
the adventure of a mignus

tells the story of a 13-year-old boy who decides to become a mignus so he can find his brother who has been missing for 10 years On his way to becoming a mignus and looking for his brother, he also met 3 other people together the four of them struggle to realize their respective dreams and support each other what happens next?

Eugene_Ariella · Fantasy
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12 Chs

chapter 2 : tricky choice

After the captain of the ship gave them the approval to escape, Reynold, Niesha, and Savannah arrived safely at the port of Plerugnus.

"Thank you, Captain, it was fun," Reynold said as he shook the ship's captain's hand

"I'm also happy and as a sign of my appreciation I will give you a little advice" replied the captain of the ship

"Suggestions?" Reynolds asked

"Yes and you can see the big tabebuia tree at the top of the hill, right?" replied the captain of the ship while pointing at the tree at the top of the hill.

"Yes," said Reynolds

"First you have to go there, it's a shortcut to Migneusse Academy which is the place where the Entrance Examination is held" replied the captain of the ship.

"Shortcut? Alright so I have to go to that tree then I'll do it than captain thank you" Reynold said

"Good luck" replied the captain of the ship

"Of course! Captain too! Good health always" said Reynold as he started walking and waving his hand

Then after that Reynold also parted with the captain and meanwhile the captain of the ship who saw Reynold's departure also thought

'No need to worry vir fortis your brother grows up to be a good young man'

Without them both realizing there was someone who had been grinning Heard the two of them talking


after talking to the captain of the ship Reynold joined Niesha and Savannah and together they saw a large map on the map board

"Well, that's Weird," said Niesha

"Why?" Reynold asked innocently

"According to the records I received, it says the entrance exams are held in several places in Hansie city" Niesha replied while handing a paper to Reynold

Then after that, he also pointed to the location of Hansie City then directed it to the place told by the captain of the ship

"The tree is in the opposite direction of the city we are going to now visit," said Niesha

"Reynold Maybe you heard wrong because Niesha's words have some truth," said Savannah

"No Tabebuya Tree That's What It Says" Replied Reynolds

"I see, fine So let's just follow Reynold's words because I'm starting to have a little doubt about the information you received Niesha," said Savannah

"Okay then" replied Niesha

"So the notes are not correct, where is the actual direction that we have to go to get to Hansie City," said someone who suddenly appeared behind Reynolds.

It made Savannah and Niesha surprised but they are back as usual

"because Our job is to find out where the Migneusse Academy is using the limited information," said Savannah

"And this must include another exam before we take the Migneusse Academy entrance exam" Niesha replied

"It's true what you say," said the person

"But the way you are also the person who took the Migneusse Academy Entrance Exam, right, if you may know what your name is," said Reynold innocently

"My name is Albert Peterson Hallison, 17 years old" replied the person named Albert

"Ok nice to meet you, then Albert, Savannah, and Niesha For now I will go have a look because the captain must have a reason why he suggested it," said Reynold

After that Reynold immediately started walking and Niesha and Savannah, who heard that, looked at Reynold in disbelief because he had just told Albert something that shouldn't have been told.

"Hey, you think he's serious? Because the bus to Hansie City is about to leave" Albert said to Niesha

"I think he's serious and I think the bus to Hansie City is just a ruse because there's no way Migneusse Academy could easily prepare a bus and another one my name is Niesha so call me Niesha" replied Niesha

"But I think Reynold is too innocent and he has to learn not to just trust everyone," Savannah said seriously.

Hearing that Niesha and Albert just kept quiet and the two of them immediately followed Reynolds

"Hey Niesha, "Savannah said while surprised Seeing Niesha Following Reynold

"As the captain said, Reynold is a very interesting person so I will temporarily accompany him" replied Niesha

"Me too. Because when I first met him I started to feel he was a very interesting person," said Albert

"Oh I see, it hasn't been that long But nice to meet you," Savannah said while walking in the opposite direction with Niesha, Reynold, and Albert

And along the way, Savannah kept grumbling about the three of them not being as reliable as she thought

But when she was walking through an alley, she suddenly heard the voices of two people talking

"There doesn't seem to be a bus going to Hansie City," said the first person

"Yes, beginners usually fail in this section, because they are too stupid and naive" replied the second person

Hearing that, Savannah was silent for a moment and then not long. Then she ran to follow her three friends who were far from her while saying

"Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait for me"

Reynolds who heard that from a distance smiled a little then asked Niesha and Albert to stop for a moment and it made Niesha and Albert confused

"Why did you ask us to stop?" Niesha asked in confusion

"Because sis Savannah will follow us here, it's a pity if she chases us to the tabebuia tree" Reynold replied

Niesha and Albert, who heard Reynold's answer, couldn't help but nodded in agreement and waited for Savannah on the road.

