
The Abyss!

Sye is reincarnated by a universal being who is bored and wants to watch for entertainment. Follow Sye along his journey! Has a system but on first and second chapter it explains its uses so its not very overpowered.

Cameron_Hutchinson · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Mito Freecss

Sye turned around to see who was taking to him and who he saw left him with a shocked expression.

Mito Freecss was stood there staring into his eyes, the aunt of the main character Gon and the sister in law of Ging Freecss one of the few 3 star hunters in the world.

"Hello~, why are you staring at me like you know me, haha", Mito couldn't help but laugh at Sye's shocked face.

As if snapped back to reality,

"Ahh hello, my name is Sye sorry about that and yes I am abit lost", Sye was embarrassed and started to look at the floor for his actions.

'I need to act calm of course she's real it's not just anime anymore, get ahold of yourself'

"Ahaha, that's fine my name is Mito Freecss, and yes you look lost plus there are not many kids on this island only 4 and I know all of them so I can tell your not from here, so tell me how did you arrive at our little island", Mito was curious to how he arrived here and where this child's parents are.

"Ah, my boat crashed and sunk and I must of fell unconscious because when I awoke I was on this island", Sye did his best to lie without being caught since he would have no way to explain that he reincarnated to this world by a universal being.

Mito looked at him questionably, "Then why don't you seem panicked and sad if you are alone, not with the other people who you were with on the boat", Mito thought his story didn't make sense so she questioned him bluntly.

Sye was abit taken back but never showed it on his face, 'Why is she so blunt about it',

"Well to be honest I was alone on the boat, just me alone", Sye knew this was stupid to say but it's not like others could say he wasn't and he had no other excuses so he went with the alone and abandoned route.

"And why would you be alone, what about your parents", Mito seemed like she was trying to uncover all of his secrets which flustered him abit with the question after question.

"I never met my parents as I was left alone when I was born in an orphanage and the owner of the orphanage wasn't a very nice lady either so when my birthday was coming up I decided I would run away but we lived in a small village near the ocean and I didn't know where to go so I found a boat and took to see forgetting that I couldn't sail and a storm came and my boat shipwrecked and now I'm here.", Sye said this trying to look very truthful and inconspicuous which he didn't actually have to do as Mito completely believed him and felt so sorry for this cute kid.

"That's terrible, how could someone leave their child alone, come with me and let me feed you so you don't starve and then we can figure out what to do next.", and with that Mito started walking away with Sye following as they finally walked out of the market.

As they kept walking they finally arrived to a bar which Sye guessed should be the one she works in meaning she would feed him here, he didn't know if this was good or bad cause here he would be less likely to meet Gon, and meeting Gon could be good or bad in a situation like this.

Sye knows that his presence in the world will change the story line so his future knowledge will be handy but not always reliable but atleast he knows the powers of everyone and how to train so he can start now and try to catch up to the peak of this world which right now is Netero and Zeno Zoldyck but once meruem is born he becomes the strongest but looses to the miniature rose bomb inside of Netero and then he becomes posiend by the radiation, he underestimated humans too much even when he was just born that was his downfall.

Sye and Mito finally walked into the bar, which was unusually empty as it was day time which confused Sye.

Mito seeing his confused expression answered, "I closed the bar when I went to the market for ingredients and to pick up the liqueur and I was gonna reopen it but now your here we can talk about your situation while I make you some food".

Mito goes into the kitchen in the back while Sye sits down and waits, eventually after around 15 minutes she comes back outside with the food which looked and smelled delicious, she came back with fries and burgers which to Sye seemed like a typical bar type of food to which he didn't complain as he loved burgers, then Mito placed it infront of him.

"This looks delicious Mito, itadakimasu", After Sye said that with his hands in a prayer like motion, he dug into food without any need of encouragement.

After eating Mito was ready again to discuss his predicament, to which he didn't know how to discuss cause he can't just say he was gonna live in the forest and expect her to be alright with it and he doesn't want to say he will take the Hunter exam yet as he knows about her past and that Ging left her to be a hunter and now Gon wants to be a hunter but Sye didn't know if Gon find out about his father yet which was his reason to becoming a hunter.

"Well I have no where to go so I was wondering is there like an Inn in this town where I can get a room even though I'm only 7?", Sye couldn't think of anything to do plus this would be better than living outside and he can still hunt but Mito's reaction didn't give him the best of hope.

"Of course there's an Inn and with me asking them, then yes you could stay there but how would you pay for it?, to stay there it's 3000 Jenny a night.", Mito couldn't understand where he would get the money from for paying for the Inn.

"Well I was gonna hunt for food and sell it at the market.", Sye said this with a straight and blunt face shocking Mito as this was a 7 year old kid and she couldn't help think he was irresponsible.

"Your just a kid don't say silly jokes like that.", Mito wasn't laughing at this.

"I'm not joking I can hunt, so tell me how much does game go for on the market place.", Mito was shocked to see how he wasn't joking.

"I won't allow you to do that", Mito said this while staring in his eyes but differently from what she expected he just stood up saying,

"I don't need your permission, thanks for the food I'll pay you back", and Sye started to walk out but was stopped by Mito's voice,

"Fine I'll ask them to let you stay for me and game sells for 1000 Jenny on the market.", Mito could only resign to this and atleast help him out this much, to which Sye smiled and walked out of the bar saying,

"Thanks, I'll be back in a couple of days", as Sye was saying this he was asking Ava,

'Ava with my peak nen talent how long would I need to awaken my nen?'

[In 1 day at minimum and 3 days at maximum]

'Nice, once I awaken my nen I'll be able to strengthen myself and hunt, while also learning the basics and using the battle experience with the creatures on this island and I know there are some nasty ones too.'

Sye was walking back into the forest and through all this time talking with Mito the sun was setting and he had now nearly reached the end of his first day in this new world.

-10 minutes later-

Sye could be seen sitting around a fire which he previously just set up, and although this will be his first time staying outside, he knew that it was only for a couple of days and so he sat down took a meditative position closed his eyes and began to try and awaken his nen.


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