
the adventure of a mignus

tells the story of a 13-year-old boy who decides to become a mignus so he can find his brother who has been missing for 10 years On his way to becoming a mignus and looking for his brother, he also met 3 other people together the four of them struggle to realize their respective dreams and support each other what happens next?

Eugene_Ariella · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 1 : departure

The time showed that it was almost 6 pm Reynolds rushed to the place where the Konwi ship was

And in the middle of his journey, he met the girl who was dressed neatly but the distance from the girl was too far

Because he was too good Reynold was waiting for the girl and without him knowing the ship started moving

After waiting for the girl, Reynold and the girl chased the ship that was starting to run. They then asked for the ship to stop first.

But the captain of the ship did not obey because they were too late. The ship was moving further and further and they couldn't catch up with it.

"Let's go to the cliff where the ship will pass" said Reynold To The Girl

The girl agreed and then they went to the cliff. Finally, they both arrived at the cliff just as the ship had just passed. Reynold then threw his hook at a large rock in the sea and used it as a place to swing with his fishing rod.

The girl held on to Reynolds and they finally managed to swing onto the ship's deck. The girl said

"Greetings, I'm Niesha Myra Clarke"

"Nice to meet you too I'm Reynold Louis Baecker" Jisung replied

Hearing this, Niesha's expression changed slightly but Reynolds seemed oblivious and was busy waving his hand to the island where he lived as a sign of farewell.

Then on the ship, the captain and several other passengers, including the person in the cute dress, were already waiting there. Even the passengers seemed to be busying themselves.

Some catch birds, do push-ups, fish like Reynolds, or just sit and relax and some even vomit because of seasickness even in a calm sea atmosphere.

From inside one of the rooms on the ship, appeared the captain of the ship and several other ship employees. They talk to each other about the passengers on the ship. Suddenly a knife aimed at the both of them but luckily one of them named Felix caught the knife perfectly

"There was a knife thrown at me, let's admit who threw the knife," said Felix

But no one answered it finally Felix immediately jumped into the ship's sail rope and from that place he knew who the perpetrator who threw the knife was

From the top of the rope, he threw the knife back at the knife thrower and saw that the knife thrower was angry because Felix had thrown it a knife then caught the knife and attacked Felix.

But Felix was able to dodge and was finally able to stop the knife thrower.

Before Felix could go any further, the captain of the ship stopped him and ordered the other crew members to throw the knife thrower into the sea.

The captain of the ship then said

"All passengers must obey the rules on board Don't Be Like That Knife Thrower"

Reynold who was busy fishing didn't pay attention to that and continued fishing. Finally, he got a rare fish. The captain of the ship came to Reynolds and praised him

"Good you can catch fish which is quite hard to get or called Rare"

Reynold was then silent for a moment. He sensed that there would be a storm. This is indicated by the humid air and the smell of salt. Even Reynold could understand what the cranes flying around the ship were doing.

"A great storm is coming," Reynold said suddenly to the captain of the ship

"How do you know?" asked the captain of the ship

"That's What The Crane Says" Reynolds replied

"Huh?" said the captain of the ship.

"And also the storm will be very scary for people who vomit easily," said Reynold while rubbing his ear

Hearing that the ship captain was shocked and fell silent as if he didn't believe Reynold's words just like that

"That's right because I can understand what the Crane is talking about," Reynold said seriously

Hearing that the captain of the ship was silent for the second time. But this time he was a little suspicious of Reynold because Reynold's eyes and serious look were very similar to someone he had met.


2 hours Later

Finally, as expected, a very big storm arose. The ship was tossed by the huge waves. The wind was blowing very hard and lightning flashed everywhere. Many passengers were thrown to the side of the ship and passed out.

Meanwhile, the captain of the ship immediately ordered his employees to lower the sails. As the sky darkened and lightning struck, one of the masts of the ship lit up. This is a natural phenomenon that often occurs which is called euphoric

Many passengers who are tossed around do not know that. But Niesha explained it while in a state of oscillation. He said

"This phenomenon occurs because static electricity from lightning storms collects in places high enough to give rise to light"

Soon the great storm stopped and after the storm stopped the captain of the ship drank his alcohol and said

"Damn the waves are still lacking"

Then he looked back and found 2 crew members leaning against the wall to hold back their urge to vomit.

"You're in Control," said the captain of the ship to one of the crew

"O-Okay" replied the crew while holding back the vomit

Then at that moment the captain of the ship came out of the room and went to a room while saying

"Oh my gosh the crew of this ship is so bad"

And after he said that not long ago he arrived in front of a room

Without thinking he opened the door of the room and looked into the room

In that room, there were a lot of fainting passengers and it made the captain laugh

"Ahahahah battered all, it's really sad for you guys even though you were so confident to take the Migneusse Academy Entrance exam," said the captain of the ship while looking at the situation in the room

"Here, Medicinal plants for you," Someone said suddenly

Hearing that, the captain of the ship turned to the corner of the room and found Reynold who was giving a medicinal plant to a man who was experiencing severe dizziness.

