
The Alpha in the MCU

A young man named Mark finds himself at the crossroads of life and death, struck by the fateful "truck-kun" and offered a chance for reincarnation by a higher-dimensional being known as ROB. Given the opportunity to start anew, Mark, now reborn as James Logan Howlett, enters the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). Armed with the combined abilities of Wolverine and an Alpha werewolf, James now as one of the most formidable beings in existence, he navigates his new life. ---- Kara, Natasha and Wanda are the only mates for Logan. I'm not planning to add more.

Kakarot1809 · Movies
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22 Chs

Chapter 3: Phil Coulson

The large BMW cruised smoothly along the highway, making its way towards New York City. In the back seat, James Logan Howlett, now known in the public eye as James Howlett, sat beside Kara.

The lush forest that James had cultivated over the decades was gradually receding into the distance, replaced by the approaching cityscape. The journey was a familiar one, but each trip reminded him of the vast empire he had built.

Kara, her gaze fixed out the window, spoke with a calm and assured demeanor. "Our latest financial reports are promising. Logan Enterprises has seen substantial growth this quarter. Our shares are holding strong with at least a 20 percent stake in all major companies globally."

James nodded, absorbing the information. He knew that Logan Enterprises wielded significant influence across various sectors, particularly in the internet, medical, and electronics industries.

Kara had become the face of the company, managing its affairs with remarkable skill and efficiency.

Given James's own volatile nature—exacerbated by his Wolverine and Alpha werewolf traits—he had chosen to stay away from the day-to-day operations.

"I'm glad to hear that," James replied, his voice deep and resonant. "How are the recent recruits Maya Hensan and Helan Cho faring?"

Kara's expression brightened. "Maya is making remarkable progress in the medical department. Her work on creating Extremis is showing great potential. As for Helan, she's currently interning with us while working on cell regeneration research. Both have shown exceptional promise."

James was pleased. He had been aware of their future achievements and had specifically requested Kara to scout them. Their contributions would be vital for the continued advancement of his interests and the broader impact of Logan Enterprises.

As the BMW approached the sprawling urban landscape of New York City, James's attention was drawn to the vehicles trailing behind them.

A low, rumbling growl escaped his lips, a subtle indication of his irritation. "I see some pests have decided to follow us."

Kara glanced in the rearview mirror. "Those are the agents from S.H.I.E.L.D. They've been assigned to meet you for today's briefing. Agent Phil Coulson specifically requested your presence and assistance from the pack."

James's interest was piqued. He only handled meetings of critical importance concerning the Crescent Pack, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was certainly a key player in the larger scheme of things. The request from Coulson was significant, and James had agreed to the meeting.

As they entered New York City, the towering skyscrapers and bustling streets came into view.

The car eventually pulled up to Logan Enterprises, a majestic edifice adorned with a sleek crescent moon logo. The building stood as a testament to James's success, its glass facade reflecting the energy of the city.

The BMW glided to a stop, and James and Kara stepped out. A host of employees greeted them warmly, many of whom were members of the Crescent Pack.

James's eyes swept across the crowd, his gaze filled with pride. The pack's presence within his company was a source of great satisfaction. He knew that the strength and unity of his pack were crucial for both their safety and his own ambitions.

Entering the building, the interior was a harmonious blend of modern luxury and functional design. The expansive lobby featured high ceilings, sleek marble floors, and contemporary art pieces. The employees moved with purpose, their efficiency a reflection of the company's success and the values James had instilled.

As James and Kara made their way through the building, the familiar hum of activity reminded James of the empire he had built. Yet, despite his achievements, he remained acutely aware of the need to continually strengthen his position.


James and Kara entered the sleek conference room of Logan Enterprises, its walls adorned with contemporary art and floor-to-ceiling windows offering a panoramic view of the city.

The room was bathed in soft lighting, creating a professional yet inviting atmosphere. Seated at the head of the polished mahogany table was Agent Phil Coulson, along with two of his men behind him.

