
Chapter 8: Sleepover

Charmies pov:

"Ray and alex sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g first comes love then comes marriage and here alex comes pushing a baby carriage!" I teasingly sign at Ray and Alex, who DEFINITELY have a crush on eachother.

Alexanders Pov:

I blush profusely at what Charmie had said. How did she know I liked Ray so much? Was it the way I wanted to protect her from those creeps? Was it something I did? DOES RAY KNOW?!?! I hope I didn't make a fool out of myself!!!

Rays Pov:

I look at Charmie, my eyes almost popping out of my head at this point. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT HUH!!!! Do you really think that we would…" I blush just at the thought of having children with Alexander.

Charmies pov:

"you guys OBVIOUSLY like each other, and yes i do think so LOOK at Alex right now they are blushing to a depth of HELL that hasn't been discovered yet and back!" i sign with an expression on my face that says 'DUH'.

Rays Pov:

I looked at Alex and she was right, they were redder than a tomato. I smile and bring them closer to me, as if we weren't close enough. Then I feel that feeling from before again only stronger. I wanted them to kiss me to take me on this wonderful ride that is life with them.

Charmies pov:

"I'm gonna go to my room for a bit you two lovebirds do what you wanna do, and NO DOING THE DEVILS TANGO, and join me after for a SLEEPOVER." i sign walking backwards to my room before promptly turning around as to not break any decorations, or cause any injuries.

Rays Pov:

I was scared and awkward. I didnt know what to say to them now. Did i ask them if they really did like me? Did i ask them to be my partner? I was confused and scared to hear the answer.

Alexanders Pov:

"Hey um… Ray i like you, like i really really like you. Like love you sort of i dont know how to say it. Its ok if you dont feel the same way but i just wanted you to know." I start heading towards Charmies room afraid to hear her reject me.

Rays Pov:

I grab them and before i knew it i was kissing them. I didnt know why my body was acting like that all i knew was that i loved them and they loved me. "Can i ask you something Alex? Something that may affect us forever?"

Alexanders Pov:

"Will you be my girlfriend? I need to know… because friends don't kiss friends on the lips." I was nervous, if she said no I would more than likely cry. I mean she did just kiss me so maybe i had a chance?

Rays Pov:

Finally we are on the same wave link. I smiled and took their hand. "Yes ill be your girlfriend Alex. I want to be there for you and you alone as my partner." I leaned in and kissed them as we headed towards Charmies room to tell her the news.

Charmies pov:

Why do i feel like something just happened? It better not be anything too bad. I looked up as I felt Rays and Alexs footsteps enter my room and signed "did something happen? Should I be worried?"

Rays Pov:

"Yeah everything is ok infact Alex and I are dating now. Im his Girlfriend and they are my Partner." I smile happily up at Alex lovingly.

Charmies pov:

"NOICE, anyway would you guys like some snacks, and what movie would you guys like to watch?" i happily sign to them.

Alexanders Pov:

"I wanna watch a horror movie! And i love gummies~" I smile looking at Ray and a little at Charmie but mostly Ray. "What about you Darling~"

Rays Pov:

"I like chocolate but not a huge fan of horror movies. They kinda freak me out." I sigh and look at him in the eyes. "But if thats really what you want to watch my love then ill go with it."

Charmies pov:

"same here, im not a huge fan a horror movies either" i sign after tossing Alex and Ray their gummies and snacks.

Rays Pov:

"Hmmm then what about a tragic love story?" I look at Charmie while laying on Alex. I was truely happy now that they were by my side. "What do you think Charmie?"

Charmies pov:

"YESSSSS that sounds great!" I sign happily agreeing with Rays movie of choice and going over to options we have and passing ray the remote to pick one since it was her idea.

Rays Pov:

I look through the options and find what seems like a good one. I click on "The fault in our stars" and it starts playing. I cuddle up with Alex and watch the movie.

Charmies pov:

I grab my snacks, cuddle up to the pillows and start watching the movie since the captions were turned on.(Authors note: ABSOLUTE GODSEND cant watch ANYTHING without them!)

Alexanders Pov:

I lay there on the verge of tears as he takes his girlfriend everywhere before she dies. As the movie finishes up i am in tears at the thought of losing Ray. If i was in the position as that boy i wouldn't be able to handle it.

Charmies pov:

I very silently, at least i think, hand Alex the box of Tissues because of the fact that hes in tears.

Rays Pov:

"Oh baby are you ok? Are you hurts?" I worried about him and so i cuddled him closer.


Thanks to Retoole For helping me with another great chapter!!!