
The Age Of Magic That Began After The Apocalypse

Lucien is a human..... At least he considers himself one. Even though after his DNA was altered as much as his was thanks to a new type of radiation, genetically he could not be considered human, but from his perspective he is one, as are his few friends, possibly the last humans in the universe. . Until new ones appeared, but... a little different than the humans they remembered. ------------------------------------------------------------ New Chapters Tuesday and Thursday. The first 5 Chapters in 24 of December as Christmas present.

FereliX25 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

18. Analysis 3

"Before that... I want a moment." Kalina spoke out for the first time since joining.

Intrigued by the woman's atypical behavior, everyone turned to her, making her extremely uncomfortable. As much as I knew everyone there, I still hated attracting attention.

"That's pretty rare coming from you darling, did something happen?" Lin asked apprehensively, even after living with her for millennia there were still things that he didn't know or that he misunderstood about his wife, yes even after millennia and there are still things that the husband doesn't know about his own wife, well the opposite is also true then things are balanced.

"No!... it just wouldn't be... better to give ourselves a new nomenclature... since there will still be several that... will be hybrids and so on... keep putting them all in the same way... no Would it be complicated later?..." She said after a lot of effort.

"This would only be a tentative nomenclature, but it is true that several of these new creatures will likely be mutations and adaptations of likely hybrid species." Ethel considered. "Really putting it as homo-something later would be unnecessary, to say the least."

"I agree, I intended to give a specific nomenclature after we finished here, but if everyone agrees, I can give the nomenclature I thought of for them as a species."

Obviously everyone concentrates.

"So from now on the species present in the territory and domain, of Lucien Cornelius Belven, will be temporarily named Homeo-amphibiante. Objections?"

No one spoke out against it, it was always implicit that whoever discovers something new, be it a planet, comet, meteor, new species of animals, bacteria, etc., has the right to name it, even if the name ended up being ridiculous or unpronounceable in reality.

[Improving table... Completed]

[Species: *Homeo-amphibiante (#0001-0307)

Mutation Level: Null

Radiation level: 160—300 MATER

Life Strength: 50

Physical Force: 4t (*0.4 U)

• force: 500 kg (*0.4)

•speed: 7—25 km~10—50 km (*0.4)

•resistance: 10

Traits: Fast Swimming, Double Breathing, Night Vision, Physical Reinforcement (lower) lv.0, Absorption (lesser) lv.1.]

"With that we can continue. Lauriel was with you, please continue." Old Zhun said.

With this, the image of the two humanoids was replaced by others, these were much more similar to ancient humans, the differences were in height, they were visibly taller, slightly more slender, with much whiter skin than normal, close to snow white and with more prominent ear propellers, even more so than Lucien's amphibians.

"Thank you very much for everyone's attention. Just like with Mr. Lucien, I found and have already made both contact and preliminary analyses. Despite what they appear on the outside, these beings have more similarities with plants than with animals, and can survive with little organic food, be it of vegetable or organic origin, on the other hand they take nutrients directly from MATER radiation. Using a variation of common photo synthesis." While explaining, Lauriel also opened sub-tabs to show components similar to those of plants and animals.

They had all the basic components, brain, heart, lungs and nervous system, but in the stomach, intestines and excretion organ things changed, with their digestive systems being almost 3x smaller than that of a common human and their filtration system with the kidneys, being replaced by just one organ with a slightly larger liver and no pancreas. In the space that these organs would occupy, several nucleoli were found inside the trunk and in the chest, where the nucleolus would be in amphibians, there was a second, smaller heart composed entirely of nucleoli piled together, the size of a lemon. The nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems were also different as they were more numerous and had much greater MATER radiation transmitter filaments than the amphibians.

Finally, the point that brought them closer to plants than animals was the fact that their "photosynthesis" was not only dependent on radiation, the sun and the quality of the air itself, the quality of the soil was also important due to the endings nerves in the feet were irrigated with radiation-absorbing and releasing filaments, although they appeared to be retractable in some way.

"The photosynthesis they use is based on these microscopic components probably derived from the chloroplasts of plants in general, but as mentioned these do not only use sunlight but mainly the MATER radical, and because of this their pigmentation ends up being whiter, silvery or transparent. These chloroplasts, which I prefer to call photo-radiant, are found spread throughout the epidermis throughout their body, but their conversion is 90% to sustaining energy, not in the storage of MATER radiation for malleable matter. radical MATER used in the nucleoli for improvement and conversion into malleable matter, incredible as it may seem, is absorbed at different wavelengths from the photo-radiants that form their hair." Lauriel paused briefly before elaborating further.

"Their hair has a wide variety of colors, mostly strong and vibrant colors that absorb both sunlight and specific wavelengths of MATER radiation. As we know, these specific waves bind better or make stronger molecular/atomic bonds with certain phenomena, according to preliminary tests, those with more orange hair have greater control over the vibration of atoms, causing them to combust in different degrees and control methods. Those with blue hair have more control over the binding of molecules to generate liquids, those with white hair have greater control. control over gaseous elements as a whole, green greater control over molecules and organic matter, etc." She explained.

"The two specimens that I initially showed represent the individuals with the lowest incidence in their community from what I could observe, and they are also the ones with the highest quantity and quality levels of MATER reserves compared to the others. It is possible that the color or The luminescence of their eyes could be factors of quality and quantity or a mere aesthetic improvement, for this to be confirmed I would need more time to analyze how they are organized or even whether they are used would require a deeper analysis." She explained while the supposed absorption of different wavelengths of MATER radiation by the skin and hair was shown in the holographic projector.

"Due to this, I believe it is safe to say that their bodies, despite their low muscle mass, are stronger and more agile than those of standard humans and it is almost certain that they have a natural resistance to different environments, possibly even to environments contaminated with Ruin or Miasma, .it is in theory possible that they could even filter these places or at least have a much lower mutation rate than other beings, excluding us and the lizards from Tyama." She said, taking a subtle look at the girl, who just smiled at her vain attempt to diminish her peers, even though it still irritated her deeply.

"Finally, regarding what they excrete both organic matter and MATER radiation, the organic excreta as they are ingested are few, with what is excreted being only 15% of what is consumed, showing an incredible conversion capacity. Equaled in the excretion of MATER radiation being this is only 5% of what was absorbed, whether by breathing, photo-radiants, or food. I haven't confirmed it yet but I believe it is possible that these beings are also capable of purifying places contaminated with Ruin or Miasma, again more studies will be needed and observation." Lauriel finished.

"With so many nucleoli in the body I imagine I'm not the only one who wants to know how much they can store in that central nucleolus in the chest in the form of the second heart, am I?" Born asked, receiving agreement from everyone else except Maeelus who was muttering to himself and comparing the preliminary data of the two new species presented so far.

"Unlike with amphibians, the main nucleolus in the central part of their trunk is the main one that stores, distributes and controls the radiation stored in malleable matter, even though they have a second, slightly larger nucleolus in their brains, this being 1/3 of the pinky of an adult. Therefore, I would say that their minimum storage capacity for MATER units is 260 and a maximum of 550."

This was an impressive amount, even more so considering that both the minimum and maximum amount discarded was only 5%.

'It's even scary considering they don't have any enhancements.' thought Ad-juru, imagining a very, very distant future where these Lauriel beings could evolve and improve even further.