
The Age Of Magic That Began After The Apocalypse

Lucien is a human..... At least he considers himself one. Even though after his DNA was altered as much as his was thanks to a new type of radiation, genetically he could not be considered human, but from his perspective he is one, as are his few friends, possibly the last humans in the universe. . Until new ones appeared, but... a little different than the humans they remembered. ------------------------------------------------------------ New Chapters Tuesday and Thursday. The first 5 Chapters in 24 of December as Christmas present.

FereliX25 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

17. Analysis 2

Soon after, Camilo raised his hand.

"How much MATER radiation their nucleoli can withstand, I doubt it is only in the lower nucleolus that the particles are stored."

"No, they both have storage capacity, but the upper nucleolus has a much lower capacity, ironically. However, the radiation stored in the upper one appears to be more concentrated and pure than in the lower one, this substitution of quantity for quality seems to be influenced by use." Lucien took a brief breath before continuing. "Apparently they use the 'purest' radiation from the upper nucleolus to act as an enhancer of mental capabilities, stimulating neural synapses and speed in the exchange and absorption of information and in improving the body itself to withstand more radiation."

Lucien said, opening a new window on the projector and zooming in on the upper nucleolus.

"Regarding the quantity stored, there are divergences from individual to individual, with no fixed minimum or maximum quantities, whether between sexes or age. It is completely possible to have a baby with the same quantity as an adult and a fleece with a quantity smaller than a child who stopped breastfeeding."

"But you did a sampling analysis, to get a certain pattern." Born asked.

"Of course. But keep in mind that these values ​​were made from superficial analyzes without invasive examinations." Lucien said. "Based on the pattern observed in individuals from the two mixed clans of new creatures in my territory, the general storage capacity is 120 MATER units in the lower nucleolus and 40 units in the upper one."

After saying that Lucien placed a spreadsheet on the hologram.

[Species: *Hybrid Homo-Sapiens\Homo-Batrian\Amphibian (#0001-0307)

Mutation Level: Null

Radiation level: 160—300 MATER

Life Strength: 50

Physical force: 4t (*0.4 U)

• force: 500 kg (*0.4)

•speed: 7—25 km~10—50 km (*0.4)

•resistance: 10

Traits: Fast Swimming, Double Breathing, Night Vision, Physical Reinforcement (lower) lv.0, Absorption (lesser) lv.1.]

"Are you sure that using the same template as the mutated creatures is a good idea for these new sentient beings?" Lin asked.

"For now there shouldn't be many problems, but once we have done more in-depth analysis we will certainly have to rearrange the classification method. Or simply come up with a new one exclusive to them." Lucien said.

"Huh, as I don't have much contact with you, I don't really know how you "classify" things. But why did you say that they have inferior physical reinforcement at level 0? Isn't that the same as saying that they don't have the capacity? " Tyama asked trying to understand their classification method.

"This trait is present in their inherent genetic code, the issue is that not everyone unlocks it, apparently only the hunters were able to use the reinforcement in an indecent way according to my observations of their community, based on the memories of the family in my domain." Lucien explained. "This is a fixed trait of theirs, so much so that even the boy who tried to fight one of the 7th degree creatures that were trying to enter my territory, managed to release this trait temporarily, not that it would have made much difference if they actually fought, but it is a done by itself."

"I understand, so the absorption is at level 1 because they only carry it out through the lower nucleolus when absorbing food and do not absorb directly from the skin with breathing or during sleep, that's why you classified it as lower right?"

"Correct, as expected you understand quickly." Lucien said smiling at the girl.

Tyama, in turn, looked triumphant, but if you looked closely you could see that some of the multicolored strands of her hair seemed to move spontaneously.

"Alright for now, let's leave things like that, my question would be whether they have any idea how to use MATER radiation actively or just use it passively." Old Zhun said.

"In this regard, it seems that this particular group has an idea of ​​how radiation can be used, but very few have discovered a way to do it and all in an accidental and instinctive way. Making passing this knowledge a little complicated, even more so considering that they still don't have a culture of writing just oral stories." Lucien said after thinking for a moment. "The few who managed to do this were considered blessed by the world and held very high positions even though the things they said were considerably banal, from our point of view at least."

"Banal, in what way exactly?" Hooku-ha asked intrigued.

"In the same way as for them, someone who has the ability to generate a common ball of flame is considered the greatest blessing a tribe could have." Lucien said, making some atoms vibrate above her hand, generating an incandescent ball suspended by a small vacuum created simultaneously, just to exemplify how banal this action is for them. "As if that wasn't enough, many times after the individual performed this action, 60% of the time they were already exhausted by the mental load. Being able to repeat it only 5 more times before passing out, to their credit these fireballs had a decent degree of explosive power and incendiary capacity, one being enough to eliminate 5 or 10 opponents if they were together."

"So basically they have an idea but it is highly delayed and inefficient, with the maximum they can achieve being around 5 units efficiently." Maeelus made a quick observation. 'This makes me more curious about these and other creatures, I hope I can do some checking for myself.' He thought, being mirrored by Ad-juru who had thought exactly the same.

"Around that, I believe their maximum potential at the moment is 10 MATER units." Lucien said thinking a little.

MATER units are a system used by humanity in the fight against the undead and DAEMONS, 1 unit covered the use of MATER particles to influence or generate a phenomenon and maintain it for a certain period of time. One example was what Lucien said about the fireball, another would be the creation of water or ice, it takes fewer particles to group the already existing atoms into water molecules than generate them spontaneously with the particles. Likewise, it takes more particles to generate ice using these two methods, but a unit is only considered so if the phenomenon can be kept under the individual's control for at least 1 minute and if it still exists or its impact is still visible afterwards. of dispersed.

"I believe that with this we can put an end to the creatures under Lucien's jurisdiction. Who's next?"

"If it's not too much trouble, I could ask for a turn." Lauriel raised his hand.