
The Age Of Magic That Began After The Apocalypse

Lucien is a human..... At least he considers himself one. Even though after his DNA was altered as much as his was thanks to a new type of radiation, genetically he could not be considered human, but from his perspective he is one, as are his few friends, possibly the last humans in the universe. . Until new ones appeared, but... a little different than the humans they remembered. ------------------------------------------------------------ New Chapters Tuesday and Thursday. The first 5 Chapters in 24 of December as Christmas present.

FereliX25 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

11. All Together 1

With a close look Lucien instructed the doors to open, leading to a huge dome with a domed glass ceiling with several windows that allowed light to enter, in front there was a huge circular table with a hole in the middle where a holographic projector showed the image of your home world in real time. Now very different from what it once was, with several red dots indicating the Nexus plants for refining MATER particles that corresponded to his and his friends' areas of influence.

Sitting on one of the chairs waiting for the others was an old man with a long beard that went down to his chest, white and soft like his hair combed to the smallest detail, with his hands resting on a staff wearing an equally white tunic and fabric shoes. which didn't seem to protect my feet at all. Despite his aged appearance, the man did not seem frail at all, with sun-beaten skin that still exuded vitality and had a firm and nourished appearance, his hands resting on his staff were calloused and firm, with no sign of the tremors that the elderly usually had. . The old man's eyes were centered and focused, with an undeniable glow of life and will that even millennia had not erased.

Despite feeling Lucien's gaze, the old man did not look at him and said, still staring at the projection.

"As always, you're the first to arrive. You know it might take longer, right? The others must still be finishing up their things and making last-minute assessments as always." The old man said, looking at the red dot on the half-destroyed moon.

"And like everyone, I do things at my own pace. Besides, I haven't had much motivation with my research lately. But in the last few years I've managed to add over 40 new creatures to my domain, most of them 8th and 9th grade. Do you think I should strengthen testing measures more?" Lucien asked the old man.

"You're still doing this, huh. I think this game of adding new creatures is quite unnecessary." The old man replied, shrugging his shoulders slightly.

"You only say that because your tests are the easiest to pass, even 2nd grade creatures can pass. Why don't you ask Camilo for help?, you know how he loves to give tips on how to make more "interesting" tests

"Bah, what for? He would just keep filling my ears with unnecessary ideas, for something that I'm not interested in at all." The old man said now looking at Lucien and showing his eyes, as white as his hair and clothes.

Despite his appearance, Lucien knew very well that the old man could be many things, but a fragile blind man?!

Há!, this was definitely the last one, after all his eyes weren't white because of some blindness or some defect in the optic nerves or in the eyes themselves, his eyes were like that due to a surgical enhancement that he had undergone during the last years of the war Secessionist to be able to better manage resources and assist in sending troops and ships into specific combat fields. Apparently this had happened when old Zuhn was still only a mere 50 years old, practically a toddler at the time.

Soon the white eyes gained color again, showing an old man with white hair and beard, dark green eyes, and darker, wrinkled skin that glowed with vitality.

"I saw the report you sent, are you sure of what you described?" Zuhn asked, looking at the younger youth.

"If you saw the report, you also saw the statistics and the video of them that I sent. Do you still think I would have any questions?" Lucien replied.

"Um, in fact, the big question is what we will do with this information."

"And hence the meeting." Lucien responded immediately, moments later two more individuals entered.

One was a young man little more than a boy, with pale skin that seemed to exude a faint glow like ancient moonlight. With one sapphire eye and the other amethyst purple, and hair so dark that light couldn't penetrate it to the point where it seemed like the light he exuded was absorbed by his hair, even today Lucien didn't understand how those mad scientists had managed to that the young man had manta-black hair, the darkest black known. He was 1.80 tall with black, purple and silver clothes, which clung to his body showing his slender but strong body but less than Lucien's, making him look like a boy compared to the man.

Beside the "boy" came a young woman, with features identical to the young man's. She, however, had golden hair that exuded light in a stunning but still bearable way, in contrast to the young man's dark hair that absorbed the light, she had a sapphire blue eye and an emerald green eye, both shining like jewels. She was also 1.80 tall and had whiter skin that was healthier than when she was younger, her skin as well as her hair also shone with a faint golden light, with a sculptural body that took full advantage of her height, in a white dress with details in golden color that resembled tree branches and leaves, combined with her flower crown.

They seemed to be arguing when they entered but they stopped as soon as they saw Lucien already inside with old man Zuhn.

"Um, we apologize for barging in like this. It's good to see you in good health, Mr. Zuhn, Mr. Lucien." The dark-haired youth said.

"Indeed, it is good to see you are well, Master Zuhn, Master Lucien." The young woman said mirroring the other.

"It's good to see that you are in such good health that you are still carrying on your childish fights, Lauriel and Maeelus." Old Zuhn said.

"Um hum, well I don't really like seeing that you guys still pick on each other like you did when you were kids, but I think it also shows how close you really are, even if they don't want to admit it." Luciene said, smiling warmly at the twins who were opposite in both appearance and personality, but still equal.

The young man, Maeelus, turned his head slightly, which was not a good strategy to try to hide the slight blush on his face, and walked to his seat. Just like her sister, Lauriel, who turned her face to the ground to hide her blush, but it didn't help much and also went to her place.

"You continue to treat them like children even though it's been centuries since they left your protection and you still refuse to be recognized as their father?!." Old Zuhn said exasperatedly to Lucien after making a small molecular barrier, by manipulating the oxygen, CO2, nitrogen and H2O molecules in the air, to form a wall that prevented his voice from spreading beyond his place and Lucien's.

"I recognize that I am indeed responsible for them as a guardian. But I am not their father, at most an older brother, and I will continue with this until you recognize this fact. And stop sending this responsibility to me!" Luciene directly retorted the same conversation that always, ALWAYS, happened when they got together. And they didn't even need to be together for it to happen, it was just Lucien and anyone other than Lauriel or Maeelus for this conversation to appear.

'I still don't understand why this reluctance, it seems like you'll grow old instantly if you recognize that you are their father, stubborn boy. Haaaaahh' Zuhn complained in his mind, looking at the 3. A man with dark blue hair, pink eyes and healthy, tanned skin. A younger young man with white skin, manta-black hair and heterochromic sapphire and amethyst eyes. And in front of her, her opposite and complementary in every aspect, a young woman with a slender and well-endowed figure, with shiny golden hair, heterochromic sapphire and emerald eyes, skin that exuded a golden glow matching her hair and a crown that It looked like it was made of flowers and tree branches.

'A rather strange family... Not that I can say much since I'm also part of it.' Zuhn thought, looking at them and giving a smile that was both happy and self-deprecating.