
the adventure of a mignus

tells the story of a 13-year-old boy who decides to become a mignus so he can find his brother who has been missing for 10 years On his way to becoming a mignus and looking for his brother, he also met 3 other people together the four of them struggle to realize their respective dreams and support each other what happens next?

Eugene_Ariella · Fantasy
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12 Chs

chapter 3 : The real test begins

in another place, Reynold was still chasing oiselleir who was in front of him running at high speed but when the last branch of the tree Oiselleir jumped down making Reynold follow him

However, it turned out that Oiselleir tricked him, because below that there was a chasm that was enough to make someone die and Reynolds who knew about it was quite surprised because he didn't know that the creature was smart enough to deceive.

meanwhile, the creature jumps again and leaves Reynolds laughing and hoping that the boy dies

but his expectations were crushed because Reynold was not that stupid he immediately threw the hook on the tree branch so that the hook wrapped itself around the branch and after that, he jumped and landed perfectly on the tree branch making oiselleir who was still jumping 2 branches looked back

"For a child, you are smart enough, unexpectedly you can not be deceived by my tricks," said the oiselleir

and at that moment Oiselleir plunged and landed perfectly in front of Reynolds who was looking here and there.

then when the oiselleir was in front of Reynold, oiselleir immediately showed her claws to Reynold while saying

"I'll teach you a very scary lesson because you don't die in that abyss"

then he raised his claws high and was about to attack Reynold but at that time Reynold was still looking here and there making oiselleir confused but his claws still pointed at Reynold

"Who are you?" asked Reynolds while furrowing his brows suddenly

The oiselleir who heard that was surprised and stopped his actions until the birds that were perched on the trees left

"You're not the one I attacked back earlier, you're his friend right?" said Reynolds

"How did you know I wasn't the one from earlier?" asked oiselleir while hiding her claws

"Eh? Because your body shape is very different then your voice is a bit lower and a bit thick" Reynold answered innocently

After Reynolds answered his question, Oiselleir burst out laughing, making Reynold confused.

"What? did I say something funny?" asked Reynolds

but instead of answering oiselleir whistled and the whistle was heard in the ears of Albert, savannah with niesha, it made the four of them confused

after the oiselleir whistled the four of them, a man with a woman of Japanese blood and two oiselleirs gathered in front of the hut

"Hmmm, how many years has it been since someone was able to distinguish between our genders?" said the female Oiselleir

"since 10 years ago, so I'm happy if there is also someone who can tell the difference between the two of us" replied the male oiselleir

"That's right since that person came, no one can distinguish the gender between my pets," said the woman

hearing that the two creatures nodded in agreement while the four of them could only put on a confused face making a man

bloody Japanese sigh and come forward

"Let us introduce ourselves, this girl and I are second-year Migneusse Academy students who got an assignment to help with the entrance exam," said the man

"My name is Hiromi Sachie, a class 282 student and her name are Mamoru Eiji, a class 282 student. Also call us both Himoru-san with Mamoru-san, okay?" said the girl named Sachie.

"good but basic, you guys have tricked us" niesha replied

"yes sorry we did that because the place for the migneusse academy entrance examination always changes place every year and it's quite difficult to find the place if you don't get information from the ordinary people who are in charge of carrying out the elimination selection before us," said the female oiselleir

"So we as academy students who are assigned to help with entrance exams will help by guiding prospective students of the Migneusse academy to the entrance exam place," said Sachie

"Oh, so that's it," replied Reynolds

"But we don't help the prospective students as we please," said the male oiselleir

"And we test prospective students like you to see if they deserve to take part in the entrance exam," said Eiji

then after Eiji spoke like that Savannah, niesha, Albert and Reynold immediately nodded in understanding because it was appropriate for the captain of the ship to provide information on the location of the place to them.