Then about 20 minutes later Savannah was already in front of the three of them and after that, the four of them immediately continued their journey to the tabebuia tree.

Without them knowing there is someone who is following them from behind


After traveling for 2 hours and 30 minutes, finally, Albert, Niesha, Reynold, and Savannah arrived in a very quiet city.

But when they wanted to sit on the ground to rest for a while suddenly a grandmother and her followers behind also appeared making the four of them shocked

"W-What the hell is they?! Just a shock"Savannah said

Hearing that Reynolds, Albert, and Savannah also nodded in agreement because Grandma and her followers appeared like ghosts

"Thrilling" Grandma said suddenly

"Th-Thrilling?" Niesha asked Confused

"Thrilling," said the grandmother again

"Thrilling," said Albert while breaking out in cold sweat

"You have to answer a thrilling 2-choice quiz!" shouted the grandmother

And at that time, her followers who were behind her immediately played the musical instruments they brought

Seeing that Reynold, Albert, Savannah, and Niesha immediately put on a very confused face, making the grandmother feel embarrassed and immediately stopped her followers from playing.

Then she immediately cleared her throat then looked at the four people in turn

"You want to go to the Tabebuia tree, right? To reach the tree you have to pass through this very quiet city" said the grandmother

"Huh?" All four of them said at the same time

"Yes, that's true and I'll give you a quiz question" replied the grandmother

"W-Wait First tell me what's going on here?" Albert asked

"There is no time to explain and you have 5 seconds to say your answer if your answer is wrong then you will be eliminated from the Migneusse Academy Entrance Exam" replied the grandmother

Hearing that, Albert, Savannah, Niesha, and Reynold were surprised because the grandmother's system was almost similar to the ship captain's system earlier.

"If that happens then you have to give up on this year's Migneusse Academy Entrance Exam," said the granny

"Oh, so that's how it is. This is also part of the elimination selection, right?" replied Niesha, who started to understand

"That's right," said the grandmother

"Oh, I see. Yes, I'm the master of answering quizzes so let's start" said Savannah

"But this quiz is a special quiz because it only has 1 question" replied the grandmother

Hearing that, Savannah, who was ready to start the quiz, was surprised and immediately stopped her movements

"Huh? Only have 1 Question?" asked Albert

"Yes, you can only choose 1 answer that you think is correct between the two choices I gave, namely between number 1 or number 2 and other answers will immediately be considered wrong" replied the grandmother

"Wait a minute, Grandma, didn't you say this quiz only has 1 question, so there are four of us who share one question and if one person answers wrong, the other three people will also come out," said Savannah.

"That's Impossible Because what I'm afraid of is that it's likely the opposite will happen" replied Niesha

"But it's so much easier because only one of us four need to know the answer because I'm not good at quizzes," said Reynold

"Right Reynold said I'm also not smart" Albert replied

Hearing that Niesha and Savannah immediately nodded in understanding because they felt that Reynold's words were true and at that time someone who had just arrived at their place said.

"Hey hurry up or I'll be the one to answer first," Someone said

"Who are you?" asked Albert in amazement

"He's the one who's been following us since the harbor earlier," replied Niesha

"Eh? Seriously?" asked Albert in surprise

"Sorry, boys, I accidentally overheard your conversation," The person said with an innocent look

Hearing and seeing that, Savannah immediately threw an annoyed look at the person but that person didn't care and instead kept smiling

"So who's going to be the first to start?" Grandma asked

"It's just him, Grandma, because he looks like he wants to try so the four of us just let him start first" replied Savannah suddenly

"Oh yeah, that's a good idea. Then we can find out, what kind of question model is that" Niesha said

"I don't mind if you're like that" Reynold replied while stepping back 3 steps

"I don't mind either," said Albert as he followed Reynolds

The grandmother also nodded in understanding then ordered one of her followers to lift a small table and her followers immediately obeyed the grandmother's orders.