The man accepted it with resignation because he currently can't see clearly due to his very dizzy head And Seeing the medicinal plants received Reynold smiled happily then said

"If you make it a tea it will taste better"

"W-where" Replied the man

"If you want to make it a tea wait a moment because Felix is ​​on his way to get warm water," Reynold said

Hearing that the captain of the ship fell silent looking at Reynolds who was still holding on in the room

"That kid" Muttered the Ship Captain

And at that moment he also turned to the other side because he had heard the sound of the paper being held and the murmur of people singing.

It turns out that the two people are Niesha and the girl in regional clothes with short hair

'I see, it turns out that there are still people who can stand after the ship faced the storm,' thought the captain of the ship

And at that moment passed Felix who was holding a glass filled with warm water making the captain of the ship surprised and had time to sway

"Sorry it took so long, here's the water," Felix said while walking towards Reynold

"Thank you" Reynold replied while taking the glass from Felix's hand after Felix was in front of him

Then Reynolds put the medicinal plant into the warm water so that the water in the glass turned green and he gave it to the man who was earlier.

"Drink now," said Reynold

The man immediately accepted the glass and drank tea slowly and then the situation gradually improved

It made Felix and Reynold smile even the captain of the ship smiled a little seeing that

Meanwhile, Niesha and the girl in regional clothes just kept quiet and glanced slightly at Reynolds


After that Reynold, Niesha, and the girl in village clothes were brought to the captain's room by the captain of the ship and Felix.

In that room, the three of them were told to stand parallel and face the captain of the ship, while Felix stood beside the captain while holding a pen and book.

"First, state your names," said the captain of the ship

"I'm Reynold" Reynold replied excitedly

"I'm Savannah," The girl in the dress of the area said coldly

"And I'm Niesha," said Niesha with a sweet smile

"Why do you want to become students of Migneusse Academy?" asked the captain of the ship again

"Hey! If you're not a teacher, don't pretend to ask us," replied Niesha

"Just answer my question" replied the captain of the ship

"My brother is a student of that academy, I left Piscester Island because I wanted to know why my brother became a student of that academy," said Reynold

Hearing that, it turned out that the suspicion that had been in the captain's mind was finally solved

'It's true that he's his little brother finally The day that makes his brother restless has arrived' thought the captain of the ship

After he thought like that the captain of the ship wanted to ask Reynold one more time but Niesha first said

"Hey Reynold"

"Yes Niesha" Reynolds replied

"Don't Just Answer" Niesha said

"Indeed, why if you only state the reason?" Reynolds replied

"Gosh you're a child who doesn't know the situation if I were you I wouldn't tell my reason," said Niesha

"I agree with Niesha," said Savannah

"What? Hey you're younger than me right? Show your respect" Niesha said

"It's too easy to avoid such a question with just a plausible reason," said Savannah coldly ignoring Niesha's words.

"Hey! Are you listening to me?!" Niesha retorted in annoyance

"But it's too embarrassing to believe a cheater I mean if I tell the truth I'll reveal a secret I never wanted to tell so I can't answer your questions," said Savannah.

"In other words, you refuse to answer my question" replied the captain of the ship

Hearing that, Savannah nodded in agreement and the captain of the ship sighed at that and then looked at Felix.

"Hey Felix," said the captain of the ship

"Yes captain" replied Felix

"Tell the Migneusse academy entrance examination team that there are two more who didn't pass," said the captain of the ship

Hearing that Niesha and Savannah who heard that were surprised and then looked at the captain of the ship

"What do you mean?" Niesha asked in confusion

"You haven't noticed yet? The Migneusse Academy Entrance Exam has started" The Ship Captain replied

"What?!" Savannah and Niesha said at the same time

"Listen there are many who want to be the best mignus like the many stars in the sky the testing team didn't have time to test everyone so the testing team decided to hire a few people like us to do the Elimination selection and I already told the testing team that everything except the three of you are being on this ship has been eliminated," said the captain of the ship

Reynold, Niesha, and Savannah immediately fell silent hearing that because they weren't told anything about it beforehand

"So if you can't face a small or big storm you can't possibly go to the next stage of the entrance exam in other words you can continue to the main entrance exam if I pass you so think before answering my question," said the captain of the ship

"Listen," Reynold said to Niesha

Hearing that Niesha couldn't help but nod in understanding even though she was still surprised by the system

"Should have said from the start, the reason why I took the Migneusse Academy Entrance Exam is that I am the only member of the Lioe family who survived" Savannah said.

Hearing that, Reynold and Niesha fell silent then looked at Savannah who was serious

"3 years and 10 months ago, my extended family was massacred by a gang of criminals. I want to become a great Mignus and hunt down a group of criminals called Fort," said Savannah.