"Albert" call Sachie

"yes," savannah said

"You managed to reveal who the real owners of these two creatures are and analyze which are real friends and which are not so if there is an evil oiselleir and then changes his form to your friend then you can use your ability" explained Sachie

"ah fine but what does your necklace that is on your wrist mean?" asked Albert

"ah this necklace is a special necklace made by someone very special to me and also this necklace is an object to be able to summon these two cute oiselleirs but you can see this necklace even though this necklace is very small" replied Sachie while showing them the necklace foursome

hearing that the female oiselleir and male oiselleir smiled then looked at Eiji whose face was very red but he still acted cool

"So that's why Albert Peterson Hallison escaped, "Sachie said

savannah, niesha, and Reynold who heard that were happy and congratulated savannah even though in their hearts they were nervous because they didn't necessarily pass all

"then savannah mia lioe and niesha Myra Clarke," said Eiji

"yes" they both replied at the same time

"I admit that you are very smart in taking action because even though you both don't recognize me but you still help me to find a very unique medicinal plant to treat me like a doctor but you are both more agile than doctors, then the most important thing is that you both keep trying to comfort me who was panicking earlier that my boyfriend is safe," said Eiji

"S-stop it's embarrassing" replied niesha

"Okay, let's go back to our conversation, so it's because of your kindness that you two make yourself worthy to take part in the Migneusse Academy entrance exam so you both pass," said Eiji

hearing that Savannah and niesha were immediately shocked then they both looked at each other in disbelief because they both did not expect that they both passed the selection together

Reynold and Albert who also heard that immediately congratulated the two girls then after that it was Reynold's turn to be told whether he escaped or not.

"And lastly Reynold," said the male Oiselleir

"Yes" Reynolds replied

"You are the second most unique human after I met a human who was very similar to you 10 years ago. You also have extraordinary physical abilities and powers of observation that make you eligible to take part in the entrance exam for the Migneusse Academy so you pass" said Oiselleir. man

heard that Reynold was happy as well as Albert, niesha, and savannah even the three of them congratulated Reynold

then after notification of their escape or not, they were taken by two of Sachie's pets with two other oiselleir creatures with two other oiselleir creatures

"Thank goodness the four of us escaped, didn't we?" said Reynold as they were escorted by the oiselleir

"still too early to celebrate, we just started taking the real exam" replied niesha

"It's okay, we've made some progress, right?" said Savannah

"You guys need to think more" Albert replied

"Fuck! why are you so smart?" said Savannah

then at that very moment, he almost slipped from Oiselleir's body to make oiselleir protest because the savannah was moving too much like a worm, and hearing that the other three people laughed out loud.

after that Reynold and his friends also enjoyed a short trip in the air but the four of them still had not met a very cruel fate


After being in the air, Reynolds and his 3 new friends arrived safely in the city of Chiero which is the venue for this year's Migneusse Academy entrance exam.

in the city, the four of them were escorted by the four oiselleirs who were incarnated as ordinary humans and on the way one of the oiselleirs said

"As the examination officer, my lord's second duty is to pass prospective Migneusse academy students who they think deserve to pass and to order the four of us to take them to the exam venue which changes places every year"

"In other words, it would be very difficult for a prospective student of the migneusse academy to find a place for the migneusse academy entrance examination without the help of my two masters," said the second oiselleir

and at that time the four of them were taken by the four oiselleir who was in disguise to a place that sold food but the food was very strange because the name of the menu was raw frog covered in chili soy sauce

the food was offered to the four of them but Albert, niesha, and savannah refused it because they just wanted to vomit while Reynold was not interested in seeing the food, he was only interested in a gem that was given to see by a woman

without him realizing it, he began to be abandoned by his friends who were already walking in front while his friends who didn't realize that Reynold was behind were still busy looking around him.

"But it's true, the city of chiero is full of foreigners," said Albert while looking around

"yes especially chiero city is a big city that was built to attract various types of suspicious people" replied Niesha

"Wow, you know quite well about this Chiero city," said Savannah

"Obviously because I've been on vacation to this city," replied Niesha

Hearing that, Savannah nodded in understanding and she just realized that Reynold was no longer around them then she looked back and then looked for Reynold's whereabouts

At that moment he also found Reynold walking behind a very tall man and then he said

"what are you doing there Reynold, come here we're almost there"

"Okay" Reynolds replied

then at that moment Reynold returned to his group and continued their journey towards the migneusse academy entrance examination site


After traveling for 30 minutes the four of them including the four oiselleirs who were in disguise arrived in front of a huge, very majestic building

"I believe this building is the venue for this year's entrance exam," said the third oiselleir while looking at a piece of paper

hearing that the four of them immediately looked at the building and were fascinated by the splendor of the building

"Very tall! They have a tall building huh" said Reynolds

"So this is the test place, wow, it's high," said Niesha while looking at the building with sparkling eyes

"Is this the so-called test place for hunters from all over the world?" said Savannah

Hearing that, Reynold immediately clenched his fists while wondering if his brother also felt the same way as him when he first arrived here but at that moment the fourth oiselleir called out to them.

