
The Age of gods

In a world of cultivation The age of genius is upon us again, where geniuses are as common as grass . Watch as a young boy from a low beginning and a mysterious family background strives against the geniuses of the world for supremacy Watch as Yun wei forges his own legacy, make new friends, companion, enemies and strives to reach the peak of cultivation This is a story of a legend in making, the dusk of a new era is upon us . The era of the gods

Akaflan · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 10

A crowd has unconsciously gathered outside the premises of star pavilion

Unknowingly this has happened with out the knowledge of the two of them

"I heard someone disrespected young master lin ming "

"I heard it all happened in front of the bai family's fairy, young master lin ming must be seriously embarrassed "

"I heard yun family members were trying to hit out on bai family's pearl in front of the young master"

"Just a toad lusting after a swine, does he think he can compete with the young master"

"Sheesh that's him, that is the person that is competing for love with the young master"

"It's him, it's really him, he came out"

"Well i like his bravery, he is really a courageous man "

"What does that count for, he is still going to get beaten at the end, how dare him try to compete with the young master"

Different rumors and discussions could be heard from the crowd inciting and getting mixed reactions from the observers around 

Even those still inside the pavilion has already gathered and formed a crowd as if they are waiting for a good show to take place. 

This can also show the sway and the attention being attached to events relating to the three large clan especially when the protagonist of the show is someone being groomed and viewed as a future representative and successor of the clan


"Well now they have turned you to a love rival, I can even hear that u are being called an insignificant competitor, if anybody ask just tell them u don't know me " joked Yun wei with a somehow amused look

"You are taking pleasure in this right but I will definitely give that piece of a trash called lin ming a beating he will remember for a life time" retorted Yun li clearly not minding his words since things could not be resolved peacefully there is no need to be polite henceforth

Everywhere suddenly turned silent to the extent that even a pin dropping could clearly be heard.

Some people before where even trying to approach the duo and advice them to stay behind that with time lin ming would eventually leave as the situation has not yet escalated to an high degree but hearing the words uttered by Yun li rendered them speechless and dumbfounded.

Talking back to lin ming before can still be excused as being hot blooded as a youth but now these is clearly tearing all pretense of face as it could be seen that things can not be resolved without violence 

Immediately those trying to advise the duo turned back without even trying, even some people could be seen moving apart from them clearly not wanting to be associated or involved in the matter at all 

The expression on lin ming's face could not be more horrible than it is, even some elite guards reaponsible for his protection could hardly restrain themselves from taking action but upon looking at the star pavilion a cautious expression and wariness could be seen in there faces

"What u people can take a little insult, trash ming why is your face all purple did someone take a shit on your face" said Yun li with a smile that only serves to infuriate someone further

"I am telling you this guy can kill someone with his mouth" said the old gramps suddenly as he came out from the pendant looking around clearly expecting a good show to take place

"Fuck why did you come out" said Yun wei hastily as he looks around frantically before noticing that he is now the focus of attention and all others are clearly not seeing the old man as if he doesn't exist"

"Buddy is something wrong with you this is the second time u are behaving as if you are possessed are you alright or are you scared don't worry big brother is here to keep you safe I will soon take care of the trash" said yun li with an heroic expression which is ruined by the infuriating smile plastered all over his face

 Regaining his wits Yun wei answered 

"When did I ever say I have an elder brother, you want a beating "said Yun wei

Lin ming finally could not take it anymore and said 

"Trash get the fuck out and accept death" said lin ming with a fierce expression. 

He could not be blamed since he has been discovered to be talented in cultivation he has never encountered an insulting and embarrassing situation such as these even when with other family's clan genius he has never been in such embarrassing situation.

With things having escalated to this situation he thought they are suppose to grovel and beg for forgiveness but it could be seen how horrible it is as the two are clearly not taking the situation seriously

Even occasionally throwing random jokes at each other like everything that is happening is only a slightly inconvenient situation

"Yun wei trash ming said we should come out, does he take us as a fool like him" said Yun li with disdain

"Ignore him he justs wants to gang up on us who he does he take us as his younger brother" said Yun wei clearly worsening the situation 

"YOU TOO ASSHOLES BETTER GET THE FUCK OUT AND ACCEPT DEATH , I WILL TAKE TWO OFF YOU ALONE !" Said lin ming with anger and immediately turns away and faces his guard 

"All of you move back " said lin ming which the guards carried out effectively as from their young master's expression it could be seen that he has completely lost it cause his body could be seen slightly trembling 

"Yun li you can go now he has sent his guards away, don't die buddy if you die don't worry I will burn a stick of incense for you"

"Do you really want me to die that much , you just watch how your older brother beat these brat, I have been sick of all this clan main genius acting so cocky and bossy" said Yun li as he decisively and resolutely walks forward without hesitation.

An hint of worry could be seen on Yun wei's face as he thought inwardly that if things takes a turn for bad inwardly he will take action and forcefully resolve the issue even if it means exposing his ability and potential 

"You worrying about your friend " as if reading the expression on his face he answered without allowing Yun wei to talk 

"He is quite strong he might not actually lose , he is also a genius in his own right, well compared to you he is off but importantly he has a firm dao heart, if he continues like this he might be able to go quite far even though he has a poor upbring" said the old gramps

"How can you leave the pendant I thought you said you will dissipate if you leave the pendant and what do you mean by a firm dao heart" asked Yun wei curiously 

"Oh about that I found out not too far that as long as am not far off I am still under the influence of the pendant and I can come out but no one can see me atleast in this low level place and a firm dao heart can be said to be an heart that seeks the peak of cultivation that has a resolute desire to advance and seek the dao, it defers from people to people " the old gramps passed before looking at slick seriously and said 

"Yun wei do you have any ambition or drive as a cultivator"