The grandmother's follower immediately lifted the small table and placed it in front of the person

That person also thanked the follower of the grandmother and then stepped forward while looking back a little and said in his heart

'fool I'll leave a trap behind me'

And not long after that, he arrived in front of the table and the second elimination selection began

"This is a question for you, the Ice Queen Captured your mother and sister. You can only save one person. The first choice is for your mother or the second choice for your sister. Who will you save?" asked the grandmother.

Hearing that, Savannah, Niesha, Albert, and Reynold were immediately surprised because the two choices could not be chosen, one of them because the two choices were very important people in their lives.

But something different with that person, that person smiled and then pressed the bell on the table

"I chose the first option," said the person

"Why did you choose the first option?" asked the grandmother

"Because you can't replace your mother but if a girlfriend you can find another girlfriend" replied the person

Savannah, Albert, Niesha, and Reynold were surprised for the second time hearing the answer from that person while the grandmother who gave the question nodded in understanding and then pointed towards the door that had been opened by her followers.

"You may pass," said the grandmother

"What?! But Grandma's a question that doesn't make sense when Grandma wants to let this person pass so easily" said Albert

"It's okay, you just need to say what the old grandmother wants to hear so I go first" The person replied

After saying that the person immediately left and entered the door and left the four of them

Seeing that, Savannah was annoyed with the person because she felt that the person had lost her mind and she also felt angry with the grandmother.

"Hey, don't mess with me?! How can an answer like that be true?! We're only giving the answer that Grandma wants?! and it's true?! That's bullshit to me," said Savannah

Everyone who heard that was silent Because Savannah who was silent all this time just opened her mouth to speak

"I can't keep following this bullshit?! I'll find another way!" Savannah said as she turned her body backward

"Too late" replied the grandmother suddenly

Hearing that, Savannah turned around again and looked at the grandmother in confusion

"If you refuse this quiz, then you will be eliminated," said the grandmother

"Don't play games because different people, then the answer must be different, so there is no definite answer that can be said to be true" replied Savannah

Niesha, who heard Savannah's words, then realized the answer to the quiz given by the grandmother, and then she turned towards the savannah and was about to speak, but the grandmother said first

"Wait," he said

Savannah and Niesha immediately stopped their movements and stared in amazement at Grandma while Grandma immediately looked at Savannah while saying

"After this, I'm not allowed to talk if you say something beyond the answer then you will be immediately eliminated," said the grandmother

Niesha, who heard that, fell silent and looked at Savannah, who was already furious while thinking

'Be aware Savannah this is a simple trick'

Then Niesha also looked at Albert and Reynold who were thinking about something while hoping that Albert and Reynold would also soon How to Answer the Quiz

And that's when the second quiz started

"This is a question for you, your two best friends were kidnapped. You can only save one of them. The first choice is your second friend or the second choice, your first friend. Which one will you save?" asked the grandmother.

Hearing that, Albert, Niesha, and Reynold were still silent because they were still absorbed in the meaning and purpose of the question.

Meanwhile, the grandmother immediately counted down from 10 seconds, but Savannah, who couldn't stand it anymore, went to get a stick nearby and then immediately hit the wind with the stick while preparing to attack the old woman.

Niesha, who was silent, also looked worried at Savannah's behavior from the corner of her eye, while Albert and Reynolds were still furrowing their brows in silence.

And not long after that, the grandmother's countdown was finished and at that moment Savannah immediately jumped from her place to where the grandmother was while lifting the stick high

Then she landed perfectly where the grandmother was but the stick did not hit the grandmother because it was held by Niesha's gun

Seeing Niesha who was holding back her attack made Savannah even more emotional because Niesha always protected the grandmother

"Don't Stop Me, Niesha! I Won't Be Satisfied Until I Can Teach That Annoying Granny A Lesson" Savannah said with emotion

"Calm down Savannah," said Niesha

"How Can I Calm Down?! That Grandma Takes Family Matters Into A Quiz When Family Matters Are The Most Important Things In Our Life"Savannah Said

"Yes I Know But You Will Waste Our Correct Response" Replied Niesha

Hearing that Savannah was silent then she immediately stopped attacking the old lady and showed a confused face to Niesha

"Huh? Correct Response?" asked Savannah Confused

"Yes we have the right answer and silence is the correct answer" Niesha replied as she kept her gun in her dress pocket.

"Shut up? What do you mean?" Asked Savannah More Confused

"Your words gave a clue" replied Niesha

Savannah, who heard that immediately remembered the words she had said earlier and at that moment she realized that the correct answer was silence.

