
The Age Of Magic That Began After The Apocalypse

Lucien is a human..... At least he considers himself one. Even though after his DNA was altered as much as his was thanks to a new type of radiation, genetically he could not be considered human, but from his perspective he is one, as are his few friends, possibly the last humans in the universe. . Until new ones appeared, but... a little different than the humans they remembered. ------------------------------------------------------------ New Chapters Tuesday and Thursday. The first 5 Chapters in 24 of December as Christmas present.

FereliX25 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

12. All Together 2

With 4 already gathered, they started to talk about some things until the others arrived. Shortly after Lauriel and Maeelus, two more people entered.

Although we call them people, we seem a little difficult to see their appearance. Both were enormous, both in size and width, not because of fat, but because of enormous muscles that were simply swollen yet defined, equal to the muscles of the creature that had attacked Lucien earlier in the day, after he had "evolved" "a creature.

They were respectively 4.10 and 3.80 meters high and almost 2 meters wide each.

"Ohhhhh!!!!!, I THOUGHT I COULD BE THE FIRST THIS TIME BUT NOT AGAIN HAHAHAHA." The little 4.10 meter giant said, laughing so loudly that even the windows, made of glass with diamond dust and a steel-plastic alloy, shook.

"Good to see you still have so much energy Hooku-há." Lucien said smiling at the most extroverted of his friends.

"Ohw!!, it's been almost centuries since we last spoke, Mr. Lu, and old man Zu!! Hahaha" He replied without removing his smile, which almost tore his face apart with his many canines.

"I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't yell so much for kindness Hook." Lauriel asked as he rubbed his temples with his fingertips.

Hooku-há's loud laugh sounded once more before he fell silent and headed to his seat without arguing, the smile never leaving his face. The appearance of 2 individuals taller than 3 meters among people less than half tall was strange to say the least, but it was strange since they had already gotten used to it. What Lauriel and his brother were still not used to, even after "a few millennia" was the mutant's somewhat truculent manner combined with his, to say the least, monstrous appearance.

After all, he was a giant of over 4 meters, with muscles almost as big as his head, 4 arms and 5 eyes with a perfectly elliptical royal blue crystal, clean and without any type of imperfection in the center of his chest, being surrounded by Black tattoos on sandy-orange skin that appeared to have images of fire, wind and circles.

Soon after Hooku-há sat down, the second giant also did so, giving a slight nod with his face closed to the others.

Although he didn't have as bloated muscles as the four-armed mutant, he was also massive, probably being able to finish off the creature that Lucien had encountered that morning, literally with just one hand, probably even with just one finger. His muscles seemed more "defined and compact", from what could be seen under his clothes, apparently made of linen underneath what appeared to be leather armor with metal, vaguely reminiscent of the armor used by ancient humans of the classical era in gladiator fights. With a dark color scheme, although it matched her silvery-white hair, with violet streaks reaching the ends, which reached halfway down her neck.

He had a face that gave the impression of strength and coldness to anyone who looked at it, which was further enhanced by his light blue eyes, like glaciers when the sun reflected on their surface.

"It's also good to see you Ulik, I hope your fights are managing to entertain you the way you want." Lucien said to the 6th member.

"Unfortunately no, there weren't many creatures that managed to pass my tests much less entertain me much less impress me in combat." The austere giant responded with his face still closed.

"HA!, don't be so unfriendly my friend, Mr. Lu just wants to talk to you and find out how things have been." Hooku-há said, giving a "light" slap with one of his hands on the closest friend's unprotected shoulder.

"There is no need for that, we all know what state the others are in, and whether they have done their duties correctly." Ulik said dryly with his eyes closed.

"You're the one who says it, aren't you Berserker." Maeelus said sarcastically, earning a sharp look from Ulik, a humorless laugh from Hooku-há, a reprimand from his sister, and exasperation from Lucien and Zuhn.

"...And exactly what did you mean by that, little one?" Ulik asked without changing his voice in any way, but still looking sharp and cold at Maeelus.

"Nothing, just that you know what it's like when someone has to do your work for you because you're too hung up on your hoobies." The young man with dark hair and white skin replied.

"You-" Ulik began to say and tense his body, increasing his blood flow, sending his nanobots and MATER particles to reinforce his muscles, organs and senses, in addition to exiting a line of electrons from the center of his left palm 30 centimeters to the ground , generating a plasma "sword" out of thin air. 

Maeelus did the same, but unlike Ulik, he commanded the MATER particles to force collisions between electrons within a pre-created molecular barrier, generating an enormous amount of energy contained in the form of spheres like basketballs.

But before things could escalate into something more serious, Lucien and old man Zuhn took action. Lucien generated a psychic wave strong enough to destabilize both of them, ending their concentration on mastering the MATER particles and sending them to the other side of the room. While Zuhn used his mastery of the particle domain to neutralize and disperse the energy generated from both Ulik's exited electrons and Maeelus's collisions.

"That's enough Maeelus and Ulik! We've all fallen short in our past performances. Whether it's due to personal losses, hoobies or injuries, the reason is irrelevant." Lucien said seriously and looking at both of them, but lingering longer on Maeelus so that he could understand the message "no unnecessary fights".

Maeelus and Ulik looked at each other again and then looked down at the table.

"Indeed, I went overboard with that comment." Maeelus said with a mere trickle of voice, but with genuine regret as much as that was hard to believe. "Ulik, I apologize for my lack of consideration for you." Maeelus said bowing to the little giant, who in turn...

"No, I was the one who got irritated for nothing because of a legitimate fact and overreacted. I'm sorry too, Maeelus." Ulik said he also bowed and for the first time since he entered showing a new emotion besides coldness.

*Clap, Clap*

"Well, now we can leave this "almost" incident aside and talk a little while the others don't arrive." Hooku-há said trying to lighten the mood.

With that, the 6 present began to discuss a little about the progress of their research, hoobies and the functioning of the Nexus, just as they were doing before the two giants entered. When Lauriel was talking about how he had created a new variation of his bio-droids, androids made from organic matter of plant origin, more specifically of botanical origin, this being a quadrupedal type with beds of flowers on its back.

The doors were opened again this time with 4 new members. Two of which made Maeelus instantly turn his head away, trying to avoid looking into his eyes.

"Now they arrived very early today, Lin, Kalina, Alyssa and it's unexpected to see you arriving with them Ethel." Old Zuhn said looking at the newcomers at the door.

"Yes, when we saw the notifications, we came as quickly as we could after arranging things at home. Even more so, this also concerns what is happening there." The man with a middle-aged appearance said, but he didn't look at Zuhn, Lucien, Lauriel or the two giants.

His gaze was fixed on the dark-haired youth who refused to look at him. Just like the look of a beautiful young woman who was waiting to see him again after the last incident that had happened between him and her family.

It wasn't that bad, it was more like a classic case of teenagers dating too much and a slightly overprotective father.

That's if you forget that everyone here is already 10 thousand years old, and because of this time of coexistence, more "intimate" relationships are not something very secret between them, but that doesn't mean it is something discussed openly. Even more so when the subject concerns the only daughter of the only (and probably last) "solid couple" among them all, and possibly one of the most promiscuous members among all the rest.

"Well now it's not long before we start, just our stragglers and things can get started." Lucien said to bring the three who couldn't stop looking at each other back from their world.

The 4 sat in their usual places and joined in the conversations, except Maeelus and Alyssa who only contributed from time to time to the conversations with short answers and doing their best not to speak directly to each other as Lauriel did with Lucien, even though he didn't notice.