"the four of you"

"Huh?" replied the four of them

"Sorry, actually the entrance exam is in the building next to this building, not this building," said the fourth oiselleir, pointing to the cake shop next to the magnificent building.

The four of them's expectations were immediately crushed upon hearing this and with their disbelief, they approached the fourth oiselleir.

"Gosh, this isn't funny because the entrance exam location can't be in this small building," said Niesha in disbelief.

"No, this small building is the location of the exam" replied the third Oiselleir

"Could it be that the examinees from all over the mignus region will be gathered here?" asked Albert suddenly

"Maybe" answered the first Oiselleir

"Huh?" said the four of them

"Yes, it's true because no one thought that the entrance exam for the migneusse academy with billions of participants was held here right," said the second Oiselleir.

"That's true," Albert replied

then at that moment, they entered the place to eat earlier, they were greeted by a waiter and cake maker who worked in the cake shop

"Welcome," said the cake maker while trying to melt the chocolate bar

"Is the VIP room open today?" asked the Second oiselleir

"open, what do you want?" asked the baker back

"Blackforest cake that makes your day sweet for 4 people" replied the third Oiselleir

"For four people, what kind of sponge cake do you want" replied the cake maker

"half chocolate sponge cake and half cheese sponge cake," said the fourth oiselleir

"Okay, please go to the VIP room" replied the cake maker

heard that they all went straight to the VIP room and soon they arrived in front of the room

without the need to linger outside they went into the room and inside the room, there was a table with 4 chairs but apart from that there was no longer anything visible in the eyes of the four of them

"Wait here," said the first oiselleir

"Wait a minute? where are the others?" asked niesha confused

hearing that the oiselleirs didn't even answer while Reynold was talking about something else, he said

"I can't wait for the black forest cake"

"Reynold is just a keyword to bring us into this room" replied Savannah

"Yeah, so we're not going to eat," said Reynold with a bit of disappointment

"one in ten billion" replied the second oiselleir suddenly

"Huh?" the four of them said at the same time

"The number of participants who made it this far and as a beginner, you did very well then fight," said the fourth Oiselleir

"Thank you" Reynolds replied with a smile and held out his hand

Seeing that the fourth Oiselleir was silent and not long after that the fourth Oiselleir immediately smiled and stretched out his hand so that he and Reynolds shook hands with each other.

"My two masters will be pleased to serve you again as a committee next year," said the fourth oiselleir

and at that moment he and the three oiselleir immediately left the VIP room and after that, the VIP room vibrated making the four of them confused

"What's this?" asked Savannah

"It looks like this VIP room is an elevator," said niesha while pointing to an electronic board that shows the number 8 then down to 7, and so on

Seeing that, Albert, Savannah, and Reynolds just found out about the existence of the object and because the room was still long to the bottom floor, they immediately decided to sit on the seats provided.

"Damn it, he talks about it like he expects us to fail this year," said Savannah while sitting on a chair

"one every 10 years" Niesha suddenly replied

"What's that?" asked Savannah in confusion

"The number of beginners who can pass the exam" replied niesha

When they heard that, Savannah and Reynolds were surprised because they didn't expect that so few rookies had passed. Meanwhile, Albert immediately nodded in understanding because he understood a little what Niesha said.

"But isn't that weird?" asked Albert

"Perhaps, because many can't survive physical and mental exams and it's also not uncommon for experienced ones to crush newbies so they don't take the exam again" replied niesha

"So prospective students will do anything to become students of the migneusse academy," said Albert

"If that's clear, it's because in the world, if you become the greatest mignus, someone can have a lot of money or become a criminal," replied Savannah.