Niesha, who saw Savannah, who had begun to understand, smiled

"Exactly this quiz doesn't have a correct answer anyway, we can say 1 or 2 as an answer, in other words, we don't need to answer so silence is the answer so you don't have to be so primitive," said Niesha

"But what about that person earlier?" asked Savannah

"Grandmother didn't say it was the right answer, but just said 'you may pass' in other words, the path the person was taking was the wrong way" replied Niesha

Then after she explained to Savannah she also looked at the grandmother who was silent while saying

"That's Right"

"It's true, the right way is this way," said the grandmother with a small smile

And at that very moment, the two followers of the grandmother opened the door of the building next to them then after opening the door of the building the grandmother immediately walked to the front of the door while saying

"This road leads straight to the tree, walk for 2 hours and you will reach the top"

"Oh, so it's like that huh" replied Savannah

"There is a couple who live in the hut under the tree. They are your seniors. If you pass the entrance exam, it will be worth it. If they think you are worthy of being their underclassman, I'm sure they will guide you to Migneusse Academy," said the old woman.

Hearing that, Savannah immediately dropped the stick and then immediately bent down in front of the grandmother

"Grandma, sorry for my impoliteness," Savannah said

"Oh, it doesn't matter because I'm doing this task because I'm happy to meet people like you" Replied the grandmother

"Huh?" Savannah said in amazement

"Fight and be a good mignus" replied the grandmother

Savannah immediately nodded in agreement with a smile and at that moment Albert breathed a sigh of relief because the four of them escaped.

Meanwhile, Reynold immediately sat on the ground while also heaving a sigh of relief

"No, I can't find the answer," Reynold said suddenly

"You're still thinking about the answer? It's no longer needed anyway," replied Savannah with a laugh

"Huh, why?" Reynold asked with Louis

"Because the quiz is over" replied Niesha

"In that case, I already know. But for example, if those two are my friends and only one person I can save, what should I do?" replied Reynold.

Hearing that Niesha, Albert, and Savannah were silent because Reynold always thought of something like that

"Why do you think like that?" asked Albert in confusion

"Because it's not right to choose only one but one day maybe I have to make that decision" Reynolds replied seriously.

Albert, Savannah, and Niesha, who heard that, were immediately silent, while the grandmother who heard that narrowed her eyes while thinking

'That's right, that's the real purpose of this quiz and you have to be prepared for the worst possible situation because the harsh reality will attack your feelings for each other without warning.'

Then at that moment Albert, Niesha, Reynold, and Savannah immediately entered the door and left Grandma and her followers behind.

While in the other place there is a big man, a woman with light purple hair, and a man wearing sports clothes walking on the streets of a city that is big and beautiful but very deadly to live in.

"So where is Niesha actually, not that the assassin said Niesha will be in this city? But why can't we find him in places in this city" said the big man

"I don't know, maybe the hitman is lying because from the start me and the midget didn't like that person" replied the man in sportswear

"But if the assassin's words are true then it's possible that Niesha will appear in this city for the next few months and I think what he said is true," said the girl.

"What is your hunch?" asked the big man

"Yes, just a hunch" replied the girl

"Well then we just follow your hunch because if we bring unsatisfactory results to the boss then he will chop off the heads of the three of us" replied the big man

Hearing that the girl and the man in sports clothes nodded in understanding then they immediately teleported from where they were standing to somewhere.


A few hours later...…

After they walked safely a few hours later, the four of them finally arrived at the cottage belonging to a pair of their seniors

But when Albert knocked on the entrance of the cottage 3 times no one was inside, opened the door of the cottage, making the four prospective students of the Migneusse academy feel confused.

Because the grandmother said that the cottage was living a pair of their classmate But why is it like no one lives in the cottage

And because of these two things, Albert also tried to open the door of the cottage, but it turned out that the door of the cottage was not locked

After the door opened, the four of them were shocked because inside the hut there was a creature holding very tightly the body of a Japanese blood woman and the creature chuckled at the four of them.

And at that moment Albert, Reynold, and Savannah immediately took their respective weapons

"Be careful not to be fooled by these creatures because the creature is named Oiselleir which is an animal that can imitate a person and the animal is a very legendary animal in history," said Niesha.

"But how do we want to attack him because there is a woman nearby" Reynolds replied

"And a man on the floor needs immediate treatment," said Albert while looking at the man who was lying unconscious on the floor.

