
The 100 : Zombie Apocalypse

Spudz_Gaming · TV
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9 Chs

First Kills and System gain.

Marcus quickly changed his strategy.

He focused on his shield and made it longer and thinner whilst using his inhuman perception to evade the zombies pouncing at him.

He used [Observe] on all of them. The highest level was two but most were level one, there were 17 in total not including the two he had already taken care of.

[Breakdown] takes a while to use properly, so by the time he was finished modifying the shield 4 whole minutes had passed by.

He quickly went from evading to attacking and used the now very sharp shield to cut through the zombie's arms and legs.

He outright killed 13 of them and left the other 4 writhing on the floor and growling like animals.

He quickly used Observe on every corpse he could see on the ground before heading over to 4 of them that were marked with a progress bar below their status that read. [Mutation in progress...]

He pierced his shield into the corpse's skulls before walking back to where he had left the group.

All four of them were peeking at Marcus from between the tree trunks and thus came out when he walked over.

"That was amazing!" Octavia squealed in excitement as she came running over to hug Marcus. Though she stopped before she did as she noticed the blood dripping from his shield and quickly turned and puked behind the nearest tree.

Looking from a distance and seeing up close were two completely different things.

Although they were very grateful to Marcus for killing the zombies, that didn't change the fact that he had just killed people that they had seen celebrating mere hours ago.

At that thought Monty and Jasper also puked though they had less mindfulness than Octavia, who hid behind a tree to do so whilst they just did it on the ground in front of themselves.

Rather surprisingly Clarke didn't puke and instead walked towards Marcus "Thank you for doing that Marcus, but why did you leave some alive?" She said as she looked at the potato-like zombies slowly crawling their way in the direction of the group.

"I'll show you." he said before walking over and grabbing one of the zombies by the hair of its scalp and lifting it up from the ground easily.

He walked towards Clarke who quickly took half a dozen steps backwards away from the writhing mass of growling flesh in front of her.

"What are you doing?" She exclaimed which caused the other three to notice what was going on, prompting them to come closer.

"It's Andrea." Jasper said with a look of recognition on his face. "She used to buy our moonshine." Monty added as they came closer and inspected the zombie, which never stopped its incessant growling and squirming.

"It doesn't matter who it was before." Marcus started "Now it's a zombie and it needs to be killed." He paused for dramatic effect to let it sink in before continuing. "Which of you want to go first?" he asked whilst scanning the group for any takers.

They looked quite visibly disturbed for a second but quickly changed their faces when Marcus explained. "If you kill it you could get abilities like me."

This spurred them into action and surprisingly Octavia was the first to step up to the undead potato.

"What should I kill it with?" she asked as she looked around for something. Marcus quickly pulled a lump of metal from his inventory and shaped it into a dagger before passing it to her.

She grasped the hilt of the dagger, which was just some cloth wrapped around it, and quickly plunged the knife into the zombie's temple before letting go of the knife and dry heaving onto the floor.

"Well done." Marcus said as he pulled out the knife and dropped the corpse before picking up another one and holding it in front of the other three.

They all killed a zombie before hurling on the floor, even Clarke puked this time.

Marcus knew all this puking wasn't good as they didn't have any food, but it was a necessary evil.

After that he turned to see if there were any other people left. From the looks of things they should be barricaded in the dropship as it was closed. There was no way they all died outside as there were only about 30-something corpses and there was supposed to be 100 of them.

They regrouped behind Marcus whilst looking at the new screen which appeared in front of them. He walked towards the dropship and knocked on the large door loudly before stepping back so it could open.

It took some time before the door opened and the scene inside revealed itself.

Bellamy stood with one hand on the lever to open the door and the other hand with a gun pointing at us, which he quickly lowered when he saw his sister.

"O!" He shouted as he ran down the ramp and hugged his sister tightly. She returned his hug with happiness etched across her face before breaking it and looking him up and down.

"It seems everyone around here has a gun." Clarke muttered as she stared at the gun in Bellamy's hand.

Marcus did a quick sweep of the people in the cabin before settling his eyes on one person in particular.

"Everyone it's safe to come out now." He said with a loud voice which prompted the people inside to come out.

They looked around at the people they once called their friends. Some burst into tears, some puked on the spot ,and others just stood there with faces of disbelief.

Marcus watched them all for a moment before walking to a girl at the back of the group who was limping almost unnoticeably.

He hesitated for a minute with a scowl on his face.

'She's just a kid.' he thought as he looked at the progress bar on her status. It's going up a lot slower than the other zombies but it was still going up.

Marcus remembered this girl from the show. She was the one who had killed Wells to 'Slay her demons' or whatever. But that hadn't even happened yet so he couldn't judge her on that.

That is besides the point however as she is currently turning into a flesh eating creature whom he must slay.