
The Alpha Seer

Scarlett , a member of the Dark Moon Pack, has endured relentless bullying and resentment due to her unique eye colors and extraordinary abilities, including the power to see into the future. Fearing for her life at the hands of her own Mate, she strikes a desperate deal with Axel, the pack's strongest Alpha, in exchange for protection. But there's a catch - Axel insists that she become his mate. With no one else to turn to for assistance, as everyone seems to covet her powers, Scarlett faces a difficult decision. Will she accept Axel's demand, or will she become a victim of her Mate's sinister plans?

Eve_Onfire · Fantasy
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77 Chs

Chapter Five

Scarlett pov

A young lady who would be at the same age range with me ran towards us and suddenly jumped on Alpha Axel hugging him so tight.

I stared at them in disbelief so wondering who the girl was,

"I missed you so much, how could you leave without telling me or even waking me up?" The girl pouted, pouring kisses all over Alpha Axel's face.

My eyes widened immediately and I folded my fist. I almost yelled out but stopped myself remembering that I only struck a deal with Alpha Axel.

Judging from the way the lady jumped on him and how she poured kisses all over his face, she must be his girlfriend.

I thought people said he doesn't relate well with ladies? Oh I have also forgotten that people tend to spread rumors and spit out anything that comes to their mind.

I kept watching both act like lovers and I felt left out and abandoned, I was already beginning to think that Alpha Axel had interest in me but I was wrong.

Maybe he was after the thing in between my legs, I felt sad immediately.

"Can you please just calm down and stop assuming? It annoys and disturbs me alot, you didn't even allow him to explain things or introduce her to you before concluding things. You clearly heard when she called him big brother at first," Kyra snapped and then I realized how silly and stupid I was.

Gosh! What the hell is wrong with me?

So she is his sister? Oh good gracious, I am such an impatient being.

"You're just a jealous freak!" Kyra sneered and I scoffed.

"I am not!" I fired back silently and she giggled.

"Meet my mate, Scarlett." Alpha Axel introduced me and I smiled.

The way he called me his mate made me feel so proud and I smiled wider.

"Scarlett, this is my younger sister, her name is Jamie."

Oh Jamie, such a nice and sweet name.

"Hi," I waved with a smile but she kept standing beside her brother and staring at me blankly.

"Jamie, what's wrong?" Alpha Axel asked worriedly.

Wait, doesn't she like me? I should have known, most younger sisters don't like seeing their elder brother around women.

I wonder if they just want to get married to their brother.

"Oh my goodness! She is so beautiful, I love her already." Jamie suddenly whined, hugging me tightly.

I sighed in relief, I am glad she doesn't dislike me.

I was startled at first, she is such a dramatic being and loves keeping people on their toes.

I looked at Alpha Axel, I guess he was also caught off guard.

"She is the crazy type but don't worry, she is sweet." Alpha Axel whispered and I smiled.

"I am so glad you have gotten a mate, big brother, her smile is heartwarming." She praised me and I blushed.

"You shouldn't give her troubles, she needs to rest." Alpha Axel said but Jamie grabbed my hand.

"Don't worry, I will take care of her," she winked and suddenly pulled me away.

"Let's go check out your room," she said excitedly and I followed her reluctantly.

She must be the friendly type!

"This is your room!" She announced opening the door of a room.

My mouth dropped open at its beautiful sight, it was so beautiful and expensive.

"Oh my God! Are you serious?" I exclaimed happily and she nodded positively.

"Of course, do you like it or would you like to choose from the spare rooms?" She asked and I shook my head negatively.

"I am okay with this," I gushed and rushed in.

Everything about the room was just too beautiful starting from the queen-sized bed, the dressing table and mirror, the wardrobe, the artistic pictures pasted on the wall, the lavender scent coming from the room and so many more.

I just love everything about the room!

Lucas brought in my box and left, Jamie offloaded everything on the bed.

"You should go have a clean bath while I help you arrange your stuff, I promise not to be nosy." She giggled and I smiled.

I decided to join her, I can freshen up later.

"How do you see my brother? He is cool right?" She queried and I nodded.

"Yes he is, his personality is also cool."

"Awwwn...I guess you both fell in love with each other at first sight?" She asked again and I went mute.

