
The Abyss!

Sye is reincarnated by a universal being who is bored and wants to watch for entertainment. Follow Sye along his journey! Has a system but on first and second chapter it explains its uses so its not very overpowered.

Cameron_Hutchinson · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


Sye sat there meditating for around 30 minutes and he still couldn't feel his nen, he realised how much harder it was to do it then they showed on screen.

Gon and Killua had there aura nodes forcefully opened which is much easier than trying to do it yourself like Sye was doing now, he has to try to feel his nen flow and break through his aura nodes.

Since Sye still couldn't feel his aura flow after 30 minutes he decided to stop and sleep as the sun's gone down and only darkness floods the forest.

Next morning, Sye could be seen sitting there back into meditation. Sye wanted to unlcok his nen today so he decided he will soley focus on doing it today and after that everything will be much easier in this world.

Sye still couldn't feel his flow of aura until 1 hour later and he could finally feel a faint power or energy flowing around his body.

Once Sye caught the feeling of this aura he didn't let it go and started following it all around his body, feeling every aura node that is closed up prohibiting his aura from being released outside of his body.

Sye kept forcing his aura smashing against the nodes but still they didn't even budge enough to even leak any aura out.

'Ava when you said 1 day did you mean 1 day of me trying to unlock my nodes and not feeling my aura because it took me less than a day to feel my aura', Sye couldn't understand this as it only took him around 30 minutes.

[You are correct, feeling your aura for you is easy with your talent, now you only have to keep putting pressure on the nodes for atleast 24 hours which is also really short so that's why I said maximum 3 days if you do it 8 hours a day]

'Oh that makes alot more sense, but that still seems like a lot of work but I guess it's only 3 days so I can do it, maybe even less if I spend more time on it', Sye decided that this is how he will spend the rest of his time.

'I can always go to Mito for these 3 days and get food I'm sure she will feed me and its only for 3 days'.

Sye was no back into meditation and using his flowing aura pressure the closings around his body hoping to atleast weaken them somewhat and he did this for 12 hours straight and finally opened his eyes confused.

'Ava how long have I been pressuring my nodes?'

[You have been doing it for 12 hours and it is now 8pm, I recommend you go and have food]

'12 hours, I couldn't even tell, ok I will go visit Mito, the bar should be open'

Sye walks back into town and visits Mito's bar, to which he sees her working as the bartender with around 12 people in the bar.

"Ah, Sye why have you come here, are you hungry if so I'll cook something up for you", Mito was happy to see Sye, even though she had no idea where he slept last night.

"Yes please Mito, thanks", and just like that Sye had some food and spent some time talking to Mito.

-2 Hours later-

Sye was walking back into the forest and it was around 10 pm so he decided to spend 3 more hours meditating.

"That's another 3 hours only 9 hours left meaning tomorrow i should be able to unlock my nen, I wonder what type I will be.", and with that Sye spent another night in the forest.

The next morning around 8am Sye could be seen going back into meditation and after around 8 hours and 30 minutes he could finally feel his nen leaking outside of his body.

After another 25 minutes he could feel the closing nodes breaking down and being forced open to release his nen and finally,


Sye's nen erupted out of him and of course he couldn't control it but with his peak nen talent it only took him around 10 minutes to reign his nen back in and he could now start practicing the basics.

"Ah finally, it took me awhile and although I'm excited to test my nen type first I should try to atleast practise the basics of nen which if I remember correctly are:Ten, Zetsu and Ren. Ok I'll start with Ten", Sye was excited but he knew Ten was an important step right now.

Ten is the first step, it allows nen users to stop their aura from flowing away from their body but actually around and through it.

Sye practiced keeping his aura steadily around his body and through his body not allowing any to leak away from him, which he basically got down after 10 minutes.

"I can keep Ten going while standing still but I will still have to keep control over my aura when moving around and fighting, but with my talent in nen now these basics should be easy to do by the end of tomorrow, so now I should try Ren.", Sye knew that he was basically cheating with his nen talent but he still had to put in the practice.

Ren is an application of Ten, whereas the user releases a high amount of aura around their body to increase the users physical strength and durability and the amount of increase is dictated by the amount and intensity of aura releaed around your body, but this will need high Ten control as to not let your aura escape.

So while Sye was practicing increasing the amount of aura around his body for Ren this was also increasing his mastery of Ten by controlling the higher amounts of aura.

'This is a lot more difficult that shown in the anime but I guess that makes sense and I'm learning it pretty quickly, soon I'll be able to control all the amount of nen I have which reminds me I guess since I have basic controls down except for Zetsu, I can go to Mito's bar get some food and test my nen type', Sye said this all while picking up a leaf and walking back into the town and straight to Mito's bar.

There are 6 types of nen users: Enhancer, Transmuter, Conjurer, Emitter, Manipulator and Specialist and to figure out what type of nen user someone is they do the water divination test where the nen user places there hand on a glass full of water with a leaf floating in the water and use Ren on there hands to see what happens to the water.

If the volume of the water changes then it's Enhancer.

If the taste of the water changes then it's Transmuter.

If impurities appear in the water it's Conjurer.

If the colour of the water changes it's Emitter.

If the leaf moves on the water surface it's Manipulator.

And if there is any other change or no change then it's Specialist.

'Ava that reminds when I was choosing something for this world in the shop why was it three nen types in one?', Sye only just remembered this and is now confused as there is 6 types.

[If you chose that you would of had 3 random nen types at 100% and the rest at around 40-80% except Specialist as to have Specialist it needs to be 100% too]

'So the ability or etc I get from another world also has restrictions?', Sye was abit disappointed but there was nothing he could do about it.

[Yes Sye, everything must have restrictions]

'Fine fine, Well im here now time to check out my nen type since I have a few ideas for my hatsu for each type of nen', Sye walks in greets Mito who obviously prepared some food for him.

They talked, he mentioned how tomorrow he will start hunting for game and selling it for 800 Jenny per animal depending on the size and finally he got down to business and asked her to bring him a full glass of water to which she did and placed it infront of him he put the leaft on top place his hands on the glass used a hight amount of Ren and the water...


Name: Sye

Age: 7

Mental age: 20

Birthday: January 3rd


•Str- 20

•Def- 20

•Agl- 20


•Nen- 1000

Soul: Captain

Abilities: None

Bloodlines: None]


-Author notes

{1398 words not including status or notes}

It's pretty hard talking about unlocking nen so sorry if some of its wrong atleast it's finally over :)

And sorry bout the cliffhanger but I had to it's nice suspense, so what type do you think he is and also what do you think about how I let him have one unique trait from each world he goes to?