Hearing that Niesha was dumbfounded. Then she lowered her head without Reynolds beside her noticing

"So you want to become a Mignus Assassin? Since the mob you're referring to is A+ Class Fugitives even an experienced Mignus can't catch them therefore you will waste your life on it" said the captain of the ship

"I'm not afraid to die because I've seen a tragic death in front of my own eyes but what I'm most afraid of is that this grudge will stay in my heart forever," said Savannah Bravely

"In other words, you want revenge, but without being a Mignus Assassin, you can do it, right?" replied Niesha

"That's the dumbest question I've ever heard Niesha," Savannah said

"Call me sis Niesha" Replied Niesha

"Because access is only for Mignus and the information that can't be obtained even Actions that are impossible to do are only things like that you can think of," said Savannah.

Hearing that Niesha felt annoyed but Reynold also tried to calm her down while asking

"If Sis Niesha, why do you want to be a student at the migneusse academy?"

"Me? In short, knowledge" replied Niesha

"Huh? Knowledge?" Reynolds asked

"Yes, knowledge because with the knowledge we can find out the information that is in this country" replied Niesha

"Oh I thought you only wanted money so you took this Academy Entrance Exam" replied Savannah

Hearing that, the anger returned to Nisha then she turned back while looking at Savannah annoyed

"Three times already, let's get out I'll end the lineage of the Lioe Family right now," Niesha said as he walked to the exit.

Savannah who heard that was provoked and then she turned her body to Niesha with a frowning face

"Take back your words Niesha, "Savannah said

Hearing that Niesha also stopped walking and then looked back with an innocent look

"Pull it back" Said Savannah who was annoyed

"Ok but first call me Sis Niesha" Replied Niesha

Then at that time, she came out of the room, and Savannah who saw it squeaked then followed Niesha from behind

"Hey, you guys I'm not done talking yet," said the captain of the ship

"Leave them alone" Reynold replied suddenly

"Huh?" said the Captain of the Ship Confused

"My mom once told me if you want to get to know someone you have to try to learn why they get angry and it's important for them to understand each other why they get angry so it's better we just let them go" Reynold replied

Hearing that, the captain of the ship stopped his movement, and resignedly he just stared at the departure of Niesha and Savannah.

And at that very moment suddenly his crew called him making him have to turn his gaze to his crew

"Th-that," said the crew nervously while pointing at the hurricane that was not far from the ship

Seeing that Captain and Felix were very surprised because they both didn't expect that tonight there would be a hurricane

"If we enter into the whirlpool, this ship will sink," said Felix

"Lower the anchor now" replied the captain of the ship

"Okay," said Felix

"I'll Help too," said Reynold

"Okay Come with me" Felix replied

After that Reynold and Felix went out of the room while the captain of the ship was still in the room then he pushed the crew back while saying

"Leave the Wheel to Me"

"Yes captain" Reply Crew

Then he too came out after the captain of the ship replaced him to drive a ship

"Full Turn" Exclaims the Ship Captain

And at that time the crew came out and they all ran outside to fix the flag of their ship and even Felix and Reynold also helped

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ship, Niesha and Savannah were seen facing each other, and then the seawater immediately hit the two of them even though the seawater had hit them, they both still didn't move a bit but they kept throwing sharp gazes at each other

"Take back your words if you do it I will forgive you Niesha, "Savannah said

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'll do it if you show me your respect but if you don't then I won't take it back" replied Niesha while taking out a gun from her dress pocket.

"Then there's no other choice," Savannah said as she pulled out her pair of wooden swords

And at that moment they both got ready to attack each other even though they didn't know that there was a hurricane that was almost close to the ship.

Then back to where Felix and Reynold were there, They both had trouble pulling a rope that served to justify the ship's flag as well as all the crew of the ship

But at that moment all the crew of the ship who pulled a rope with Felix suddenly floated and fell on the floor of the ship except for Felix who was still holding the rope.

But because only Felix was left holding onto him, Felix finally also floated in the air while always holding the rope so he wouldn't be thrown into the sea and seeing that Reynold who was pulling the rope was surprised

"Sis Felix" Reynolds exclaimed

At the same time, the captain of the ship who was driving was surprised to see Felix floating in the air. Even Niesha and Savannah, who had not yet started fighting, were surprised when Felix floated while holding the rope past them and was about to be thrown out of the ship.

But before Felix was thrown out of the ship Niesha and Savannah quickly helped him while stretching out each of their hands

However, Felix's two hands are very slippery due to holding a rope that has been exposed to water, so the mission to save Felix failed

Knowing that their plan both failed, Niesha and Savannah sighed in annoyance and at that moment it was seen that Reynold flew straight to Felix and held Felix's hands tightly.

