shook my head, "What?" My dad lowered the paper he was reading and pushed up his glasses on his nose.

"I see I got both of your attention. Joyce, I think you need a better car. Since you will be starting with my company on Monday, I would like to get you a new car on my expense account. I was wanting to surprise you with it this morning. You will need a newer car for all the things you will have to do as my secretary. But I will let you pick the color."

Dad laid down his paper, "That sounds all well and good young man, but what happens if you two were to break up? Will she get her old car back?"

Abel grinned, "The car will be fully in her name. It is a tax deduction for my company. It will be considered a work expense for me. Plus, as I said she will need it for her daily work."

Dad stood up, "I get to help pick the car and I want to read all the paperwork. I do not want you coming after her for a new car later if you two were to break up. If what you are saying is true, her name had better be on all the ownership paperwork."

Abel nodded, "Sounds good!"

With that all said, I was still in shock. Dad and Abel took me car shopping. I ended up picking a ruby red Ford Focus. It gets 31mpg! Actually, Abel picked the ford focus's. I picked the color. When we went in to fill out the paperwork, everything was literally done in less than thirty minutes, and in my name. All Abel did was pay. We drove off of the lot in a brand new, totally mine, fully paid for, car! It had less than 200 miles on it, brand new off the lot! Even my dad was impressed!

Wow! Brand new car! What a nice gift! I think the nicest thing I ever got from a boyfriend was a locket in the shape of a heart. That was coming from my husband when we were just dating. This sounds like it would be an interesting arrangement. What kind of things have you all gotten from boyfriend or girlfriends in the past. Anything as nice as a car? Please let me know in the comments. You never know I might use some of those as ideas later on.

Special thanks to all my new and loyal readers. You all make writing fun!


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Also, please do remember I am dyslexic, and I do not have a professional editor. If you see a mistake please politely point it out. If I agree (which I agree 99.9% of the time), I guarantee I will fix it as quick as I see it. I do not care how many. All I ask is that we be respectful of others. I love my readers interacting with me. I want everyone to enjoy the story. Also, PLEASE REMEMBER I AM ONLY HUMAN.

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