Suddenly at that moment, the creature in the hut jumped out of the house while carrying the woman he was holding into the forest and when the creature ran away the man who had been seen by Albert realized then said to the four of them

"P-please, please save my girlfriend"

Hearing that, Reynold immediately got out of the window and chased the creature while Albert was still throwing his bag at Niesha to make it easier for him to run.

But before he went after the creature, Albert said

"Niesha and Savannah We leave the wounded man to you"

"Okay" replied Niesha and Savannah

Meanwhile, the creature that had been jumping from tree to tree, Reynold and Albert also followed him by jumping on the branches of the tree.

"Give me back the woman you brought" Reynolds shouted

"You Have To Take It Yourself," Said The Creature

And he immediately jumped away from Reynold and Albert so he was caught. While Reynold he was surprised while running because the creature can talk

Seeing Reynolds surprised, Albert sighed and said

"Oiselleir can talk too But they often don't talk but if they talk to us straight away it means we are the next prey"

Hearing that Reynold then jumped further and aimed his fishing rod at Oiselleir's behavior. Reynold immediately aimed his fist at Oiselleir's head.

It turned out that Reynold managed to hit Oiselleir's head so that Oiselleir fell to the ground while the body of the woman he was under was released from his hands and was almost thrown far away but luckily the woman's body was caught by Albert

Albert immediately put the woman's body on the ground to check the condition of the woman's body, but the woman was not injured in the slightest

"Please my boyfriend who is at home"

"Your boyfriend is okay because there are Savannah and Niesha" Albert replied

While talking to the woman, Albert saw the necklace attached to the woman's arm. He felt there was something with the necklace

While at the house earlier, Savannah and Niesha were taking care of the man, the boyfriend of the woman who was saved by Albert

"Where is the growth of the medicinal plant lisoeis?" asked Savannah

hearing that the man was confused because the medicinal plant lisoeis has nothing to do with the wounds on his body

"He needs it to treat Uncle's wound" explained Niesha

"It's in the closet beside me, but I still feel worried because my girlfriend was kidnapped," said the man earlier

"It's okay, your girlfriend will be fine. She has been rescued by our friends and the animal will be arrested as soon as possible," said Niesha.

Hearing that, the man became a little friendly seeing that Niesha then looked after him while Savannah looked for the lisoeis plant in the closet beside the man.

Meanwhile, Reynolds was still chasing him until he reached the river area, Reynolds saw Oiselleir standing on a rock in the middle of the river and suddenly disappeared.

then Reynold went to the rock earlier and looked around the rock to look for oiselleir But oiselleir was not there and suddenly, at that time behind Reynolds from the river, oiselleir appeared and attacked Reynold

Reynold parried his attack with a fishing rod and attacked him back. oiselleir jumped back and flew away while Reynold followed him. Meanwhile in the forest, while Albert was trying to help the injured woman stand up, Niesha came and asked

"How are you and Reynolds doing?"

"Reynold is still chasing Oiselleir, how is the condition of the man in the house you are caring for?" asked Albert Balik

"The man has been given painkillers and fell asleep. So Savannah told me to follow you" replied Niesha

Suddenly Albert slapped Niesha in the face with the weapon he was holding and the woman who saw it was shocked.

Niesha who was slapped maintains her balance because she was hit that niesha asked

"Why did you slap me?"

"I don't have a friend a strange creature" replied Niesha

niesha was shocked and finally changed her form to Oiselleir then oiselleir asked

"How did you know that?"

"Even though you are the real Niesha, I will still slap him. Niesha has promised to take care of the man who is at home and I will punish him if he leaves the man alone." Albert replied

Finally, Oiselleir disappeared, Albert then released the woman he was holding. The woman sat on the ground. Albert walked a little and turned towards the girl and asked

"Are you and your boyfriend the ones who look after the oiselleirs?"

to be continue

author's note :

sorry if there are mistakes because I'm not a perfect human

So oiselleirs are extremely rare creatures in the world of this novel because they started appearing on earth after the departure of the first person to wield the elemental power of milum.

the uniqueness of these oiselleirs is that they can change their form and can coexist with humans, it is given from people

the first to use the power of the mignus element because of the services of the oiselleir elders who are always beside that person in order to maintain world peace

vis fortis is a name meaning in another language i.e. brave man

the captain of the ship called his brother reynold sbeuah vis fortis because his brother reynold was a very brave boy