
Chapter 7: Training


Charmies pov:

I cuddled up to Ray and let her cry to her hearts content, but little does she know that i ensured her mother wouldnt be alone, our mothers are actually taking turns spending the night in eachothers houses so neither one of them would be alone throughout this whole ordeal.

Rays pov:

I cry and cry until i end up falling asleep and its stupid i know but i have never been without mom for this long and i really am worried about her. By the time i wake up its time for joint training with everyone and we have these hideous outfits we have to wear for it. The only way i know how to describe it is a short and i mean very short tanktop that shows our bellies with thigh high legging like shorts and all of it is skin tight. We each get a different color based on our district so mine is blue, Alexanders is green, district 3's is yellow, Charmies is purple and district 4's is red. I almost want to puke at the sight of it.

Charmies pov:

I HATE the shade of purple i am forced to wear alongside this uniform. I walk over to the whips and start practicing with them accidentally beheading a dew manikins in the process, after that i move on over to the lever action rifle to do some target practice.(authors note: the one who writes Charmies character, Retoole knows how to use these weapons and will have charmie use weapons Retoole is comfortable using via BSA)

Rays Pov:

I look around and spot a couple of guys picking on Alexander so i pick up the closest thing to me, a combat bow, and shoot near the boys almost hitting them. "Hey assholes, leave them alone unless you want to taste my bow skills!" i was pissed and didn't know what i had said until it was to late.

Alexanders Pov:

Shit what if they bloody her up really badly? What if she gets raped?!?! What to do what to do!! RIGHT CHARMIE AND SNOOFLES!!! Ill go get them. I run over to Charmie hoping she can help Ray before its to out of hand.

Charmies pov:

I saw alexander running up to me so i point my gun upwards(an: ALWAYS POINT IN A SAFE DIRECTION) and turn towards them to see what they needed.

Alexanders Pov:

"Its Ray! S-shes in trouble!" Just then i hear her scream and my heart drops

Rays Pov:

The boys where dragging me by my hair to a secluded corner. I kicked and screamed trying to get free to no avail.

Charmies pov:

I saw what the boys were doing and shot a bullet each an inch above their head to spook the enough, and as a warning of what was to come. "thanks for letting me know Alex as of now they are on the list" I sign to Alexander to show them that those monsters will have a nice cold permanent bite of karma.

Alexanders Pov:

I run over to Ray and help her out of there. The boys just stare at her hungrily. One things for sure they are gonna be a problem during the games. But if they so much as touch her again ill skin them alive. I glare at them as we walk towards Charmie.

District 1 boys pov:

"Hey sweetheart if you want some fun im always down for it. All you have to do is behave girly~ I swear i dont bite much, all you have to do is behave and call me daddy!" I smirk stepping closer.

Charmies pov:

I saw the creep from my district stalking towards Ray in a creepy predatory way, so i shot him in the shoulder right above his right lung to scare him away from her, and nowhere in the rule book does it say that i cant harm them during practice soooo i technically didnt break the rules.

District 1 boys pov:

I scream in pain clutching my right shoulder. "You bitch! Im gonna kill you!" I try to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on it.

District 2 boys pov:

"Oh no Victor are you ok? It didn't hit any vital organs did it?" I was worried for district 1's boy, Victor Van Bull, he is like my only friend here and hes obsessed with Rachel.

Charmies pov:

"No IM gonna kill YOU SLOWLY, you shouldnt have fucked with her at all" i angrily sign at Victor knowing full well he doesnt know how to do SHIT.

Victors Pov:

"Oh just wait till i get my hands on her. Im gonna make her mine in more ways than one. SHe wont know what hit her~" I smirk and grab Ray bringing her to my chest. I lean down placing my mouth next to her neck.

Rays Pov:

I stare at Charmie in fear and anger. My heart wont stop panicking. "Charmie Im fine just act like nothing happened and walk away."

Alexanders Pov:

I was pissed. I mean i literally saw Red! I walked up to Victor and punched him dragging Ray away to safety. I wanted to kill that guy. But he can wait til the games. As long as he stays away from Ray.

Charmie pov:

"he was about to rape you, that is 'nothing' he is not getting away with it, not until his entire bloodline gets wiped off the face of this earth" i sign, whilst glaring at Victor who had a bloody nose from the punch alex gave him.

Victors Pov:

"Just wait til later Sweetheart this is far from over. You will be mine!" I walk away to get medical attention keeping Ray in eyes view. I would make her moan my name and give birth to my children. Whether it be in the games or not. She would be mine.

Rays Pov:

I walk away with Charmie and Alex basically hyperventilating. "Im Sorry i just wanted to protect Alex. Then they came near me and tried that shit." tears fall as i lean into Alex. "I was so scared! Im so so sorry for not being careful." As the tears stream down my face i felt disappointed in myself.

Charmies pov:

"its not your fault Ray, those boys dont know how to keep it in their pants but we will get our revenge and show ALL of Utopia that people like the three of us are just as human as the men are" I sign to Ray trying to cheer her up.

Alexanders Pov:

I stay there wrapping my arm around her to keep her close. "Judging from what that Victor guy said hes gonna try it again. We should all stay together even in the games. We cant run the risk of him doing something to her. If he does i call dibs on the human skin." I was pissed about what he said earlier and he wasn't gonna take her from me. My Ray doesnt deserve to be treated like that.

Charmies pov:

Omfg just kiss already you two, "And what are you gonna do with his skin, go all Heracles and wear it?" I teasingly signed to Alex, i bet they are gonna start dating soon!

Alexanders Pov:

"I might. He messed with Ray after all so wearing his skin would be a symbol of victory! I mean if your ok with that Ray… You are capable of protecting yourself." I look at her and smile. I felt this weird felling in my stomach but i didnt care. Shes all that mattered to me.

Rays pov:

"I appreciate the thought of protecting me Alex. And it would be a little weird but ive heard of weirder things so you can." I smile back at them leaning into them more.

End of chapter 7

Thanks to Retoole for helping me write another great chapter we will not be doing a chapter on October 31st since its a holiday but we will the 1st of Novermber. Hope you guys are enjoying