"wrong, because being the greatest mignus is also the person who has the most knowledge in this world," said Niesha disapprovingly

Hearing that, Savannah felt disapproved and immediately stepped forward as well as Niesha so they both faced each other with furrowed brows.

"the seeker of success," said Savannah

"vengeful" replied Niesha

Albert and Reynold who saw niesha and savannah who were mocking each other immediately sighed tiredly because the two people's personalities didn't match at all then savannah who saw Reynold sigh immediately approached Reynold

"Reynold! Listen every year, fifty mignus people enter the list of the top 100 people who are very unforgiving of a murderer if their family is killed in the world" said Savannah

but before Reynold could reply, niesha immediately pushed savannah's body so that savannah was immediately pushed with a very annoyed face

"a mignus is more directed to hunters of rare items and unique objects but that's only a handful of them because if a mignus is working to get a knowledge so he will tell his knowledge to everyone who is not a mignus," said niesha

Hearing that, Savannah didn't accept it anymore and she approached Reynolds again and said

"Listen, after you become a mignus you will be free to have the right to hire an assassin or yourself to kill the perpetrators of your family murders"

then at that moment, niesha pushed savannah's body again and again savannah was pushed with an annoyed face again

"A mignus has high knowledge and is very important, such as a professor who is famous for his intelligence or a young man who never gives up who is now successful and has also caught fugitives and evil malum," said Niesha.

Savannah, who heard that immediately approached Reynolds again and again, stomping her shirt and then looking at Reynold seriously.

"vengeance and loved ones, that's why people want to be a mignus," said savannah

"Having deep knowledge, being smart, and never giving up are qualities that make a mignus proud" replied niesha who didn't want to lose

then at that moment the two of them again faced each other while furrowing their brows then looked at Reynolds who had been silent for a while.

"Reynold what do you think?! What kind of mignus do you want to be?!"Savannah and Niesha said at the same time

"How do you choose it?" Reynolds replied

at the same time, the room arrived on the -0 floor and made the room vibrate a little so that the four of them felt it a little and made savannah and niesha stop the debate

"Looks like we've arrived," said Albert, who had been silent for a while

"That's right, then, niesha, we will continue later," said Savannah

hearing that, niesha was forced to nod in the affirmative, and Reynold who saw the two of them stopped breathed a sigh of relief because he didn't have to choose between niesha and savannah then at that moment the VIP room door opened

and showed many participants waiting there while the participants who were busy with their respective activities immediately turned to them because the sound of the door opening was too noisy for them

then the savannah came out of the room but the air she felt when she came out was terrible because the other participants stared intently at the savannah while emitting their horrible air

"This air is terrible like we want to be eaten by sharks," said Savannah

"Yes, really different from the prospective students we have seen in ports, cities, and ships," replied Niesha who also left the room.

"That's right maybe because all of them are experts in their respective fields," said Albert while standing beside Niesha

Then at that moment Reynold also came out and wanted to greet the other participants but because the participants were staring intently at him he had to cancel his intention.

"Everything looks very tense," Reynold said suddenly

"Yes, that's right, maybe because the Academy Entrance Exam is starting soon," replied Niesha

Then at the same time, a small but small woman came to their place while giving them a nameplate

"Here, please take your nameplate," said the woman

Hearing that Albert, Savannah, Niesha, and Reynolds also accepted it with very curious faces on the nameplate and after receiving it

"Make sure to always wear it on your chest because the organizing committee and examiners will not ask you about your name and then don't lose it. If the nameplate is lost, you will be immediately disqualified," said the woman.

Albert, Savannah, Niesha, and Reynold immediately nodded, understanding hearing that, then at that moment the woman left, leaving the four of them.

"I've Never Seen You Before," Someone said suddenly

The four of them who were putting their nameplates on their chests immediately turned to someone who was leaning on the wall

"How do you know that we are rookies," Reynold said innocently

"More or less so" replied the person while walking towards the four of them

Then not long after he arrived at Reynolds place and the others then smiled at the four of them

"Because This Is My Seventy Trial," Someone Said

"Seventy Times?!" All four of them exclaimed in unison

"Yes, You Can Call Me a Veteran Prospective Student," Someone said proudly

"But it's not something to be proud of," replied Savannah

"Agreed," said Niesha

But that someone ignored them both and shook Reynolds and Albert's hands while saying

"If You Have Any Questions Just Ask Me"

"Thank you" replied Albert

"Oh yeah Introduce my name Leon," Someone said friendly

"Greetings, I'm Reynold then they are Savannah, Niesha, and Albert" Reynold replied while introducing the names of his friends as well

Hearing this, Leon nodded in understanding then shook hands with Niesha and Savannah, indicating that they already knew each other.

