
The 100 : Zombie Apocalypse

Spudz_Gaming · TV
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9 Chs

Thank You and Shit Are Those Zombies?

Marcus wasn't prepared for such a violent battle so soon. He hadn't thought for even a second that the world he was in was any different from the 100 world.

He felt a presence standing up from the group behind him and walked over to his back, but he was too exhausted to look over to see who it was.

The person fell to their knees behind him before hugging his back and crying into it.

"Octavia?" He asked only to be met by sobbing as she tried to express her thanks for saving her life.

He just placed his hand on her's that was wrapped around his neck before saying "Your Welcome." Now wasn't the time to be modest. He had just put his life on the line to protect them, the least they could do was say thank you, heck he wouldn't reject them if they said they wanted to serve him for life.

The rest of the group eventually snapped out of their trance and also started thanking Marcus profusely for saving their lives.

It was at this point that a stream of system notifications came in.

[Congratulations you have learned the skill [Shield Bash].]

[Congratulations you have learned the skill [Shield Throw].]

[You have defeated [Mutant Deer lvl9] 90 Exp gained.]

'Nice' Marcus thought. He didn't realise it was so easy to learn skills, but he was really surprised that he only got 90 Exp for killing something 8 levels above him. 'That's a bit harsh' he thought 'System why did I get such a low amount of Exp?' he asked.

[Exp level gain is the same for all levels Host. There is no bonus for across level killing.]

'Well that's fine. I just need to find a spot with lots of low level creatures, shouldn't be that hard. But for now we should probably head back to camp and warn the others about these mutated creatures.'

Marcus turned around and pulled Octavia up with him as he stood. "We need to go back and warn the others about this." He said before looking down at Octavia who still had her head buried in his chest, " Are you alright?" he said as he lifted up her head.

"Yeah, I'll be alright." She replied before finally letting go of him, though she never strayed more than a metre from his side. He bent down and picked up the stick that Jasper had dropped on the ground in the panic before shaping it into a usable spear and heading back the way they came. He didn't care if the others saw him or not, now wasn't the time to be worried about revealing his abilities.

It was then that he had an idea. 'System is it possible to give others skills?' he asked with a thoughtful look on his face.

[Yes, Host can bestow skills unto others after reaching level 20. But others can learn skills from the World System after defeating their first Mutant.]

Marcus stumbled for a second when he heard that 'What?' he thought, 'I thought I was the only one with a system?'

[No Host, everyone can tap into the World System but you have your own personal system, different from the main system.]

'Well is there anything the World System can do that you can't' He asked as he continued watching out for any movement around him.

[The World system has only 4 features : Status screen, Skill Bestowal, World Chat and World Trade. All of which can be accomplished by your system Host.]

'Okay thanks' He thought. This changed everything, he could listen in on the grounder's conversations. All he had to do is learn their language which would be easy thanks to [Comprehension].

As Marcus was thinking this they finally made it back to the dropship only to find the area in chaos.

People were running around everywhere, screaming and crying out in pain whilst other people jumped on them like wild animals.

'Shit, are they...' Marcus used [Observe].

[Species : Zombie

Level : 2

Attack : 23

Defence : 5

Speed : 12

Danger Level : Low]

'Holy shit! Zombies?' He thought as he pulled the others behind a grove of trees and peeked out beside them.

"Are those zombies?" Jasper asked with an expression somewhere between awe and fear on his face. "Yeah." Marcus answered before pulling the gun from his inventory.

He got a few gasps from the group whilst they rubbed their eyes. "Where did you get a gun?" Clarke asked which was quickly followed by a "And how did it just appear out of thin air?" from Monty.

"I'll explain later," Marcus replied "but for now we need to prevent this from escalating further... Okay I need you guys to stay here and not make a sound, I will take out the zombies with my gun then come and get you. Clear?"

Marcus immediately took charge of the situation when he saw how bad it was. They all nodded though there were still some questioning looks on their faces.

Marcus took a deep breath in and out before standing from his position and aiming at the closest zombie's head.


The gun went off and the bullet lodged itself in the zombie's skull.

'Woah, what a lucky shot.' Marcus thought as the zombie fell to the floor and every other zombie snapped their disfigured faces in his direction.

"Shit." He said before taking off at a half sprint towards the dropship. He didn't want the zombies to come towards him where he was as Octavia and the others were hiding behind him.

Luckily the zombies quickly followed him. He knew he wouldn't be able to get another shot whilst he was running and evading the zombies, so he switched the gun for the wooden spear in his inventory.

They were rather clumsy so most of the zombies tripped and stumbled towards him, one however didn't and pounced towards him as he turned to face them.

The point of his wooden spear thrust deep into the soft skull of the zombie before bursting out the other side.

'Oh, they've got shit defence don't they?' He thought as he pulled out the spear and flung the blood from it 'Maybe I can use them to open the system for the others.'