
The Abyss!

Sye is reincarnated by a universal being who is bored and wants to watch for entertainment. Follow Sye along his journey! Has a system but on first and second chapter it explains its uses so its not very overpowered.

Cameron_Hutchinson · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


Sye looked at the water with expectant eyes and there he could see, the water overflowed out of the glass.

"Enhancer, I'm an Enhancer.", Sye was happy about this as he had the best idea for his Hatsu.

So being 100% Enhancer like Gon meant that he was 80% Emitter and Transmuter, 60% Manipulator and Conjurer and obviously 0% Specialist, but that didn't bother Sye as he didn't have any ideas for Specialist.

Mito was shocked to see the water overflow from the glass.

"Ahh, what's happening Sye, why is the water overflowing?"

"Sorry about that Mito I was just trying something out, I'll help wipe it up and after that I have to go so please excuse me", Sye quickly cleaned up and left excited about his new discovery he went straight back to the forest.

There you could see Sye standing under the moon lit sky with a bright red aura coming from him, and then all focused onto his fist as he punches a boulder which then begins to crack and then shatter into smaller pieces as it was destroyed.

'Ava how much nen do I have and how does it compare to Netero and Meruem, also Gon and Killua when they first unlocked there nen?', Sye wanted to figure out how far ahead and behind he was.

[Netero's nen amount is around 250 thousand and Meruem is around 300 thousand, you have 1000 and Gon and Killua when they first awakend nen had an amount of 500]

'Ok, so I'm ahead of Gon and Killua who had a talent of 1 in 10 million, so I'm even higher and Ava how much nen could I have if I meditated and practiced every day for 5 years', This was Syes plan to have a head start on the plot and also be ready for the chimera arc.

[With your nen talent being the peak in this world that no one has ever seen you could get to around 175 thousand nen amount but Ava recommends that Sye also trains his body strength with his nen as you are an Enhancer which focuses on increasing physical strength and durability and the body as a whole]

'Yep, I was too excited and forgot about what my nen type does thank your for the reminder. So if I train my body along with my nen, so 4 hours of each everyday I could basically get around 100 thousand nen amount and my body strength while using my aura to temper my body to be a couple levels below netero in his prime', Sye decided on his routine for the next 5 years.

[Ava recommends Sye to be careful when body training, although you can do more and become stronger than your average 7 year old to 11 year old because your body was created by the higher being still remember that your are still not fully matured and will hit a limit but Sye at 11 years old can easily have a better body than Netero but normal training will not do to achieve that]

'Thanks Ava but don't worry I already had that in my calculations I know I am still in a 7 year old body and that I don't have weighted clothing or a cheat gravity chamber yet, so I will have to do the best I can with the stuff I have around here and see if anywhere on this island sells weights. Actually I wonder if when I practice advanced nen I can use my aura to increase the weight of my clothes but that's for the future', Sye was still planning ahead but now he has to get to business.

"Starting tomorrow I will have to hunt and explore this forest, but i hope I don't run into anything too monstrous, I'll just not go too deep but I know that there are bears and other lower animals from when Gon tamed that bear in the anime.", And like that Sye drifted off to sleep while planning everything he had to do in the future.

The next morning when Sye woke up he meditated for 2 hours before finally readying himself to hunt.

'I can do this, these worlds are survival of the fittest, so I have to survive and adapt', with his renewed mentality Sye walked deeper into the forest but not deep enough to catch the attention of hidden beasts.

As he was walking he came across a rabbit, Sye knew that this was his best chance to train his nen and adapt, so with this thought he used Ren on his legs and sprinted towards the rabbit.

The rabbit saw this and panicked and started leaping away but it was much to slow to escape an Enhancer using Ren on his legs and it was eventually caught.

Sye held the rabbit down and looked at it, he knew the next step so he enhanced the nen on his two fingers enough to cut through the rabbits neck and kill it instantly.

'I'm sorry rabbit, but it had to be done', although Sye was abit guilty other than that he was fine, the strength of his soul must counteract alot of his mental problems and make it easier to calm down.

And after that Sye kept hunting rabbits and birds as these were the only things he could find.

He then stumbled across a boar, the boar noticed him and charged at him, Sye was panicking, he'd never been in a fight but he knew he couldn't get hit.

So he did the only think he knew how to use his nen and jump out of the way, he started rolling, he eventually stopped and looked back to the see boar glaring at him.

'This damn boar, I didn't even attack it and it came straight at me. I guess I'm gonna have to use this boar as experience for battle and my mind.'.

With this Sye charged up his nen and launched at the boar, he hasn't learnt Hatsu yet so he couldn't release it the only thing he could do is strength his body which is already stronger than an average non hunter adult.

The boar charged at him to, Sye relied on his instincts and faster speed and jumped to the side steadying himself as he launched a punch straight to the side of the boar.

The boar was launched backwards and smashed against a tree, it couldn't stand, it's breathing was hoarse and blood was coming out of it's nose and mouth while the wound on it's side was leaving a pool of blood.

Sye stood there exhausted at using around half of his nen, he's not used to using nen and he didn't have full control so some leaked away costing him more nen, but the blood in the air hit his nose and although he was used to the smaller amounts from the other smaller animals this amount was still slightly affecting him but he could tell he was becoming more resistant.

'That's the first fight I've ever been in and it was with a boar, well I guess in the future I should go to the heavens arena with Killua and Gon that's the best way to get experience in battles especially in the upper floors over 200 where nen is used.', Sye knew he lacked alot compared to others but he has time and he can train like all the others aswell.

Sye took the body and stashed it back at his camp with all the others, he took the boar to the market place, placed it on a blanket and waited for someone to come upto him, he saw people selling fish and smaller animals but nothing like the size of a boar and they were selling it at 1000 Jenny.

"Hello there how much for this boar?", a burly man walked up eyeing the boar.

"1800 Jenny, no discounts or negotiations", Sye said flatly and expectantly.

"Deal, Thanks for the boar" , and like that Sye sold his first game.

Sye moved into the Inn after selling his rabbits and birds too and he did this every day with the addition of practicing his nen basics and meditation and body training.

And just like that 2 years passed...


-Authors notes

{1385 words not including authors notes}

With the stats I was debating whether I changed it to just a power level and lower it to when he goes into a stronger world for example in HxH he had a power level of 350 thousand in dragon ball it would go down to 5 thousand but he would still be same strength that's just how strong he is with that worlds level of powers, thoughts?