
The Age of gods

In a world of cultivation The age of genius is upon us again, where geniuses are as common as grass . Watch as a young boy from a low beginning and a mysterious family background strives against the geniuses of the world for supremacy Watch as Yun wei forges his own legacy, make new friends, companion, enemies and strives to reach the peak of cultivation This is a story of a legend in making, the dusk of a new era is upon us . The era of the gods

Akaflan · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 11

"Ambition or drive, I do have ambition, like maybe because I just started cultivation or so and i don't have enough experience that's why it might seems as if the next words i am going to say is bullshit or maybe I just don't understand but I have the zeal and the will to reach the peak of cultivation, to be able to shatter stars, moon and the sun , to be able to move unhindered in the world to be free and unfettered, unrestrained by things of the mundane world and take my fate into my hands" muttered Yun wei slowly which later becomes resolute and filled with determination 

"An heart with an ambition good, An ambition can also serve as a driving force.

Cultivators in general defy the heavens with each increase in realm and progression, because we take from the world to supply for our inadequacy or too support our cultivations

But to reach some certain cultivation realm, a right mental state and a firm dao heart will be required with time you will understand the importance of a firm dao heart, let's leave all that and focus on things on the present"

All the conversation with the old gramps were done very fast because all the conversations were done through the mental connection between the two

Yun li could be seen walking and leaving the premises of star pavilion under the watchful eyes of those within the star premises and the crowd that has formed outside star pavilion

"Gosh he actually came out "

"I thought he was going to hole up in there like a coward till the young master leaves"

"Now we are in for a show, that kid is going to take a beating"

Different voices could be heard from the crowd mocking him, the hushed tone and voices could be heard by him but does not incite or evoke any reaction on his face 

His heart is as still as a water in the pond. All the words heard were like rock sinking into the ocean, at this moment his elegance and confidence seems to invoke heroism and makes him seem more manly than before

"You finally came out I thought you were going to hole yourself up inside" said lin ming as he cracks his knuckles

"Enough chit chat make your move first or you won't be able to" said Yun li exuding confidence 

"Good, Good, Very good " said lin ming regaining his composure 

Lin ming suddenly took action moving at high speed and lounges himself at Yun li, he forms a fist with his right hand and strikes fiercely at Yun li's right cheek

"What a fast moving technique it seems the rumors are right with this speed and reaction he should be atleast in the tenth stage of meridian opening"

"With this speed that brat should have been stunned silly "

"He probably can't even react to it"

Voices could be heard from the crowd which bolsters the courage of lin ming as he thinks inwardly 

I have already reached the peak of meridian opening unlike the rumors says with that I should be unrivaled among my peers, only the other clan main geniuses can compete with me , this brat won't be able to react to my move. 

He wanted to defeat Yun li in one fell swoop to regain his pride

Seeing the fist approaching him, Yun li took action and moves at a speed even faster than lin ming and dodges the approaching fist by moving backwards and launches a kick towards lin ming almost instaneously 


A cracking sound could be heard as lin ming flew abruptly backwards at a fast pace and lands on the floor vehemently . 

Silence everywhere, the spectators were completely astonished clearly not expecting this kind of result

"Is this for real"

"Are my eyes deceiving me did the young master just got beaten" another person said

Lin ming could be seen rising from the ground with a fierce face clearly not resigned and the guards helped him up while some even wanted to take action as all the guards are at the peak of meridian opening 

"Stop don't attack I can take care of him alone I was just careless " said lin ming as he stands up. The guards hesitated but after a glare from lin ming they did so reluctantly

"Take your time I am not in a rush " said Yun li in an uncaring manner which ends up infuriating him and annoying the guards who are itching to take action.

"Young master you don't have to dirty your hands to get rid of the trash" said one of the guards

"No I will take care of it " lin ming rejected as he groans and takes a fighting stance, while Yun li still stood in the same place as before

"Then just do it already and stop dallying around like a woman" said Yun li as he adjusts his body in preparation to attack which he does comically as if mocking Lin ming

Lin ming did not answer but took a deep breath and adjusts his position and takes a particular stance and lounges himself to 

Yun li

"Cloud splitting palm " 

Shouted lin ming as his hand took the form of an open palm.

The palm gives an impression as if it has been enlarged multiple times which serves as a contrast because the size remains the same 

"That's the cloud splitting palm one of the martial technique that can be used at the meridian opening stage and it is one of the most powerful offensive technique in the meridian opening stage"

"It is rumored that its hard to use martial technique at meridian opening stage only talented geniuses can"

"Even though Yun li gained the upper hand, it is because the young master was careless"

The palm was approaching Yun li when it got close Yun li also took action and released a fist.

"Air splitting fist" 

Yun li's fist collided with the palm which leads to a fierce collision and surprisingly lin ming could be seen flying backwards again like before and lands fiercely on the ground.

Then a voice could be heard amidst falling "Peak of meridian opening stage, impossible" 

Gasps could be heard from the crowd 

"Peak of meridian opening stage " someone else exclaimed 

"Another genius has risen in our lutong town, he can compete no it is wven superior to the clan's main genius"

"Such a figure has appeared in the Yun clan alongside there main genius, Yun clan is destined to rise"

All sorts of admiration and voices could be heard from the crowd in the pavilion, both inside and outside.

Even Yun wei was surprised with how the situation turned out 

"Peak of meridian opening, same realm as mine that's surprising" said Yun wei then he mentally conversed with the old gramps

"You knew right, and you didn't tell me"

"Ofcourse if he wasn't that powerful I wouldn't have called him a genius in the first place, well you better save that friend of yours he is about to get beaten up " said the old man nonchalantly