
The 100 : Zombie Apocalypse

Spudz_Gaming · TV
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9 Chs

More Skills and The First Mutant.

The others followed behind him, he noticed an interesting exchange of words between the girls at the back which involved him but he put it aside for now and continued walking.

Clarke took the lead with her map and everyone else followed behind her. Marcus discreetly used [Breakdown] on the Stick and the metal in his hands to make them into a useable short spear and shield. he had to do it in stages as he walked as to not gain suspicion from the people around him

He asked Jasper to hold his stick for a minute whilst he worked on the shield..

"What are these for?" Jasper said as he examined the stick only to find nothing special other than it charred end.

"We don't know what we'll find down here so it smart to play it safe." He said as he began slowly grinding an edge onto the more pointed side of the metal. "I'm trying to make something to defend myself just in case something is alive down here."

Jasper nodded and the continued talking to Monty. Since everyone was quite distracted by the wildlife around them, it was quite easy for Marcus to make some minor changes to his equipment without them noticing.

He continued to grind an edge onto the bottom of his shield but he also used his skill to make it have a slight curve and take out some of the more minor defects with the metal. He then folded down the top edge of the metal sheet whilst making it look like he was trying incredibly hard to do so. This made it look more like a shield with it semi triangular shape.

There were some heat-fried wires on the backside so he used those to form a strap of sorts which he could use to mount the shield onto his arm.

As he admired his first creation he got a notification from the system.

[Congratulations Host you have gained the skill [Weapon Smithing] by making your first weapon.]

He smiled and then placed the new shield on his back by using some of the excess wires to loop around his shoulder.

He then noticed that they were at the poison sumac area so , taking advantage of the situation he picked one of the flowers and placed it in Octavia's hair, to which she smiled gently and blushed a little.

Jasper said something to Monty before Monty pointed out that the flowers were Poison Sumac.

"What?" Octavia exclaimed while quickly swatting the flower from her hair. "Relax," Marcus said "the flowers aren't poisonous. Right Monty?"

"Right. They're medicinal, calming actually." Monty stated as he ate one of them.

"Your family grows all of the pharmaceuticals on the Ark right?" Marcus asked, to which Monty replied with a firm nod whilst he chewed on the flower in his mouth.

"Hey guys, would you keep up?" Clarke said from the front of the group.

Marcus didn't reply because he couldn't stand her when she was being condescending and didn't want to hear her rant about not seeing any animals.

They continued walking and Marcus asked what Jasper and Monty did to get put in Lockup.

"Sumac isn't the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean." He said with a smile.

"And someone forgot to replace what we took." Jasper chimed in. "That someone has apologised like a thousand times." Monty snapped back with a roll of his eyes.

Then Jasper, not thinking, asked what Octavia was in for to which she replied "Being born." before running off to the front.

It was then that the group saw something in the clearing up ahead, they crouched on the ground to see what it was.

As Marcus looked over to the deer in the clearing he got another notification from the system.

[Congratulations you have learned the skill [Observe] from your constant observation of a target.]

He smiled before activating his new skill for 5 stamina points.

[Species : Mutant Deer

Level : 9

Attack : 25

Defence : 15

Speed : 35

Danger Level : Low]

The deer didn't look like the one from the show. It was a bit bigger and had very thick back legs.

As Marcus moved closer to get a better look a twig snapped under his foot and the deer looked towards the group.

They all collectively jerked back at the sight of the two headed deer in front of them.

Its head had mutated and split into two down the middle.

As it looked towards the group it made a shrill sound and its head further split down its neck, revealing rows of sharp teeth both large and small sticking out at different angles.

'Holy shit!' Marcus thought as he pulled his shield from his back 'I thought this was the 100 not resident evil.'

He took a defensive stance as the mutant deer turned its whole body towards them and charged.

It was fast. It crossed the distance between them in mere seconds as Clarke and Octavia screamed simultaneously. Marcus debated whether or not to pull a gun from his inventory but decided it wasn't worth it. His overall stats were better than the deer and he had his shield to use as a weapon.

Marcus steeled his nerves and ran out with his shield raised.

He swung his shield to meet the deer's mangled head as it widened its maw to swallow him whole.

The shield connected with a disgusting squelch sound and the deer veered off course and crashed into the ground. However it quickly began to get back up and pounced in the direction of the rest of the group trembling in fear on the floor.

Marcus acted quickly and threw his shield, his only weapon, towards the open neck of the deer.

The deer fell to the ground but the momentum from its pounce still carried it towards the group of teenagers on the floor.

Marcus followed the carcass and pulled it away from the group before ripping his shield from the deer's neck and striking it again and again until he was sure it was dead.

He stood between his group and the corpse of the mutant deer, covered in blood and panting for breath before collapsing on the ground in exhaustion.