Then at the same time, Savannah and Niesha immediately grabbed Reynold's legs and held onto the ship, so that Reynold and Felix were saved.

And with full strength, Savannah and Niesha immediately pulled Reynold's legs who were tightly hugging Felix who was fainting.

Finally, Savannah and Niesha managed to save both lives and Felix didn't even get thrown off the ship


3 hours later

Finally, the hurricane died down and the flags of the ships were closed. Even the birds were standing on the flagpoles of the ships.

And at that moment Savannah, Niesha, and Reynolds appeared who was on the other side of the ship

"Fools if we don't catch both of your feet now, you would have become the food of the monster fish that lives in the sea," Niesha said while smacking Reynold's forehead.

"Oh my gosh, you are a careless child," said Savannah, folding her arms and closing her eyes

"Even after you guys managed to help me and Felix," said Reynold while stroking his forehead

"Eh?" Savannah and Niesha said at the same time

"I mean you two managed to work together and help me and Felix" Reply Reynolds

"Yeah, I guess that's because I've never helped anyone," said Niesha while blushing

Hearing that, Savannah, who had folded her arms and closed her eyes, glanced slightly at Niesha with a slightly confused look.

"Reynold" Call someone who suddenly ran towards them

"Sis Felix" Reynold replied cheerfully

"Thank you, Reynold you saved my life," Felix said when he arrived in front of Reynold

"You're welcome But I can't possibly do it alone and they both also help to help you" Reynolds replied while looking at Savannah and Niesha

Hearing that, Savannah and Niesha, who had been silent when Felix came, were surprised and then turned towards Reynold, while Felix, who heard that, immediately bowed his body in front of Niesha and Savannah.

"Thank you very much," said Felix

"No need to thank" Savannah replied

"Yes, it's true but thank God you're safe Felix," said Niesha while blushing

Savannah, who heard that, immediately looked at Niesha in surprise because yesterday Niesha wasn't the Niesha today

"Yes now I will return to my place once again thank you very much," said Felix

Then he left the three of them and after Felix's departure, Savannah continued to stare at Niesha who was still smiling at Felix's departure.

But when Niesha wasn't smiling seeing Felix Savannah's departure, he immediately shifted his gaze to another direction and that made Niesha suspicious if Savannah looked at him earlier.

"What's wrong?" Niesha asked suspiciously

"Sis Niesha I'm sorry about my rude behavior last night" Savannah replied with a small smile

"What does it sound weird if you call me Sis Niesha, just call me Niesha And I'm also sorry about yesterday because I said something bad to you then I took all my words back," said Niesha

"It's okay" Savannah replied

Hearing that Reynold who had heard the apology The two of them smiled a little

Then at that moment, a laughing voice was heard from someone making Reynold, Savannah, and Niesha turn towards the source of the sound.

it turns out that the person laughing is the captain of the ship holding a bottle filled with alcohol while conscious at the entrance to the ship

"I like all of you and because of that, I will be happy to escort the three of you to the location where the Migneusse Academy Entrance Examination is located," said the captain of the ship.

"Really? What about the current Exam?" Reynolds asked

"I told you that it was my decision to choose and the three of you escaped" replied the captain of the ship

Hearing that, Savannah and Niesha smiled happily while closing their eyes while Reynold cheered happily while raising his fists up and then saying


After he said that he laughed and began Reynold's journey to find his brother who disappeared without news and become the best Mignus.

to be continue

author's note :

- If there are mistakes in words that you find throughout the story in this chapter then forgive me because I am an imperfect human

- The lioe family is very respected because they are direct descendants of the first person to use the mignus elemental power, the lioe family is given uniqueness by the first person to use the mignus elemental power which is to change their hairstyle according to their personality

if they are indifferent then their hair is short, if they are angry then their hair is tied in one, if they are quiet then their hair is straight and long, if they are cheerful then their hair is wavy and long, and so on

but the lioe family has been massacred by a group of criminals who are fugitives of class A+ and their hair is all taken because their hair is considered by the whole world to be a very precious uniqueness

- Niesha has a secret that she can't tell savannah and Reynold so throughout the story in this chapter she is a little 'weird' if you look closely

- then Niesha is also a fickle person sometimes she is a very annoying person sometimes she is also a person who easily blushes and sometimes she can be a very cheerful and mysterious person

- the reason behind Niesha like that is because Niesha never had friends since she was little

- Reynold's brother is very close friends with the captain of the ship, even the two of them once made a match in which the first to finish the alcohol was the winner.

then his older brother once told Reynold to the captain of the ship so that the captain of the ship could know a little information about Reynold

- The reason the ship captain said that Reynold's eyes and serious look were very similar to his brother's was that he had seen those serious eyes and gazes on his brother Reynolds.

so that he can find out that Reynold looks a lot like his brother

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Eugene_Ariellacreators' thoughts