Would be okay if I tell her the truth, I wasn't her brother's fared mate, he actually made me his mate and we both struck a deal, that's why I am even here.

Won't she feel sad if I tell her all of that? It's better I keep shut and allow Alpha Axel to do the talking himself.

"Yes we did,"

"I love talking a lot, I hate boredom and I hope you're okay with it?"

"Sure, I love lovely girls." I replied and she suddenly clapped her hands.

"We rock Scarlett! I have fallen in love with you, no wonder my brother couldn't resist your charm." She said dramatically and I laughed loudly.

"My brother will spank me so hard if he finds out I am stressing you out with my long talks. You should freshen up, we still have a lot of things to do together, i will be back. Don't hesitate to call on me if you need anything," she said and left.

I guess I have found a family here!

Alpha Axel's POV...

"She is my mate and the Luna of our pack," I answered one of the elders who asked me questions about Scarlett.

"Congratulations on getting a Luna," the elders bowed slightly and I smiled.

"She will be introduced to our pack as the Luna of our pack tomorrow, this gathering is dismissed." I said and stood up before leaving the throne hall.

Lucas followed me out immediately,

"Have you checked on Scarlett?" I asked him as I walked through the hallway.

"No, Jamie won't let anyone come close to her, I think she can handle and take care of her." Lucas replied and I smiled dryly.

Jamie had always longed to see and interact with my mate, she wouldn't allow me to have my peace, she would always sing into my ears that I should get a mate as soon as possible.

Now that I have finally gotten one, she will just stick to Scarlett like a glue.

I hope she doesn't give her trouble, Jamie is just the crazy type and loves to give troubles.

"I have got an update about Bryton," Lucas suddenly said and I faced him swiftly.

"What about him?" I asked curiously, stopping on my tracks.

"He is planning on getting Scarlett back, I think he might wage a war soon." Lucas informed me and I smirked.

That kiddo won't stop causing trouble, he shouldn't just cross the line if he doesn't want to see the other side of me.

He is going to be making a huge mistake if he tries to wage war against my pack, I have even been looking for a good opportunity to end him for good.

He is a huge threat to his pack and one of the worst Alpha's that ever existed, how heartless he is for causing his people pain.

"Inform Rays to increase his effectiveness on training the warriors." I ordered and Lucas bowed slightly before leaving to carry out my orders.

Rays is the name of the Gamma of my pack, he is in charge of training the warriors.

My mind drifted to Scarlett and my lips curved into a smile all of a sudden, the mere thought of her makes me smile.

She is different from the other ladies I have come across, I guess that's what made me drawn to her.

I wondered what she might be doing, Jamie would have surely given her a room.

I decided to check up on her before leaving to do other things. I traced her scent and was able to find her in one of the spare rooms.

I didn't bother to knock before squeezing the door handle and the door opened.

"Scar..." I was almost calling her name but stopped when I heard the sound coming from the bathroom, it seemed she was having her bath.

I sat on the bed, her things were scattered on the bed.

I saw a picture and immediately took it, it was a picture of her when she was still very young.

She was still even beautiful at her young age, her special and rare eye color made her look more beautiful.

She was born with rare and special eyes. I wondered how many kids must have run away from her when she was still young.

No young kid will see her eyes and still get along with her, they will all get very scared.

She must have been so lonely all these years, poor cute thing.

The bathroom door opened and I immediately kept back the picture to avoid being called the nosy type.

"Hey you..." I was interrupted when I saw Scarlett with a towel wrapped around her chest.

Her hair fell over her shoulder and some of it got stuck on her face and body, the towel length was short as it stopped at the middle of her thighs.

I tried to say a word but couldn't, I was mesmerized by her beauty.

She looked so hot in her wet state, my eyes didn't leave her body for a second.

"Oh my goodness, you scared the shit out of me!" She muttered while holding her chest dramatically.

I kept staring at her, I studied her bodily features from head to toe and couldn't help but get seduced.

Damn! I can only imagine how hot she would look when unclad, I might lose my senses if she does that.

"Stop being a pervert, you look like one who would rape her with your eyes." Damn my wolf cautioned.

"I...is..there...anything you...want me..to..do for you?" She stuttered, I knew she was already getting uncomfortable with the long stare and would want me to leave as soon as possible.

I ignored her question and stood up, I advanced towards her and her eyes widened.