
The Alpha Seer

Scarlett , a member of the Dark Moon Pack, has endured relentless bullying and resentment due to her unique eye colors and extraordinary abilities, including the power to see into the future. Fearing for her life at the hands of her own Mate, she strikes a desperate deal with Axel, the pack's strongest Alpha, in exchange for protection. But there's a catch - Axel insists that she become his mate. With no one else to turn to for assistance, as everyone seems to covet her powers, Scarlett faces a difficult decision. Will she accept Axel's demand, or will she become a victim of her Mate's sinister plans?

Eve_Onfire · Fantasy
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122 Chs


Axel pov

She shifted backwards slowly till her back slammed against the wall, I trapped her in there and stared directly into her eyes.

I brought my lips closer to her ears, she closed her eyes immediately.

"Don't allow me to see you in this state anymore, I might just eat you up." I whispered and couldn't hear the loud slams coming from her chest.

Is she scared? What did she think I wanted to do?

I raised my head up and left after winking at her, the shocked look on her face made her look so funny.

After leaving her room, I went straight to mine.

As soon as I got to my room, I noticed the lights were switched off which was so weird.

I hate switching off the lights, I don't do that , someone else gained entry into my room and then switch off the lights.

I closed the door behind me and then searched for the switches with my hands, I found them and switched the lights on.

Someone suddenly wrapped her hands around my waist hugging me in the process, her scent hit my nose and I knew who it was instantly.

It was Mira, she is the daughter of Ray, the Gamma of my pack.

She has been my sex partner for a long time now, it's time to end things with her since I have gotten a mate.

I wouldn't want to do anything that will ever hurt Scarlett or make her cry.

"Let go of me," I ordered calmly but she giggled instead taking my words for a joke.

"What? Aren't you in a good mood?" She whined and I sighed.

"I am being, let go when I am still calm," I said again but she laughed out loudly.

"It seems you want it rough with the way you're sounding, I am ready to also it with you in the roughest way ever." She whispered again and I pushed her off suddenly.

She fell roughly on the floor.

"You should know when I am being serious and also, this should be the last time you would ever sneak into my room without my permission. You should leave this minute," I ordered calmly and moved to my wardrobe side.

I wanted to change into something better,

"What is wrong with you all of a sudden? Who is that thing you brought into our pack? Are you tired of my pussy that you've gotten a new sex partner or should I call her a whore?" Mira yelled and I turned swiftly.

I seized her by the neck and slammed her roughly on the war.

"Don't you ever call her those irritating words, she is far better and different from you. Let me make it clear, she is my mate and also the future Luna of our pack!" I screamed into her ears and flung her to the door.

She hit the door roughly and began choking,

Her last sentence really got me on my nerves, how dare she call Scarlett a whore and even a sex slave?

Mira stood up on her feet amidst choking, she suddenly smirked and stepped closer to me.

"You and I know that you have been cursed from birth, she isn't your mate!"

"And who the hell told you I was cursed, she might not be chosen for me by the moon goddess but she is my now. I marked her and she is now my mate so you should know your place, I am ending everything I had with you right now. I don't need you anymore so don't come close unless you are being called for a particular duty." I warned and she laughed.

"Bullshit! So you want to throw me away like dirt all because you've gotten someone else, you know I can never accept that. I am not the type to be used and thrown away, you're still mine and I am yours. Nothing is never going to come between us, why didn't you mark me instead? Am I not good enough for you?" She yelled and I exhaled sharply.

I knew she was going to act like the crazy being she had always been.

"Mira.." she suddenly interrupted me with a rough kiss. I wasn't expecting her smart move.

The door opened that instant,

"Alpha Axel, did you..."

I pushed Mira and she staggered, it was Scarlett who opened the door.

She had a shocked expression on her face.

Scarlett's POV...

I watched as Alpha Axel left my room, what did he just do to me?

"You shouldn't have let him go, you should have pulled him closer and kissed him so hard on his lips. They look so tempting, I badly want to taste them," My wolf whined and I scoffed.

"You're such a pervert Kyra!"

I thought Alpha Axel wanted to kiss me with the way he walked towards me, I kind of felt disappointed that he just wanted to whisper something into my ear.

But I can't deny the fact that I felt cold shivers as soon as I felt his breath on my skin.

I tightened my loose towel and bit my lower lips, I had never kissed a guy before.

I wondered how my first is going to taste like,

I moved to my scattered dresses on the bed and began hanging them in the wardrobe.

But what did Alpha Axel come to do in my room? Did he perhaps wanted to tell me something?

He should have just knocked, what if I was naked? The way he stared at me for a long time made me so nervous, gosh!

"Have you forgotten you're now his mate and he can do what he wants with you? He can kiss or even have hot sex with..."

"Kyra!!" I interrupted her immediately.

Why is she being such a pervert?

I immediately shut her up to prevent her from saying any nonsense words.

I finally found a dress to wear, it was a body hugged yellow dress that was slitted to the middle of my thighs.

I tried combing my hair but it was still wet because I washed it. I had to clean it again with a dry towel.

I combed my hair slowly till it became so smooth. I had a black and silky hair but it wasn't long.

They just stopped on my shoulders. I had long hair before but I trimmed it off when I attained the age of twelve years.

I couldn't keep up with the bullying and insults I got from my school mate.

They called me a witch because of my strange eye colors and to worsen it all, I had very long hair that stopped at my butts.

It made me look like a real witch.

I endured the bullying for years till I couldn't when I got to twelve, I had to trim it off thinking it would stop them from calling me a witch but I was wrong.

They never stopped and I regretted shortening my hair length. I should have just ignored them like I have been doing till my present age.

I jerked back from my deep thoughts and decided to go see Alpha Axel to know the reason why he was in my room. Maybe he wanted to tell me something, I don't know.

I got out of my room and looked around, there were numerous rooms in the same hallway.

How do I get to know which is Alpha Axel's?

"Kyra please help," I asked my wolf.

"Let's trace his scent," she suggested. I almost forgot that I could trace his scent since he marked me.

I began going to where the scent led me to, I climbed a series of stairs before finally getting to his room.

One would know it's the Alpha room because of the big iron door and it was different from the others I have come across.

I took a deep breath before knocking softly on the door but no answer came, I placed my ear on the door, I could hear voices.

Is he talking with someone and needs privacy? Maybe I should just leave and come back, I turned to leave but suddenly changed my mind and turned back.

I opened the door and spoke up,