"Hey, has someone like Leon taken that many exams?" Reynolds suddenly asked curiously

"Yes, I'm the most experienced here but there are a few others like that one over there. That's a nameplate named Freddie Who Was A Great Boxer He's Unbeatable in Strength And He's Smarter Than He Looks Then The Other Has A Nameplate Named Pidritus The Lizard Handler He took the entrance exam to contain his anger You don't want to end up here because of his evil sis Then There's a Nameplate Named Lin Ying A Kung Fu Master He's probably old but there's no better martial artist around him "Answer Leon at length

And after he introduced the three people, he also introduced the three brothers named henry, hemillion with Hendrick then he also explained that the three brothers did everything well because of their good teamwork

Then he also introduced the rare animal hunter named Peter and he also explained that peter is a rare animal hunter who uses chopsticks with sticks to hunt animals and many others but they have only taken the exam a few times

Hearing that Albert, Savannah, Niesha, and Reynold immediately nodded in understanding then realized that only the four of them were beginners in this entrance exam.

At that time there was also a man who was walking accidentally bumped into another man's shoulder but the man who hit did not apologize to the man who was hit and instead kept walking

And back where Reynold was, Reynold was seen having a friendly conversation with Leon Then occasionally the other three friends responded to the conversation between the two of them.

But their conversation stopped because from the other direction a man was screaming in fear because slowly his hands disappeared and became a flower, not only his hands were missing, but his whole body also wanted to disappear

Seeing that, everyone was shocked, including the five of them, but the man who was hit just saw the man who hit him slowly disappear with a sneaky look.

"Oh, it's so magical it looks like his whole body will turn into a flower, there's no smoke and mirrors here," said the man

Reynold, Albert, and Savannah who heard that were a little scared even their sweat came out but Niesha who heard it looked very surprised but the very shocked expression was covered with a flat face so no one knew it

"So be careful when you nudge someone because you should be apologizing," said the man

Then the man left but before he left he was given a sharp look by all the participants there except Leon, Albert, Savannah, Niesha, and Reynold

"The psychopath came again," said Leon suddenly

"Again?" Reynolds asked Confused

Hearing that Leon nodded as a sign that he agreed with Reynold's question while Savannah and Albert who heard that were also surprised because they didn't expect that the man who had just entered the entrance exam for the second time

"You mean he took the exam last year?" Niesha asked suddenly

"Yes, he's the assassin named Siamon last year he managed to pass the entrance exam but he killed an executive committee he didn't like" replied Leon

"A-And They Allowed Him To Take The Exam Again This Year," Niesha said with great surprise

"Of course because every year the examiners, examination committee and exam method change but because the examiners who determine what the new exam is a devil-like him can likely pass if the examiner passes that's how the way the Migneusse academy Entrance exam works" replied Leon

Hearing that Albert, Savannah, and Reynold immediately nodded in understanding but not at Niesha, she even clenched her fists and then bit her lower lip while lowering her head down

This was known by Albert who was watching Niesha's movements and Albert immediately felt suspicious that Niesha had something to do with Siamon, but he dismissed the allegation himself because niesha does not dare to talk to a scary person like Siamon.

Back to Reynold, Savannah, and Leon, Leon still tells about the cruelty that Siamon did before, it makes the two people shocked

"Anyway, no one likes him you should also stay away from him," Leon said while looking at siamon who was walking

"It's True Because He Looks Dangerous" Savannah replied

heard that Albert, Reynold and Savannah nodded in understanding except for niesha who didn't make a sound anymore then looked at siamon who was closing his eyes

'there is no way he can find me that fast, but anyway I have to make him shut up and not divulge my whereabouts even though it will risk my life' thought niesha

to be continue

author's note:

- I have no words to write for the author's note section so feel free to make your own theory about niesha and siamon

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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