
The Age of Anarchy

The lives of humans take a drastic turn with the appearance of celestials, dragons, ghouls and extraterrestrials. How would Mankind cope with these new changes and how do they adapt to these challenges? Adrian, a college student gets drawn into the world of such beings. He has to deal with them and protect those that matter to him in this new world of his.

Samuel_Akpan_7366 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Crazy Bitch

The conscious students were petrified. While Mr Ford crashed into a corner of the bunker, his clothes burnt to a crisp.

Black smoke could be seen coming out of him, while the hairs on his head became inexistent.

Adrian seemed unbothered as his eyes remained emotionless despite the ongoing situation.

"Any one here?" The female's voice echoed once more, as she and a few of her surbodinates went deeper into the bunker.

The electricity to the bunker had been cut short earlier on due to Mr Azar's battle. So the bunker was relatively dark.

Kiki's glowing hands, were the only source of light in the dim lit room.

As she and her surbodinates delved deeper, she noticed a masculine silhouette standing silently, before walking towards them at a steady pace.

"Who are you?" She asked in a cautious tone, as she and her men had already taken up their various battle stances.

"Depends on who is asking." The voice replied.

"Show yourself, and walk slowly." Kiki said.

Adrian then walked towards her with his hands on his head.As he stepped into Kiki's light, she immediately smacked his head, causing him to grunt in pain.

"What was that for?" Adrian yelled as he grabbed the place she smacked.

"That was for scaring us." She replied in a cold tone.

"Where are the rest of you?" She asked as she looked in to his eyes, starring into his soul.

"They are in the inner most room." He replied.

"Then why are you here?" She asked again.

"Well I just wanna leave this bunker as soon as possible."

"Couldn't you be a little more cautious, what if we were hostiles?" She asked, not without yelling.

"Hostiles don't knock do they? They'll tear down this stuff and forcefully drag us out don't you think?" Adrian said, causing Kiki to ponder over his words.

"Hasta la Vista!" Adrian said as he walked past the group, heading towards the opening in the bunker

"And, plus some demented whacko shot an energy beam right through the bunker. Whoever the idiot is, he or she almost had a couple of us killed. I mean, who employs such a fool." Adrian paused to say on his way out.

"What did you just say?" Kiki's said in a murderous tone, veins bulging on her forehead.

Her men looked at Adrian with pity, knowing he was in for whatever was  about to come.

Adrian noticed the sympathetic glares from the men behind her, but couldn't comprehend why they gave him such looks.

"Did I say....."


Kiki slapped Adrian on the face knocking out a few of his teeth in the process.

The force sent him flying into the nearest wall of the bunker.

Her five fingers showed clearly  on his face. His cheek were swollen red with a hint of purple.

"Crazy bitch!" Adrian muttered lightly but loud enough for her to hear.

"What did you say brat! ?" She yelled as she walked towards him, before grabbing him by the ear.

"Get the rest of them out!" She yelled at her men, who hurriedly scampered in different directions.

"I'll teach you some manners boy!" She said, as she dragged him out of the Bunker by the ear.

All persons, dead, alive, injured and so on were taken away from the academy that night using a large carrier aircraft.

Unlike the rest, Adrian was placed in Kiki's personal aircraft which was quite small compared to the large carrier aircraft. Adrian was not even given a place to seat in her aircraft as  Kiki cuffed and had him  tossed into a corner like a war criminal.

  The men and women in Kiki's personal aircraft had a wave of dread wash over them as she entered the aircraft. Seeing Adrian's condition, they couldn't help but shake their heads in pity, making them wonder why this young boy was going through so much stress and pain.

  "Tell the carrier to take off, we will trail it." Kiki roared at one of her surbodinates who  wore a headphone.

"Yes ma'am." Her surbodinate replied in a shaky tone as she carried out Kiki's request.

Moments later, three aircrafts took of from the temporary base setup in the academy for investigative purposes.

One of them being three of four times the size of the other two flying beside it. 

"I swear, I'll get you arrested for this!" Adrian said as he glared at Kiki ferociously.

The persons in the aircraft turned their head momentarily, as they wondered if Adrian had suicide inclinations.

"You still have the guts to talk?" Kiki said in a ferocious tone as she glanced at him from the corner of her eyes.

"Don't think I'm scared of an old hag like you!" Adrian blutered out, each word accompanied with painful grunt due to his swollen cheeks.

  The men in the aircraft instantly took a minute of silence on Adrian's behalf as they looked at him with the most sympathetic eyes he had ever seen. Some even shed a couple drops of tears on his behalf as they took off their caps to mourn him.

'Why are they acting like I am dead?' Adrian asked himself.

Turning his head, he could see Kiki standing before him with intense rage. It was as if she contained a ferocious thunder storm within her, ready to explode at moment.

"Shit!" Adrian cursed, before Kiki pounced on him.

Screams and wails could be heard as the aircrafts glided through the air.