
The Age of gods

In a world of cultivation The age of genius is upon us again, where geniuses are as common as grass . Watch as a young boy from a low beginning and a mysterious family background strives against the geniuses of the world for supremacy Watch as Yun wei forges his own legacy, make new friends, companion, enemies and strives to reach the peak of cultivation This is a story of a legend in making, the dusk of a new era is upon us . The era of the gods

Akaflan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 9

The atmosphere in the star pavilion was tense as murderous intentions and dense killing intents could be visibly seen on lin clan's family lin ming.

Due to the inciting of the crowd, the situation was almost reaching the point of swords and knives been drawn

A voice broke the tense atmosphere and seems to alleviate the situation

"No fighting is allowed inside or in the premises of star pavilion and any personal or public issues or situations leading to violence should be settled outside the premises of star pavilion" said a middle aged man as he gives the impression of being connected to the world

"An energy formation stage expert"

"It's one of the experts of star pavilon"

"I heard to join the security in the star pavilion u must atleast have reached the 10th stage of meridian opening "

Exclamations could be heard in the surroundings

It has to be said that star pavilion is a one of a kind in lutong town because to become a cultivator it all depends on one's aptitude.

It can be said that only one in a thousand could be become cultivators and to become a cultivator not only aptitude is needed but cultivation manuals, cultivation technique and so on .

Star pavilion has its own meridian opening technique and cultivation manuals for further improvements as well as the resources needed to train cultivators

All these serves as a fatal attraction which they use to attract locals in lutong town to join their organisation and people flock to join as the path of cultivation is originally hard

"You people got lucky, u better don't come out" said lin ming as he walks away with Bai lin

Yun li breathes a breath of relief as he thought inwardly to himself I have done it again but atleast I got out of this atleast this time

"Yun li you have done it this time, you have totally angered him" said Yun wei smiling taking pleasure in his misfortune

"Does this feel funny to you Yun wei" said Yun li with a downcast face

"You are asking me, you didn't know when you were calling him a motherfucker, well atleast u had a backbone, I couldn't stand the sight of him so arrogant and bossy I would have said something if u didn't talk" said Yun wei with a serious expression

"It's easy to say, the bastard will probably be waiting for us outside and I will be at the front taking the full brunt of it" said Yun li with a sigh

It could be said Yun li is very talented as an individual as he just started cultivation last year and he has opened many meridians but because he doesn't truly belong to yun family members, he is not being giving the family full support thereby not letting him maximise his talent in cultivation.

Despite that he is quite easy going and friendly with him and slick becoming friends as a result.

"Don't worry I am behind you" said Yun wei with a slight smile

"Ah forget it worse come to worse i will just take a beating let's go and do what we came for" said Yun li

Then they both advanced and Yun li stopped at the sword section after checking for a period of time, he chooses a particular sword which he thinks is fitting for him

"OK, let's go and choose a Weapon of your choice" said Yun li

When they got to the section of spears, Yun wei took into view plenty spears alongside different grades and after checking the price tag he discovered he will only be able to afford the mortal tier weapon.

Thinks to himself why is everything so costly

"Old gramps which weapon do you think I shld take"said Yun wei abruptly inwardly

"These are called weapons, u people are really poor all of this weapons are low grade of their respective tier basically for commoners "

"Low grade, I Don't understand " said Yun wei

"You don't even know that, weapons are not only divided into tiers like mortal grade and so on they are also graded like low grade mortal tier, middle grade and so on" said the old gramps

"Ok Which one so you think I should choose old gramps"

"Uhmm let's see, You can go for that one I can see middle grade mortal tier spear u shld go for that one, it is damaged reducing its grade but I can easily teach you how to get it done"

"What middle grade I thought u said they were all trash" said Yun wei curiosly

"All are mortal grade weapons whether high or low grade tier they are all trash to me, doesn't make a difference " said the old man in disdain

"Well that one will do for now" said Yun wei

He took the spear in his hands and felt the shaft, not too tall not too short just the right size and the spear point is flexible and well shaped.

He took it and swinged it to the right


"Good spear"

Have you finished admiring your spear

Well take your time cause our friends are waiting for us outside"said Yun li from the side

From the outside lin ming could be seen waiting outside the premises of star pavilion

"Correction they are waiting for you outside" said Yun wei with a mocking face clearly jabbing where it hurts.

"What is going to come is going to come, go and settle your bill and let's go who knows I might even kick his ass" said Yun li

Then they went and settle their bills and left to exit the building.

Unknowingly a crowd has formed outside and lin ming could be seen alone with his few bodyguard

"There are spectators here to cheer me up" said Yun li with an unpleasant look

"They just want to see you get beaten" said Yun wei

"Well after my turn is yours " said Yun li with a soft tone

"I don't like trouble, doesn't mean I am afraid of one, if one looks for trouble I don't mind showing him the way to the underworld " a cold glint flashes across Yun wei's eyes which involuntary makes Yun li shiver inwardly even the old gramps was alarmed and thought inwardly such thick murderous intentions for someone that hasn't killed before is this the side effects of the pendant