Coulson rose to his feet as James and Kara approached. He extended a hand in greeting. "Mr. Howlett, Mrs. Howlett. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Phil Coulson, and I represent the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, better known as S.H.I.E.L.D."

James shook Coulson's hand firmly, his gaze direct. "Let's skip the formalities. What's this about?"

James and Kara took seats opposite to Coulson.

Coulson took his seat again, his expression becoming more serious. "We've encountered a significant issue. Tony Stark, the billionaire industrialist and inventor, has been missing for the past six months. We're concerned that his disappearance might be linked to some dangerous developments. Given your expertise and resources, we're requesting your assistance in locating him."

James raised an eyebrow.

Kara, standing beside James, glanced at Coulson. "While Mr. Howlett generally doesn't involve himself in external matters, You do know that we handle various mercenary missions due to our pack's unique capabilities. If there's a compelling reason, we might consider it."

Coulson nodded. "I understand your concerns. However, we believe Tony Stark's disappearance is not just a matter of personal or corporate intrigue. We suspect there might be a larger threat at play, one that could have significant implications for global security. If Stark is in trouble, it could lead to the emergence of new threats."

James considered Coulson's words. "I can track Stark within three days. But before I commit, I need to know what's in it for us."

Kara's gaze was analytical as she began to discuss the details with Coulson. "We'll need to agree on compensation and any additional support you might provide. Given the nature of this task, it's essential to clarify the terms."

Coulson and Kara engaged in a detailed conversation about the specifics of the mission, including the compensation James would receive and any additional resources S.H.I.E.L.D. could offer. The negotiation was thorough, ensuring that all parties were clear on their obligations and expectations.

James listened with a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. The prospect of tracking down Tony Stark—and potentially facing off against the Iron Monger—intrigued him. It had been a while since he had engaged in a substantial fight.

Finally, the meeting concluded with an agreement. James would take on the task of locating Tony Stark, and in return, he would receive a substantial fee and additional resources as agreed upon.

Coulson assured him that S.H.I.E.L.D. would provide any necessary support and information during the search.

As the meeting wrapped up, James and Kara prepared to leave.

James was eager to see the emergence of the Mark I armor and confront the forces that had driven Stark into hiding.

"I'll begin the search tomorrow," James said, his voice carrying a note of anticipation. "I want to see what's become of Stark and what this situation might reveal."

Kara nodded in agreement. "We'll be ready to support you. Let's ensure everything is in place for your investigation."

With that, James and Kara left the conference room, James's thoughts were filled with the anticipation of the challenges to come. The thrill of the hunt and the prospect of a good fight were invigorating.


Coulson who got outside of the company after the meeting activated his comms device to contact Nick Fury. The connection was quickly established, and Fury's deep, authoritative voice came through.

"Coulson, how did the meeting go?"

Coulson now seated in his car, his expression thoughtful. "Sir, I've just wrapped up with Mr. Howlett and Mrs. Howlett. They've agreed to help us locate Tony Stark. The negotiation went smoothly, and they're set to begin the search tomorrow."

Fury's tone was steady, "I've been keeping an eye on James Howlett for a while now. I know about his capabilities. He should be a few decades older. His Crescent Pack, operates with considerable influence and can handle a range of missions due to them being werewolfs. They didn't even bother to hide their powers and showed it on every mission they took."

Fury continued. "The Crescent Pack has been on our radar for some time due to their influence and power. If anyone can track Stark and handle any potential complications, it's James Howlett. Make sure he's fully briefed and equipped for this mission. Also monitor him, I want everything we can get additionally on him."

Coulson replied with assurance. "I'll make sure Mr. Howlett has all the information and resources he needs. We'll keep you informed of any developments. I'll also keep an eye on him, Sir."

Fury's reply came as, "Good, that's all for now."

With that, Coulson ended the call and prepared to brief his team on the next steps.


A/N: I made the Crescent Pack mercanaries because they are wolfs and are tend to be violent in nature. By doing some missions of fighting, they can satisfy their thrusts.

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